This Is My Song…This Is My Story

This is my song

This is my story
This is my song

My story is unique and so is yours
Sometimes excited I feel like jumping
And then I am scared I feel like quitting

One thing remains I am not alone
The truth for real do you want to know?

Guess what sometimes I don’t believe

I doubt his love, His plan his grace
I run the race as if it’s mine
Forgetting the one who owns the plan
Only to fall into His hands

Alive and well in His embrace
That’s when I hear His voice to me

My jewel, why are you afraid?

I trust in You – my Lord, Devine                                                                      
I look in You and see the plan

And why was I afraid again?
Why trust in fake alternatives?

I fix my eyes on You, my King
I rest, my all belongs to you

I hear I do I hear and say

I am glad You chose to live in me
The world awaits to know and see

Unveil Your all for all to see

This is my story
This is my song
Praising my savior
All the day Long

This is my song is a piece I wrote 2 nights ago. Didn’t find time to post it until now. Let me know if any part of it tells your story.

Your story is unique.

I will catch up on the power of word challenge later.

God Bless you today & always!

One Reply to “This Is My Song…This Is My Story”

  1. Adeleke Oluwafeyikemi says:

    Yes my story is unique (well I think you would agree to that “smiles”)…

    ….Perfect submission all is at rest,
    I in my Saviour am happy am blest:
    Watching and waiting, looking above,
    Fill’d with His goodness, lost in His love.

    His love as kept me thus far.

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