Too many business ideas in your brain? Not sure which one to choose? Fear/worry no more:) Today I’m sharing three ideas around what to do when you have too many ideas and how to know exactly which idea you should choose. Whether you’re trying to decide: Which of your business title to stick to or which of the ideas would even fly, these tips will surely help you figure out what you should do! Enjoy the video? Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel! I go live every Tuesday on my Facebook and make it into a new video here on youtube every Thursday, and I’d love to have you join me for the next one!

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Video Transcript:
So today we’re going to be talking about something that really affected me a lot for many years. For many years I had too many ideas. In shots, I used to see myself as the idea bank. So many ideas and all of these ideas are great.
[00:00:17]So when you you’re going around and you see one idea, it’s like, wow, I could do a business on that. And then you’re going, and you see another idea. We could improve that, or we could improve this, you know, and this is one big problem that I had for many years. And I would say actually that I would say maybe the last three, four years is where I’m actually now getting to the point where I’m at right now that I’m able to, you know, talk with clarity what exactly I do.
[00:00:52] And so if you’re here or you’re watching this and you have so many ideas and to the point where maybe some of the family members, some of the people that know you are even tired. Okay. This is exactly how I was. People were tired of me sharing another and then another, and yet another idea with them, you know, but.
[00:01:14] The thing is you have to get to a point where you realize that there is a way out of this. So what do you actually do when you have too many ideas. If you’re meeting me for the first time, my name is Olu. Sobanjo, and I’m really glad that I’m able to connect with you.
[00:01:35] If you’re watching on the live, please do hashtag live. And if you’re watching the replay, just say hashtag replay, and I would really love to connect with you. I help my clients. Launch businesses, grow their businesses from their experiences, expertise. their stories and all of that. And guess what?
[00:01:56] We use a lot of videos when I work with my clients. So if you’re here and you want to bring out the best in maybe what you already do or something that you want to do. This is the good place to be. And I’m really glad to be connecting with you. Thank you for joining me live.
[00:02:17] So right now you’re a business person or maybe you have an employment and you’re looking at how can I add some more income to what I have going on, or maybe you are the place where you, you have so many things that you love to do. Okay.
[00:02:36] Now, and a lot of the people that I meet would come with three, four, five ideas that they are already Walking on and they say, this is what I do. I have a business counselor and this therapies and I also sell this. Okay. Now it’s a good thing. Okay. Because you know, some people, some of us are designed like that, that you just have great ideas, and everywhere you look, you see different ideas, you see different things that you can do.
[00:03:08] However, it’s extremely important that we begin to look at how can we get the best out of what we’ve been given? How can we get the most of our lives? Okay. So for example, like I said, when I started, I used to have a lot of ideas and I still even, I wouldn’t say that I have stopped having ideas.
[00:03:30] I still have lots and lots of ideas. However, I’ve discovered that in order to achieve great success at any one idea, you need to put in a lot of energy, you need to put in a lot of efforts. Okay. However, because of the fact that some ideas are not going to bring the same kind of result, it’s better for you to prioritize and structure your mind and the way you’re thinking in a way that will give you the most of the results.
[00:04:02]So I have three ideas, and all of these ideas are great. Okay. What do I do? Okay. Now, before I begin to talk about what you do, I want to emphasize the fact that focusing on one idea has a huge return on your time and efforts. Okay. Focusing, putting all your focus on one idea and putting all the skills and the gifts and the energy and whatever it is that you have put in it, all your resources in one idea and focus in on it to build that will give you far greater results than spreading all, your energy in different waves.
[00:04:51]The reason why I I’m doing this today is I have discovered that over the last couple of years, you know, I would actually say that this may not apply to you, but the way I used to think about ideas was that I have fantastic ideas and so, or I can do so many things.
[00:05:14]And so I began to think that, you know, I can do all these things. But, you know, there’s a statement that says Jack of all trades master of none. Okay. Now that is true to some extent, and I’d like you to listen and hear me out.
[00:05:32] Okay. If you have three ideas and you go into a place, the first thing that is going to happen is when you enter into a group of people that don’t know anything about you but they want to meet with you. What would happen is you have three ideas. How do you determine which one you’re going to share?
[00:05:53] Okay. Now what now happens is you start getting pulled on different angles. You know, you think, Oh, if I share this with this person, maybe it’s going to get me this kind of result. Oh, maybe actually, when I meet that other person, I’ll share this other idea.
[00:06:08] But you see what this does is it’s taking so much of your time and your energy that would have been used to develop one big idea and make it really shiny and great. Okay. So clearly it’s extremely important that you find a way to focus on one idea. Now, it doesn’t mean that all of the other great ideas, you’re not going to do anything about them in shot, the way I suggest that people do this is you write out all of those ideas, all of those great ideas, write them all out because you see if you don’t, if you don’t write them out, they will continue to be distractions in your mind. And if you want to go this way, you feel like what? I have this one idea. I have this idea.
[00:06:57] So now, after we’ve clarified we need to focus. What do we do? Now we have to also note this, that a lot of us, we live our lives based on other people’s ideas. Most of the times, most people that I know, most people that I meet, and for me personally, the way it is is you don’t go around saying, Oh, what do you want me to do?
[00:07:23] And then you do it. No, but we look at ourselves based on what other people especially the people that are very important in our life. Okay. Maybe they’ve not said anything to you that, Oh, you can do this or this, but to some extent, because of the fact that maybe when you shared your idea, at first they doubted, you know, it looked as if, you know, you can’t know whether somebody is doubting, right.
[00:07:46] They looked as if they are doubting you. So because of that, a lot of people will shrink on their ideas. And then now they’re not able to plug in and put all their energy and all of their resources into pursuing this ideas. The reason is because you’re thinking if I don’t do this idea, my dad may be angry if I don’t do this, or the idea of somebody else in my in my life may not be happy with me. Okay. Or maybe somebody said that doesn’t bring money, you know, or that doesn’t bring any results.
[00:08:19] Okay. So because of the doubts that we’ve got from the environment, what would usually happens is you now take that idea instead of running with it full steam. Okay. You actually begin to Doubt yourself. And you’re like, yeah, that’s what I’m doing. But I also do this also, I do that, you know, and then somebody asked you, but I thought you, you said you were doing this.
[00:08:44] And then you’re like, yeah, but I also started doing this because you’re thinking, what exactly is it that they want? What do they want? Okay. Now this is not supposed to be the case. However, it is the case. This is the challenge that we have. And this is one of the reasons why I, I meet many great people that are not yet standing out there as great people.
[00:09:06] Why? Because they are afraid, they’re just afraid that, maybe it’s not going to work or something like that. I would share some ideas with that I want you to pay attention to when you want to know, what do I do when you have to so many ideas.
[00:09:21] The first one is you ask yourself, What is it that I really want? What is it that I really want now? How do you do this one? This one is when you look at yourself, there is one idea that is always, always, always coming back to you, always coming back to you.
[00:09:41] Okay. This idea, you know, maybe you get a job and you’re doing that job. You’re there for like three months, six months, you know, and you’ll feel like you’re excited about that job, but then after a while deep down, you’re like this idea again, this idea again. Okay. I have this idea and if this idea does not just leave your mind. Every time you’re trying to focus on something else, this one idea, not like various ideas. And the way this works is even when you’re not working, when you’re anywhere you are, you always see yourself going back to this idea. You always always find yourself going back to this idea.
[00:10:24] Now, this idea. You need to tell yourself that this idea I’m not going to let it go. Even though right now, I don’t see where it fits into what I do. This is my job. This is the idea. It doesn’t really fit in. However, I wouldn’t be very happy if I don’t ever do this idea.
[00:10:47] If you’re at this place right now, and , maybe you have three ideas. Okay. You have 30 ideas, you’re a financial planner, you’re a coach and you’re also, you also sell this other products. Okay. Now what we want is which of them are you the most passionate about the kind that you will. Not be happy when, when you get to the end of your life and you look back and you’re like, you know what? I’m really happy that I’ve done XYZ. You want that idea to be part of those things that you are very sure you did
[00:11:25] You want to have that idea that you would never, ever, ever, want to leave this world without accomplishing. That’s one thing that you want to do. Now for me over the years, what happened was that there was a time I said I wanted to have a fashion production line. Like I want to be creating fashion wears and all that. And because of the fact that I’m a computer kind of person, I married a computers genius when it comes to like websites and all these things.
[00:11:52] And so he got me on board into all of those things. And so I learned how to design websites and I learned how to do all these things. And so what I did, I started a business, that I started making outfits for people. Okay. And backstory. I actually bought a sewing machine and I started sewing myself.
[00:12:10]But then when I started doing the sewing, I enjoyed doing the sewing however, I soon realized that this wasn’t it for me. This wasn’t easy for me. it’s great to have, you know, and I was still like to have a sewing machine and I feel like to make some things and all that, but it’s not the ‘it’ for me.
[00:12:29] And so I realized that even though I wanted to help people, and I wanted to make people look good, feel good and all that. I wasn’t like creating a business, around outfits, you know? So I pulled back from there. And the reason why I’m saying that is. Even when you have those three ideas or whatever it is, it’s good to put your feet into it.
[00:12:52] Just try it out a little bit. Okay. Try it out a little bit. And you may realize that maybe this is it, this isn’t it for me. Okay. And then what that should do for you is to empower you to say bye to that idea. Let it go for life and let it rest in peace.
[00:13:11] Okay. Because what would happen is if you don’t say goodbye to that idea, it will continue to pull you. Okay. It will continue to pull you to the point where the one that you really need to focus your energy on you’re not gonna have the energy. You’re not going to have the zeal and the time and the brain space to work on it.
[00:13:31]So that’s one thing that you need to pay attention to. Okay. So first of all, what do you do when you have too many ideas? The very first thing is check. What is that idea that you are passionate about? The kind that you won’t want to leave this world without accomplishing.
[00:13:49] Okay, make sure then you weed out all of those sewing machine kind of ideas like mine, right. You weed them out and then you, when you weed them out, you believe strongly. Okay.
[00:14:01] The number two points that I have is on that idea that you have
[00:14:06] what’s the biggest possible thing, what’s possible for you to do on this idea? Okay. Now a lot of times when when we pick an idea, I’m passionate about this. Okay. A lot of times it’s, I want to, change the world. I want to just make a difference in my world with this idea.
[00:14:26] Okay. But then. The next level to that is you still need to look at what is possible for you on that idea. Okay. And how do you get that? Look around you, look around and see what are some of the things that people are doing. Okay. Now the idea is if you’re the kind of person that I know you are, which is, somebody that is created really smart and really great, and.
[00:14:55] I’m a pastor. Okay. So if you’re not a Christian here and you’re watching this, let me explain where I’m going with this. I personally believe that God designed each one of us and when he designed us, he made each one of us in his own image. With his own kind of creativity and mindset,
[00:15:14]And so I believe that when you look at your idea, the great idea, whether it’s a business idea or an impact idea of some sorts, , the kind that you’re able to make a difference in your world with. It’s extremely important that you look at it with the mindset of what is possible in this arena.
[00:15:36]How is this going to affect people that are around you? How is it going to change people? What’s possible business. What kind of income, who are the kinds of people that do it now? Okay. Now I find that a lot of times when when you look at your ideas, you start to look at it and you say, you know what?
[00:15:55] I just like writing poems, I don’t think it’s going to bring anything. That’s what you think. This is why it’s extremely important that you spend time in this research phase where you start to look at what exactly is possible, because you never know.
[00:16:13]Until you get exposed to another world and you’re like, what I’ve been doing all that for free. I’ve been doing all that all this while and I didn’t know it was worth thousands or millions of dollars.
[00:16:26] Right, you don’t realize, or even just sometimes I’ll meet my clients when I’m working with them, your clients they’ll share a story okay. With me and that story that story alone can transform a city and they didn’t realize it.
[00:16:42]I have been there many times.
[00:16:45]Until you enter into the arena of seeing what is possible with what you have, what you think is so little is actually something really tangible for other people that would benefit the world. When it gets into even the business world, now that people will be paying you thousands of dollars for but you didn’t know you, you didn’t value it as such.
[00:17:13]So it’s extremely important that you value what you have. Okay. Like for example, I think he was in the comments last week. Somebody mentioned three things that did do okay. You know, I can’t remember what they were. I sell this, I coach this and I want to start this. Okay.
[00:17:34]a lot of the times we look at all those ideas and you’re not ready to to push through. But the ones that are succeeding actually are the ones that choose to go dead on and they say, I’m not going to go back.
[00:17:51] I’m not going to drop this idea. I’m going to stick to it until. I start to see a huge massive results from this idea. So I want to encourage you please. Okay. First of all, Find out what’s that thing are you really passionate about? And I’ll be very glad to hang out with you and talk about this.
[00:18:11]The next thing is what is possible? What is possible?
[00:18:14]Now, if you believe in that idea, what usually would happen is you’re not, you don’t care what people think. You’re just going to keep going. And I want to encourage you that you take your idea like that. Okay.
[00:18:27] What do you do when you have too many ideas?
[00:18:29] The last point is take imperfect actions. At the stage that you’re at that it doesn’t matter where you are right now. Because we’re all at different levels. Okay. Some people you’re doing business, other people, you’re not doing business other people you want to do business.
[00:18:45] Other people, you want to just make a difference in your world. Okay. Wherever it is that you’re at, you take imperfect, you tell yourself, you make up your mind and you say I’m going to take imperfect actions. Okay. Because after you’ve now fine tune your idea, that’s one thing that limits a lot of people because.
[00:19:04] We’re looking for “it has to really, really shiny” “has to really, really be like the best of the ideas” it has to be so fancy” now fancy is great. However, if you use up all the energy at the beginning and you don’t have steam to continue, what would happen is a lot of people give up along the way.
[00:19:25]So you keep taking imperfect action. And the more you take imperfect actions you begin to get clarity.
[00:19:32]So I would really love to hear from you. I would really love to know. How is it for you? Do you have an idea or do you feel like, you really want to have an idea of what to focus on, and you have this challenge of “Ooh, what if it doesn’t work” or whatever it is it’s blocking you.
[00:19:49] I would really love to hang out with you, leave a comment here or send me a message and I’ll be very glad to walk through it with you and see, you know, what could it be? So you can move above the hump and move on. So send me a message. Leave me a comment.
[00:20:06] Cooking up an idea right now is stressing me out already. Just this statement about imperfect action as empowered me to try. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I’m glad to get that. Thanks. I’m sending you a message. I really needed this. Thank you. Very good. Very good. Gloria. I’m happy to hear from you. I’m really happy to hear from you.
[00:20:27]Remember this, there are people out there that need what you have. There are many people out there that if only they can connect with you and trust me, many of these ideas would not only allow you to improve the life of another person, but many of them would bring in lots and lots of money.
[00:20:49] Okay. It’s not all about the money. Okay. However, you know, I always say that if you’re going to do something, there must be a way to fund the idea. Right. You know, so money, why not? And you’ll be shocked that there are people, some of the things that you do now for free, they have people that are doing many of that and are, and they are getting a lot of results from it.
[00:21:13] It is only yesterday that I was telling that to myself my store website can’t be perfect before I decide to launch. Woo. Woo. I’m so happy Lena I’m so, so happy. No, no, you don’t wait for it to be perfect. Don’t wait for it to be perfect. Go for it. See, the thing is I just started a new Academy right now and Lena is actually part of my Academy, you know, and, and this idea is not perfect. It’s not even complete yet. However, it’s out. Why? Because you get to people to help you to fine tune it. Imperfect actions make things clearer. Anyway, for those of you that in the Academy, I’m going to jump in the group in the clients only group to hang out with you later today.
[00:22:04] So. Leave me comments in there. I’ll be very glad to hear from you as well. And for those of you that are, that are sending me messages, get on it, let’s get together. I’ll be very glad to help you. I want you to be able to go out there and start making the world a better place.
[00:22:20]We need what you have. You cannot continue to hide it and waiting for it to be perfect before you bring it out.
[00:22:26] So thank you, everybody. Thank you. I’m so glad to have you. All right. So enjoy your day. And let’s interact in the groups. And I look forward to seeing you again next week.