There’s ONLY one of YOU in existence…

Have you seen a pineapple so small you wonder if it’s a tangerine 😁? (More about my online course to help you monetize your skills at the end of the post)

Well, that’s what I called my newest harvest. Yeah, you heard me right. I sometimes farm in my garden in case you didn’t already know that😊

I received 2 images from our Home Manager in the Nigerian house yesterday…2 pineapples are ready for harvest💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾😁😁

monetize your skills

Am I the only only one that brings out her dancing shoes at the sound of a harvest? Let me know in the comment if you love to see ‘fruits from your efforts’

Anyway, as soon as I saw the images, I asked him what his plans were and if he could afford to give one of the pineapples to a particular neighbor.

His response:

« Ok ma’am

But they are very small »

increase your value to monetize your skills pineapples

I immediately remembered a statement my parents always made reference to while we were young:

In my language it says « Ee ra mogun pin »

Which literally means that no one would make new purchase or investment in order to make the inheritance easier to share among heirs. Whatever was left behind is what goes around.

The time to work on building a more substantial legacy is when one is still alive.

In this case with my neighbors, it’s just a show of love not to share a huge gift.

However, in life, it’s important to consider strategies that one could use to legitimately increase their results and monetize your skills when there’s still time.

Especially if you know that you have some extraordinary gifts, skills and expertise that seem to be either redundant or just not bringing you the kind of results (Side Income) you know you can easily get.

Try to find ways to ELEVATE your value to the world and become FULLY ALIVE while making this world a better place with your uniqueness.

I’m just tying up the loose ends to my online course that will help you monetize your skills and package your expertise into an irresistible offer now. And will be dropping it really soon-it takes a lot of time to put things like this in place. But soon 😁😁 Join my private group so you don’t miss the amazing discount. Or you can see a sample video from my private group here. I share tips there every Tuesday.

In the meantime, continue to make the world around you a better place. This world needs your uniqueness, there’s ONLY one of YOU in existence💝


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