Its Ok To Be Different

I have heard someone say; its ok to be different.

Just as God made the Sun, Moon and Stars to differ in their function, brilliance and glory; He made you different from other people around you. There is no point in all of us trying to out do each other. By simply being yourself you will outshine me and everyone else around because there is only one you.

If we accept God’s plan for our lives we will be able to shine. Look around and you will see that the people that stand out are the ones that are not contending with their personality, they are grateful each day for their make up. They are secured in who they are. They trust God daily to match up to what God made them to be and not what another person is or have.

Today, I want you to confront every self degrading thought with this: I am fearfully and wonderfully made. As I continue to improve my gifts and strengths, my beauty shines like the lighthouse. Lord Help me to accept whom you made me ad become whom you see in me.

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