Speak Your Mind

In life, there is a common plague that almost everyone suffer from; the idea that people can see and understand what you have on your mind even when you don’t speak your mind. Everything you do in life is as a result of your perspectives in life which also determines what you do and how you do them.

Do you find yourself living your life thinking or assuming that people can see you mind?  “He knows how I feel right now because my facial expression says it all”. This is just an assumption, there is no prove that the guy can understand your unsaid words. Consider sharing your line of thought with him and that relationship will be easier. Your life and the other person’s life will be much easier if only you can say your mind.

I got this clearer after experiencing something with my 6 year old. For more than 3 years I had organize his clothes in drawers, I also tried to teach him the system over and over and practiced with him for so long but it was challenging for him to remember the system.  I wished I could just tell him to find an outfit and not have to help him find it. I still had to until this fateful day, I asked that we put labels on the drawers and he loved the idea. After the whole activity, everything changed.

He got it! Because he didn’t need to remember, He just needed to read. And then it hit me, How many people have I been mad at because they did not understand what I was saying (though I was not saying anything to them, I expected them to naturally know that I am mad)

Watch this video and make up your mind up to share what is on your mind….

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