Who’s on Your team?

team photoMany people get an idea and they start running, many of these people will soon run out of steam and give up. No matter how great you are, when God placed something on your mind, you need a team in order to be able to carry out that purpose. No tree makes a forest.

Why is it important to have a team that you work with?
1. Shows how serious you are about your idea.
2. You gain access to the wisdom and strength of those people.
3. They also serve as accountability partners.

The question then is what’s the right team? And who is on your team?

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When I started my podcast, the first person I told was my hubby. For him it was not just informing him, I needed his input. When you are married, you are one with that person, and they must be willing to take this step with you, imagine one of your legs choosing to go in a direction that the other doesn’t want to. its a disaster. So it’s important that they are in with you on this. Up till today, I still pick my hubby brain all the time. There are so many things he understands better than I do, In ministry, in business, in leadership. I am just blessed to have him in my team. oh, by the way, he also has a podcast for Bivocational pastors at adesobanjo.com. check him out.

The next set was my children, though they were 11 and 7 at the time, I needed them to be in on my next moves. Because I will be cutting off some of the time that had been their away to do this work. I needed their ok on this new project.

This team is usually the people that God has already brought into your life. In Gideon’s case, it was warriors that answered his call to fight. Then again, everyone one wants to be on your team as soon as you start winning, you need God to guide you.

At times, your mind or should I say the devil may make you think that people in your life aren’t great for you. I can not overemphasize the fact that you may be wrong. The first problem is that you may be asking for input or permission from the wrong set of people and that will only lead to failure. Trust God to guide you to know who should be what to you.

How do you recognize your team members? Listen to God. This is our major advantage as believers, it helps us avoid error and gives us the grace of going further faster.

Some Helpful Tips:

1. Let God be your guide and not just your experiences, your fears…
2. You don’t need a whole lot of people-Jesus picked 12, for Gideon it was 300
3. Test them with a bit of the information first to see if they are the ones you need.

If you need help and are ready to take actions towards finding work you were designed for or you want to know more about my VIP Program; then click here.

It’s always a blessing knowing you are listening and reading this. You are definitely made for more.

Thanks and have a fantastic week!

Gideons Series so far: https://www.olusobanjo.com/category/podcast/gideon-series/

One Reply to “Who’s on Your team?”

  1. thank you so much ma, for this piece

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