Words Like Honey – Let My Words Bring Healing To Others – Day 5/30

words like honey

I sang through my devotion this morning. What a blessing it is
To come into the inner chambers, into the presence of the Almighty.

His presence to me…refreshing
His words to me…invigorating

His name for me…powerful

His love for me…unconditional

His grace on me…empowering

His Spirit to me…boundless!

What a blessing.

I have received mercy from the Lord. My sins are no longer counted against me. He restored me to a position of love. The place I was originally designed to be.

Sounds weird, but I used to read Scriptures and feel it’s impossible to please God. I used to feel really far away from Him and His standards. The same scriptures now draw me really close. His words each day brings my spirit to life.

I am full of His love

When I discovered this word in Romans 5:1

“Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.”

That’s when I found one word that had the most meaning to me. I have been made right in God’s sight because of Jesus.

It’s definitely honey to my soul and body.

I have got a lot of affirming words but this tops them all. And because of this word; I have hope and faith.

I have received mercy,

Lord help me to give it out as well. To everyone I meet. Let my words be honey to them. Mixed with your power, let it heal and deliver people from the pain of the past. Let my words bring hope to people I meet today. Let faith arise as I speak today.

  • To my husband
  • To my children
  • To my sisters
  • To my brothers
  • To my parents
  • To everyone far and near. Amen! 

“Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body” (Prov. 16:24).

I encourage you as well today; to chose your words from the place in your heart where Jesus is. Draw people closer to God with your words today.

Healing, joy, peace, comfort are a few of the results that people will have when you speak words like honey to their lives.

I am sure you have received words from man or from God words that gave you the push you needed. A word that transformed your thinking.

Pls, share one with us below.

Thanks and God bless!

2 Replies to “Words Like Honey – Let My Words Bring Healing To Others – Day 5/30”

  1. Thank you my sis for this inspiring post. I have been on this journey for a few years now and have made a conscious decision to speak words of life and though it has its challenges, my perspective and thoughts have been transformed as a result. The spirit of God in us increases our desire and ability to accomplish this.

    1. Thanks, Cynthia.
      Keep up the good work on Mamacynth.com!

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