You Need A Lucrative Strategy For Your Videos

There are so many good-quality videos that nobody finds. YouTube doesn’t know, and it’s not gonna give your message to people, except if it follows a rule. And the rules are always changing with SEOs, so this is why I wouldn’t want to spend a lot of energy and time investing in a videographer to come now. Doing a great quality video, it’s like writing books

Writing books. That does not bring you out there. Writing books just make you have your book written. And in paper form, you can give it to people. You can sell it, but it doesn’t mean that it turns to money tomorrow. A lot of people would write books and they would pile them in their garage. And they pay thousands of dollars to do that, but it doesn’t turn into money. So is there a way to get your thing out there and actually get people to begin to see you find them where they are and begin to talk to them and sharpen your message clearly in such a way that people would want what you have, because what would happen is you do the videos, your friends or families who say, wow, great job!

And that’s where it ends. Maybe one or two other people will find it. So, then I began to ask myself, why did I waste all the time to do all of that? If it’s only my friends and my mom and my dad that will see it, great job. Because my mom and dad found it though. However, it doesn’t add money to my pocket. If I’m trying to do videos, that will bring me money. If I’m trying to, get my products out there, my message, you know, the transformation that I have got in my life and I want to bring it to other people. If it’s become a story that’s just hidden, then what’s the point.

Do you have a profitable strategy for your videos? If yes, awesome and all the best!

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