How To Ensure You Consistently Share Your Experience & Your Expertise With Potential Clients Online

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You know you need to share your experience with potential clients but how do you ensure that you’ll do it consistently? You guessed it 🙂 that’s what this article is about, enjoy 😉 

First, I think you’ll be happy to know that ‘consistency’ is one of the common questions I get often from new and aspiring entrepreneurs like you. 

With so much on your plates; it can get really busy. And trust me, when I say it can get busy. 

When you make a commitment to share your experience, about the same time you’ll also feel like a million other things have suddenly shown up; like they were actually waiting for you to commit to something new.  

Then you start to stress, “I promised to do this and I’m not”

Have you ever promised to do something but fail at it and you doubt your own abilities? Does it slow down your level of productivity in other areas of your life?

It almost starts to affect your whole life. Self-doubt starts to increase and a lot of times people actually quit completely. 

And so the dream of the new side Income fizzles away, causing more overwhelm. I’ve been there. So I get it, it can be so frustrating. 

So how do you ensure that you share your experience and your expertise consistently?

But First, Why Do You Need To Share Your Experience Consistently?

  1. You get to start doing what you love – pursuing your passion allows you to thrive even in other areas of life
  2. As you share your experience you learn more – and gain more practice which then increases your value to the marketplace 
  3. And you can easily emerge as the expert in your field – and top of mind for your potential clients

Okay, now that we’ve got it clear that it’s important to be consistent if you want to monetize your experience, the next question is how then do you go about it that to become consistent.

How Can You Set Up For Consistency?

  • FOCUS– the #1 reason why consistency isn’t attained by many is that they have too many ideas and passions they want to follow. I found this beautiful and very powerful acronym that someone created for focus and felt it’s relevant here: Follow-One-Course-Until-Success. To their own detriment, a lot of creative people are afraid to focus on a single idea because they think they’ll soon be bored. In the Livestream this week I shared how you can blend 2 or more of your ideas together and still stay focused on one field. Once you know an idea of profitable and tested, you should actually focus on it until you hit $1M. This doesn’t mean you should pivot when necessary. Learn and grow. Cutting down on distractions will increase your consistency to share your experience on the same topic over and over again. 

  • Create Systems and structures into your life. If you want to share your experience and your expertise with potential clients, you need to create routines that you follow as often as possible. One major habit that has greatly improved my consistency is my morning routine. To get the most out of your routine, you must determine what are some important things you want to get down weekly, then create systems that allow you to get your actions done (at least a portion of it every day. So for example, I plan to go live in my group at least once a week. So what do I do? First a keep a list of questions I get asked so I can pick from it anytime I need to share and then during a time I set up after my personal devotion in the morning, I put thoughts together for my weekly Livestream and I try to improve it as I go. That way When the date I set comes, I have good content ready to share. This is also how I fixed the problem of knowing what to share on social media. Create a system and consistency will be just normal. in the video, I also shared some details of how I use paper notebooks, post-it notes, and the Notes app on my phone and MacBook. Use what you have to create your system and think ‘ease” If you need an elaborate explanation on this you can leave me a comment below and I can do a training dedicated to that alone. 

  • And finally, Just do it! Whether you feel like it or not. If you put the previous steps in place and your mindset works around ‘this is what I want to do’. If you have all of that in place, the jobs do it will be easier because there will be a topic that you can talk about, even the days that you don’t feel like it, you will still be able to do it. Even the days that you don’t have time, you will still be able to do it. Okay, so just do it. 

Remember that in order to share your expertise you have to also be aware of who the people you share this expertise with are. Pick a group of people that you’re going to be talking to shot, even pick one person that you’re going to be talking to. 

You know I’d love to hear from you. 

Which of these ideas will you put in place in your business today? Leave me a comment below and share this with all your friends. I’ll really appreciate that. 

Till next time, next week 😉 remember you have so much inside you to offer to this world. 



2 Replies to “How To Ensure You Consistently Share Your Experience & Your Expertise With Potential Clients Online”

  1. Dr. Faith THE PLANNER says:

    Awesome and very valuable tips for consistency

    1. Thanks Dr Faith! I’m glad you found this valuable😁

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