Those Who Diligently Seek God Must Believe He Is & He Rewards

those who diligently seek God

Those who diligently seek God must believe that He is good. I don't think I can say it is enough – God is good!

“And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.”Hebrews 11:6 NLT

Those who diligently seek God, who are those? Are you one? Do you believe he is? If yes, then do you believe He rewards?

Trust me, my dear friend, I am not telling you a theory, I am a living student and follower of the will of God. Every single day I choose to follow His will. Sometimes it's easier than others.

When you are following God's plans (His will) you must be prepared (and ready) that He will lead you to places you don't naturally want to go, places outside of your comfort zone. It can be hard for you but relax, you are in Safe Hands!

God is a good Father, however, He pushes us and when we choose to trust and follow Him, taking steps, choosing Him over our fears, we gain more trust as He continues to hold us.

As I took some steps in prayers this morning, hard choices for me naturally, steps obviously outside of my comfort zone, even shed some tears in His presence, this is the song that I was reminded of.

Because He lives
I can face tomorrow
Because He lives
All fear is gone
Because I know He owns my future
My life is worth a living
Just because He lives

When I sang "all fear is gone" I was still scared, but I chose to put His will above my feelings. The pain that we suffer is small compared to the joy we receive as our knowledge of Him increases. He is our reward.

I chose you, Lord!
I love you, Jesus!

I am sure, very sure, you love me and so I trust you!

Its hard to trust God but it's worth every step and every pain. What about you? Can you please add a song or anything that helps you remember to follow His plans? Share a comment below:

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