Power Of Association: Pay The Price #LJ095

You can never underestimate the power that great associations can have on your life. In the episod, I dig deeper into the advantages that the price you pay to be in the company of great people can have on you.

So whats that major goal you wanted to achieve this year? You wrote it down in January. News flash! This is March already and I want to ask you; how far have you gone?

The truth is that there are so many hurdles on your way to achieving any goals. There are so many reasons why you haven’t achieved what you want to achieve.

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For example, your boss is too demanding, your children are too active, the government is just not great enough, you are too tired after work. I can go on and on and on on why you haven’t done it. 

But the truth is that if you have done it like 10yrs ago, 5yrs ago, 6months ago… you won’t be where you are today. 

So in order to increase your chances of achieving this goal this year, in order to get to the next level you want to get to in your business or any other area of your life, in order to get there faster you must edge your bets, find someone that has done what you want to do and learn from them. 

Find a great book, it would really help you, someone said leaders in life are readers too. Make sure you read great content everyday. 

Whats the title of the great book you recently completed? Now, imagine that you can actually have strategy sessions with the author every week? 

Imagine the kind of growth you will see in your business, your relationships or your health. 

If you want to be a regular person that has an ok job, then you don’t need to change anything, however if you really want to live an exceptional life, making a huge difference in your world. You want to be remembered after you are gone, then you’ve got to get up and find a mentor. Invest in buying their time.

When you pay a coach, you scale through many excuses. 

But you see usually When I tell people to pay to work with a coach, the first excuse I get most times is it’s too expensive. And yes, because of the massive results you get for working with a coach, you pay a lot. 

And that’s why most coaches would have books. So you can pick their brains and not tie them up. And to some level you will see a better version of you after reading a book, however studies show that your brain forgets 80% of what you read after 48hrs. That means not enough time to actually get enough results. Try it. 

Having a coach will propel you higher faster. So Find a coach and pay them to coach you. 

I have met way too many people who are complaining that they don’t have money, but I see that they actually have other resources they haven’t recognized as very important. 

For example a lady came to me for financial help recently and as we interacted I realized that she was really great at influencing others to help her. 

That is a great skill to have. That skill can turn to money. Lots of money if only she can strategically design a solution to  make massive use of her power to influence others. 

A coach will work with you to get you to the next level in your business or in any other area of life. 

For me I discover diamonds everyday in my clients. and we work together to turn their skills and experiences into profit. The coach of your choice will work with you to get you to the next level. 

You  know that saying: Show me your friend and I’ll show you your future. 

And soon you will be the one that others will be paying to coach them. I love the idea of making money doing what you love. When you have a skill or gift that God gave you, you must trade with it to gain more. If you are at that stage in your life, you believe you can be getting paid to do some of the things you already do for free or if you already have a business you do and you want to coach others how to d the same. then you may love my coaches program. I am doing a 60% promo right now, for the very last time. Take advantage of it now. 

I can coach you for free and actually give you all the answers you need, but if you want me to walk hand in hand with you, then you need to invest in making it happen. 

And the truth is you only achieve what you are willing to take massive actions to achieve. 

So Stop wasting your money on impressing people that won’t remember who you are. Invest your money into developing your ability to step into what you know is your path to success. 

Stop waiting for someone to come and rescue you, start the heroic journey to victory. Trust me, no saviour  is coming until you start taking massive actions. 

If you want to create so much money that will enable to help other people, then get up! 

Don’t let any fear stop you. 

“Once you become fearless life becomes limitless” -Anonymous.

Have a great week!

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