Life Mission: Finding Clarity in The Area of Your Life Mission #LJ066

life missionIn this episode, I want to encourage you to work hard on finding clarity on your life mission. If you are like many of us on earth, you have wondered or worried about your life’s purpose for a long time. You may even have read different books that promised to show you the way but you still have unanswered questions, right?

80% of Yale Graduates who were interviewed 25years after graduation claimed to be unhappy with their life even though they were doing well professionally and financially. In order words, money does not guarantee fulfillment. 

It will greatly help you to find your life mission. However, let me take this time to thanks to everyone that took the time to respond to my survey. I really appreciate you all. 33 amazing people have already submitted their survey. And it has been so helpful for me.

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Btw. My hubby, Ade Sobanjo has an exercise that he created a while ago that he uses to help people understand their purpose. It’s the interview with the older you. In this exercise, you ask a close friend to interview the 80 yr old you. It’s a funny experience but this is a very useful activity if you are still trying to clarify your purpose. It helps to discover who you have become at 80. You sort of see into the future.

  • Who are you?
  • What do you love to do?
  • Who are the people you serve?
  • What are those people looking for?
  • What transformation do you love to see in people’s lives?

It’s very important that you start writing down what you see. It won’t be perfect at the beginning but don’t worry, you will keep editing it and it will keep becoming closer to what God sees, trust me, God himself will help you, He wants to.

Survey Summary

Total respondents so far: 33 individuals

  • I don’t have any frustration with regards to embracing God’s purpose: 20%
  • I don’t know my purpose and I don’t know how to find it: 45%
  • I need extra help: 35%

My Final Questions:

  1. What do you see?
  2. How can you start?
  3. When can you start?

Final Charge:

Starts and gradually it will become clearer. You will become bolder too in the process.

I was intrigued to see that though God had seen the light in his mind before calling it into being, It was when he had finished creating it that God saw that the light was good. I believe this is the same with us.

Genesis 1: 1-4 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

“There is a new level of clarity that comes to you as soon as you start stepping on waters in the area of your purpose in life.”

I pray that you will receive faith to step out to become who you were made to be.

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