The Tongue As Weapon of War and Peace – Day 4/30

weapon of war

“The average human tongue is four inches long. It contains eight muscles and weighs only two-and-a-half ounces. Yet this small part of the body has tremendous potential for good or bad”-Quote from power of word challenge.

It’s really interesting to reflect on how powerful the tongue is.

I know of very many times this small member of my body has been a huge blessing to people. A boost to many that I can’t even count. Many faded from my memory and maybe even theirs.

Sadly I also remember some times that I have used my tongue to send deliberately cutting remarks to people in response to a threat I felt from them.

I shared one incidence on my podcast here. 

On this particular occasion, I had felt judged and slapped by someone’s remarks and so I retaliated in a clean and smooth way, in a respectful way (whatever that means) I slapped them back. The truth is that I don’t even know if they noticed it but it felt good on my own flesh.

Immediately after that conversation, I heard God say to me- “If you really want to be like me, you need to turn the next cheek whenever you feel slapped.”

It’s really interesting that we get tempted to use the tongue as a weapon of war. I feel you abused me or disrespected me and so I attack you back.

This reminds me of the scripture that says “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God…. 2 Corinthians 10:4

When you feel threatened by someone you must surrender your fears to God in that moment, this is what God thought me from that incidence. Don’t fight back. First of all, the person may have just been careless with their own words and not intending to deliberately hurt you so don’t fight back. Secondly, the Lord promised to revenge on your behalf so trust Him with this as well. It may look like God is not doing anything about it but trust Him. He knows what to do.

Surrender the control of your tongue to him. You won’t fight with your tongue if it doesn’t belong to you. The more we surrender our tongue to be used of God, the more of God’s image we display.

This little member has great potentials for good and bad but I trust God for good.

So help me God!

Let me know what you think….

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