Silver Words – What Your Tongue’s Worth? Day 6/30

silver wordsThough small, the tongue has value.

What value does my tongue have?

“The words of the godly are like sterling silver; the heart of a fool is worthless.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭10:20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Sounds to me like questions in a survey; e.g “From a scale of 0-10, rate the value of your tongue. 0 being worthless and 10 being choice silver.”

You see, I thought I was doing ok until God opened my eyes to see that I still needed to work with him more on my words.

I was in the middle of a personal study on listening. I wanted to improve my listening skills. Meanwhile, I listened to an episode by Nancy leading to the power of word challenge. I thought it was a good idea, but may be not now.
It was after that that I realized I had failed during a light conversation with one of my sisters. Of course, I signed up right after.

Silver in its pure state is found in the earth crust as an alloy (a combination of metals). Doesn’t look attractive. Has to go through a process to become that lustrous white metal. Has to be refined before the worth can be visible to all.
The tongue of the righteous is like silver. Yes, other elements must be removed in the refining process.

God is the refiner, his word is the refining agents (chemical agents needed and heat). Your old way of thinking & the way of the world are the other substances that must be removed. The situations you face each day represents the refinery and the final product is righteousness – Christ life.
This life is in you already (just like silver is in the crude version), it just needs to be the 100% silver.

Remember the value of your tongue is like silver because you are in Christ, however, the refining process is important and ongoing.

Dear Lord, keep working on me. To make me what I ought to be. I surrender again today that you will open my eyes to see what must go. And give me a clearer understanding of who I am in Christ.

In Jesus name, Amen!

Don’t forget to leave me a comment below.

2 Replies to “Silver Words – What Your Tongue’s Worth? Day 6/30”

  1. Adeleke Oluwafeyikemi says:

    Help me Lord to see what must go, Help me to speak life to people, Help me to know when to speak and when not and let my words be like that of the righteous dear Lord. Amen

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