We All Make Mistakes – Do You Trivialize Your Errors? – Day 8/30

we all make mistakes

Many would think they really don’t need a challenge like this. I felt the same way… You say to yourself “oh my, Sue would really benefit a lot from something like this”. You are right, Sue needs it but maybe you do as well.

“Do you sometimes trivialize your words by saying things like, “I didn’t mean that. It just came out”? Unfortunately, the truth is we really do mean what we say—our words reveal what’s really in our hearts.” -Power of Word.

“We all make mistakes often, but those who don’t make mistakes with their words have reached full maturity. Like a bridled horse, they can control themselves entirely.”  ‭‭James‬ ‭3:2‬ ‭CEB‬‬

We all make mistakes, however, we tend to be blind to the gravity of our own actions and we can remain in this state for years until the Holy Spirit opens our eyes.

I remember a particular day (more than 10 years ago) when I felt my hubby had hurt me with his actions or inactions. At this point, I had piled up his sins and was already using the cold treatments as my weapon.

In order to stop being childish; I made up my mind to challenge him in a conversation. I wanted to pour out all the accusations I had against him. Just before going ahead, I felt led to read 1 Corinthians 13 (the love chapter). As I read through, I realized that I had wronged him too and we both needed to learn how to love unconditionally.

It’s a lot easier to catch other people’s errors than it is to admit ours.

On this particular day, God opened my eyes to see my errors, as I took more time to read the chapter and to pray. Then I called Ade, we talked and I apologized first, told him how I felt about his actions (this time not with the mind of accusing him as the bad one). He apologized, and we both improved and our friendship became stronger.

One vital sign you are growing as a follower of Christ is that repentance will be a more regular thing for you. And I don’t mean the autopilot repentance but the genuine one.

After which, you will easily begin to identify the log in your own eyes and repent before seeing the speck in your Neighbour’s.

Do you trivialize your words? Do you give excuses for your own errors?

Ask God to open your eyes to some errors you may have recently trivialized. Humble yourself before God…and allow the Holy Spirit to renew your heart through His word.

You are blessed!

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