What Is The Cause Of Your Frustration?

Frustrated photoI used to think that difficult individuals were the source of my frustrations. I mean people that are a bit more demanding than others. I felt controlled by them and found it difficult to say ‘No’ to them, therefore they aggravate my stress level. An example was the fellow that visited a new church plant we started a while ago. In my opinion, this fellow was extremely demanding; like the whole world must be about them.

Before showing up at church they called a couple of times to ask for a ride. However, being a young church with limited hands, the only option we had would have to pick them up about 1.5 hours earlier than the service start time, which was too early for them. Eventually, when they showed up, I confirmed that I was right, they seemed to love attention; a lot. It was interesting to me at the time that someone could be as demanding at the beginning of a new relationship. As much as I tried to be so Christianly, I felt irritated and frustrated. And so much more when they eventually chose to remain in that church at the time, despite all the complaints they had.

I was so sure these high maintenance individuals were the cause of my frustrations until God opened my eyes. One major problem I had was that I wasn’t sure of who I was made to be. Yes, I am sure you are wondering what that has to do with my level of joy or frustration. Oh yes, it has a whole lot to do with it.

Just because I wasn’t sure of who I was and what I was designed to be, I assumed I must be there for everyone. I saw every opportunity as very important. However, the more I tried to please everyone around me the more my frustrations increased; especially when I met people I couldn’t seem to satisfy.

The truth is that I had an image of who I wanted to be, and so if I meet someone who either challenged that or ignored me, I got really threatened and irritated. Today the story is different. The life I now live is no longer mine. I am no longer trying to be ‘that image’. I want to be nothing so that He can be visible through me.

Thank God! I no longer depend on people’s approval for my joy. I have handed over my desires and dreams to God. Such a freedom, such peace!  Now it doesn’t matter if someone thought I was kind or not, smart or not, there for them or not. What matters is that God does what’s on His agenda.

You see my friend, if you are frustrated, the problem is not just from the person causing the pain but YOU. It’s true that the other fellow has issues, but the truth is that you do as well. So many of us Christians, who are supposed to be salt and light, are frustrated all over the world today. Stressed to the bones because of other individuals.

In order to be able to ENGAGE life and display Jesus’ love and life to the world around you in a meaningful way, you must be willing to identify your frustrations. Could it be that you are angry because these people are spoiling your show? 

If you are where I used to be…relax, you are in the right place, my aim is that you become free as well. That you get to the place where you are thriving the way you were meant to be. And in the next posts and podcasts, we will be delving into every area necessary to get you closer to you jumping towards your purpose. So stay tuned.

Question:  What else do you think causes people to be frustrated? You can leave a comment below:

2 Replies to “What Is The Cause Of Your Frustration?”

  1. Very good one Olu, I like the sentence “Could it be that you are angry because these people are spoiling your show?” That one jumped right at me as I am currently having the same issue with a colleague at this moment. Lord, I repent and chose to make it all about you. Thanks for sharing. Very timely

    1. Thanks, Cynthia. It’s a blessing to know that God is in the business of making us become more and more like Him.
      We are in safe hands

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