Time Bank – Invest Today & Withdraw Tomorrow Day 13/30

time bank Assuming there was a bank to store time, a time bank, what would your account be worth? Imagine if you could actually do that. Deposit your time and withdraw it when you need it. Wouldn’t that be cool? If that were possible, today would have been a major withdrawal day for me. So much to do…

Well, I believe when you plan towards the future, help people, build other people up, pray for others, invest wisely, plan your career path with good advice, read, even rest, you are actually saving some minutes in the time bank for the future. You will definitely make withdrawals later. Your withdrawals may be in minutes or hours, it may even be in days, weeks, months or even years. What you invest would determine what you can withdraw.

Make good decisions now in order to gain time in the future. Don’t just follow the crowd. Think and pray before taking major steps (even small ones).
This is somehow connected to our topic for today. Life & death are in the power of your tongue. When you work hard to use your tongue to give life and build others up you will reap the fruits in the future. Like me, I am sure you are withdrawing favors from some investments you made in the past. Doesn’t it feel great to reap?

I have made up my mind to speak peace into the lives of people I meet. I deliberately just do so because I know many don’t hear good words spoken to them. Plus negative words stick longer than positive. Therefore it’s important to bless with your tongue and not curse at all.

I have made up my mind to not let a negative word or thought come out of me towards anyone. What about you?

“Don’t be careless with words. Refrain from jesting, teasing, criticisms or constant “evaluations” that leave their mark. Don’t make snap judgments or jump to conclusions–be “slow to speak”(James 1:19).

Curses only have power over us if we believe them. If they’re not true, they are powerless (Prov. 26:2). When we believe them, we invest power in them.
Make a choice to reject words that do not line up with God’s Word.”

– Power of Word.

Guess what? Time Bank Actually Exists

Talking about time bank, I just found out, this moment, that there is actually something called time banking. According to Wikipedia, Time banking is the practice of reciprocal service exchange which uses units of time as currency. It’s very common in the US and some other western countries. You can start one around you, I guess. USA, Other Countries

Here is how it works, Bob needs a personal trainer so he visits Tim. Tim offers 2 hours of his personal training service toBob in exchange for 2-time credit. Now Tim has 2 TC (time credit). Tim also needs a dentist’s service so he visits Paul and pays 1TC for 1 hour of dental service. Tim is left with 1TC to be used for another service later.  I think it’s a nice way of volunteering to help others. And builds a nice community. Check if it’s in your neighborhood, if not maybe you can start one. I think churches also can consider starting something like this. That way we can help others, network, and love.

I got this from a friend: 

Usain Bolt has won 9 gold medals in last 3 Olympics and he has run less than 2 mins on the track. That’s economy of effort.
Usain Bolt ran for less than 115 secs in total in his 3 Olympics and made $119 million dollars! That’s more than  $1 million for each second he ran!
But for those 2 mins, he trained for 20+ years! *That’s investment.*
*Think long term. Patience pays.
– Anonymous

4 Replies to “Time Bank – Invest Today & Withdraw Tomorrow Day 13/30”

  1. Yes Olu! It is an investment indeed to say uplifting and encouraging words to people around us!

    I find that if you develop the habit of praying for people around you are thinking good thoughts about them, good word would flow from your mouth.

    And like you said – you will reap the reward later even when you have long forgotten about the words you spoke.

  2. Adeleke Oluwafeyikemi says:

    I strongly agree that Churches and Christians can get a great benefit from Time Bank, what a great way to invest in people like you said.

    As for me I have made up my mind not to be careless with words.
    As for me have decided to refrain from negative speaking.
    As for me have decided to invest in speaking the right and ecouraging words to people
    ……….So help me God. Amen

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