Winter is Here!

Winter weather is here at last! Yeah!!!

This morning wasn’t as easy as yesterday. More stuffs to do and two boys to get ready for school and pre-school. We got to school late. How late, I wont say :-) Also today is picture day at school, so Demi needed to look extra nice. He was very excited to pose for his shots.

It was -6 degrees and the cars were frosted, I didn’t have gloves on. My fingers froze as I scraped the frost….oh I miss my hubby.  Well talking about that, Ade arrived alright, praise the Lord! He is enjoying some nice food and torturing me with the news thereof.

Canadian weather or should I say that of Kingston, Ontario has been really nice for a while now. I say that because my Sis-in-law, Bola is in a place now that I call the North Pole because they already have snow. And my friends in Calgary have been envying us since. Now its here! What can we do but give thanks and be prepared, We live in Canada :-)

Well, Today I simply want to encourage you to read some of the books you have downloaded. I got lots of good reviews about the book I posted yesterday’s post . Hopefully its still free you can get yours too. Its a short Story book.

Aright here is another good one that I have posted before. This I think will be free for a while. Its for the prayer warriors out there. Life is a battle, you wont go to Afghanistan without your full armour right? Take time to read this book and put on the whole armour of God every day.

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