How To Speak Confidently on Facebook Live

Do you sometimes find that you need to learn how to speeak confidently on facebook live?

The biggest visibility problem many creators and entrepreneurs face in their business is speaking on camera. It’s not that they’re afraid of being seen or heard, but the thought of speaking to a live audience online fills them with anxiety.

Been there countless times.

I actually woke up last Tuesday feeling like a panic attack was waiting to happen. But then, it was Tuesday- live streams day! People watching live. Easy enough? Yeah, this should be fine. After all of these years of doing live streams with no problems at all – why the stressed feeling on a day that more people had confirmed to show up live?

Sat down in front of the computer and tried not to think about how nervous I felt as if that might help relieve some pressure or something. Nope, nothing happened except for an even tighter knot in my stomach as minutes passed until finally, it was time to start…

Have you ever felt nervous when talking to your audience on camera? This fear keeps you from growing your business and it really holds you back. In this post (and video), I’m going to give you some of my best tips on how to be CONFIDENT on camera and have a great Livestream, even when you’re nervous.

Being visible is essential in this online industry, and if you can’t speak freely on camera then how will anyone ever see what you have to offer?

Today you’ll be able to learn everything there is about live streaming confidence so that your fears no longer hold you back from success! You’ll discover all sorts of tips and tricks that will make talking into a webcam feel like second nature!

You might think it’s easy but there are so many little tricks that can make all the difference when it comes down to it.

Bring your camera confidence to a whole new level. This post will teach you how to be confidently funny or confident serious with the help of photography tips, the right clothing, and many more helpful pointers.

  1. Be sure to look into the camera: When doing your Livestream, be sure to look into the camera! It will make you feel more confident and help you connect with your audience.
  2. Smile! It’s the easiest way to look good on camera: Doing a Livestream can be intimidating, but there’s something you can do to look good on camera: smile. Smiling will help you feel confident and it’ll show people that you’re comfortable! When you smile, it makes people happy. When you’re happy on camera, the audience is more likely to enjoy your video and want to watch more of your videos. And it’s the easiest way to look good on camera. That’s why, I recommend you smile as much as possible!
  3. Find a quiet place to film: One of the things that are important when doing a Livestream is to find a quiet place. This can be hard, but if you need to ask for permission from your children or people around, then do it! I recommend somewhere with enough lighting and not too many people around because that’ll help you get into the mood for filming.
  4. Remember that there are people watching who want to hear what you have to say so don’t be afraid! You can interact with them by using emotes and typing keywords like “hi” or “thank you”.

You can also get the Livestream Confidence Manual, a step-by-step guide designed for knowledge entrepreneurs and creators ready to use live streams to increase their online audience. I extended the number of FREE downloads. So hurry!

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Video Transcripts:

Have you. Hello and welcome now. Have you ever. Being in a position where you want to go live on Facebook, but then you’re afraid. Okay. Um, this is the video for you. Okay. If you’re watching this live, I’d like you to say hashtag live. And if you’re watching the replay, go ahead and do hashtag replay. I’m looking on the side to make sure that I have every.

[00:00:32] Um, place that I’m going live on and, uh, yeah. So I’m going to wait for Facebook also, too. Uh, very good. I can see that I’m live. All right. So yeah. So if you’ve ever wanted to go live and you’re afraid, you know, one of the very big question that I get all the time is how do I speak confidently on Facebook?

[00:00:57] How do I, you know, go live and actually, you know, Just be myself and all of that, right? This is what we’re going to be talking about today. And my name is Olu Sobanjo. Um, uh, I help post driven entrepreneurs and business, uh, creators, you know, to use the power of their stories to make. To build the businesses that they love, you know, the kind of business that actually brings them to the, you know, to the clients and the people that they are able to, you know, impact and make the world a better place.

[00:01:36] All right. So without wasting much time, we’re going to jump right in now. I S I S I shared a message of how last week I was going to go live. And last week out of so many other years, I mean, months and weeks that I’ve been going live, you know, for the last three years or thereabouts, I’ve been going live on Facebook almost every week.

[00:02:02] Okay. If I don’t go live on in my group, It’s on Facebook, uh, on my page or either of my groups, you know, one of my groups I’ll be going like, but last week I was going to go live and it was later that I realized that I was so stressed about it. No something, the reason why I was really, I mean, I wasn’t stressed, uh, mentally about it, but my buddy was actually afraid for some reason.

[00:02:31] Now the reason why I I’m, I’m actually good to beat maybe the best person to tell you, you know, that confidence, video, camera, confidence, and, and all of these things is possible for you is because I still have the same problem. Okay. So, so what, um, um, what I’m doing, sorry about that is I’m fixing my other phone just so I can get, uh, comments from you.

[00:02:56] Okay. Very good. I can see that I have. Uh, someone with me there. Now, if you’re watching live, please do hashtag life. And, and obviously if you’re watching the replay hashtag replay, and if you’re watching this on YouTube, I really hope this is also on YouTube right now, because I am not able to see what’s going on on YouTube.

[00:03:16] Yes. So, so the idea is there’s a lot, a lot, a lot of. You know, you out there that are just like me, and this is why I want you to realize that even though you feel nervous about going live on Facebook or any other platform that you do, your live streams, it’s extremely important that you know, that there are some things that you’re going to learn.

[00:03:45] Okay. Your, your, the fact that you’re new to YouTube. Hey, it’s good to see you early. You know, the fact that you’re new to YouTube live doesn’t mean that you’re brand new to your business. Okay. So now that that’s one major thing that I want you to realize that you see a lot of times where I’m afraid, we’re afraid of, you know, going live on YouTube or going live on Facebook because we are new in this world of, you know, going live.

[00:04:19] This doesn’t mean that you’re not smart. Okay. This doesn’t mean that you’re not, you know, not legible about what you share with your audience. Okay. And so, Hey, or two-ways good to see you. It’s really good to see you, you know, thank you for joining me live. Hi, uh, chin, you know, so, so I want you to know that it’s not about the fact that you are not smart.

[00:04:45] So get that out of the way. The fact that you’re nervous. You may not even like I was sharing about my experience last week. I wasn’t even nervous physically. I was still doing everything that I needed to do. However, my body was, you know, very nervous and I was feeling the tightness in my tummy for a long period of time.

[00:05:06] You know why? Because last week I did a lot more reaching out. Okay. I did a lot more reaching out and I reached out to, you know, my heat email list is the only set of people that I usually invite for my live streams. But this time around I sent it, I knew I was going to post it to my Facebook profile.

[00:05:24] You know, I’m going to post it to everywhere, you know? And so because of that, I began to, you know, feel. Self-conscious that, what if you know, who sees it, who’s going to see it. Okay. And because of the fact also that I knew I was going to be showing you guys, you know, a brand new system that I just got a couple of days before that, and I was enjoying it and I felt, you know what I need to share with everyone.

[00:05:52] You know, because of that, I began to, you know, shut down inside and I began to be afraid. Okay. You know, so, so it’s thank you for the, for the hearts. I really appreciate them, you know? So, so now this is why I want you to know that let’s just get that out of the way. First of all, that, if you have that at the back of your mind that I know what I’m sharing.

[00:06:15] I know my message. I know my, uh, the, the expertise that I have. You know, it’s going to be, it gives you that breathing space to know that, okay. Even though I am feeling, you know, Self-conscious right now. It’s still not a big deal. I’m going to be fine. Okay. So, so now is there anyone that is watching live? I can see that I have five people here on Facebook.

[00:06:40] I’m not sure what’s going on on YouTube. I really hope it’s going okay. You know, and for, for those of you that I hear life, can you tell me, have you try to do videos on Facebook or wherever, and you’ll have challenges. You start to doubt yourself. You start to feel, you know, scared. Tell me in the comments.

[00:07:00] If you’re, if it’s a yes. Put a Y in the comments, if it’s, you know, you’re all good. You don’t have any challenges, you know, you can put a note and for no. Okay. So, so now let’s go straight into what I want you to start to look at now. You see. In my video, like a pro challenge that I do, one of the biggest problems, you know, that people ask about, you know, and I’ve seen is if my phone says all the time.

[00:07:31] Yes. All the time. Okay. One of the, and I knowing you very well. I know, you know what you’re talking about. I know, you know, your ex you have your story. Figure it out. Okay. And you’re figuring it out as you go too. Okay. Right. You know, but, but you see, the thing is a lot of the times people are still very afraid of coming out there because of who is going to hear it.

[00:07:56] Who’s going to hear it. Okay. Who is going to, you know, what’s he, somebody that I don’t know, seasoned, what did people start to judge me? What do people start to feel like? I don’t know what I’m talking about. These things are valued by the way. Thanks, chewing. I see why. Okay. So, so now the very first idea that I’d like to share with you is in order for you to know, you know, and, and all through the month, I’ve been talking about this.

[00:08:24] I’ve been, you know, sharing, I mean, in the past, Three posts that I’ve done. I’ve talked about, you know, how to get what you’re saying. Okay. Last week I talked about how to get what you’re saying and get it talk clearly as if you’re talking to, you know, a real person. Okay. Sophie. Hey, I see Sophie there. Yes, but you got to be yourself and keep going even professionals.

[00:08:48] Absolutely. But there’s a, the show must go on. That’s exactly it that’s exactly it because you see the thing is in one of the previous videos that I’ve been, that I did. I said, you must schedule your live stream. Have a special date and time that you do it because if you don’t, you’re not going to do it.

[00:09:10] I was in a conversation with a client yesterday and you know, and, and eventually, you know, she eventually did it. And if you’re watching this live now, and if you’re watching me live, you know, you know yourself, she eventually did it, but everything else went wrong. Why? Because you don’t have a date set, but as soon as you set a date and the time.

[00:09:32] It’s going to happen. Imagine, you know, the TV series, the TV shows you go that it’s going to happen no matter what. Okay. So the first idea is you have to reprogram yourself. It’s it happens in the mind, okay. That you reprogram your mind and you say, you know what, it’s going to happen. Now. This is where you say, feel the fear, but do it anyway.

[00:09:58] Okay. Feel the fear, but do it anyway. Now. After all that is, you know, you’ve scheduled your, your timing, you scheduled, you know, you, you know what you’re talking about? Like I said, last week, uh, in, in my, uh, thing now I want to go to some practical things that you can do, practical things that you can do that would.

[00:10:19] Give you a boost in the way you’re projecting yourself. Because again, you know what you’re talking about. If you’re an entrepreneur and you’re, you know, you sell whatever it is that you sell, whatever it is that your message is all about. You, you know, I am sure that you know what you’re talking about. So you have your, your game clap, but now the thing is the camera, especially because you’re looking at yourself in the camera, you’re looking at yourself in the computer, on the phone, like right now, I see myself, even though I’m not looking at myself, that’s what I’m seeing.

[00:10:54] I’m not looking at myself. I’m looking at you in the camera. And that’s the very first thing that you’re going to learn. First thing to do when you’re doing your pump evidence, uh, you know, you want to have confidence in your, um, in your presentations on video is identify where your camera is and look straight into the camera.

[00:11:17] Okay, because what happens is the per the people that are on the other side of the camera will start to see you as very confident. And I’m telling you this, because I want you to see what people are seeing, you know, as they’re looking at you. When they see you looking straight into the camera, obviously you can look around and you can do other things.

[00:11:39] However, you know, don’t look around too much, you know, like when I started, you know, and most people, when you start it, when you start to do videos online, what you would notice is you would see yourself going like, um, you’re talking, you’re saying something you’re trying to think and you’re looking away, you know, because you know, we, we just, you know, look away, you know, can you feel, what, what, what are you feeling as I’m looking at it?

[00:12:02] Can you please write something in the, in the comments, you know, fear, feel the fear and do it anyways. Yes. Yes. That’s, that’s a title of a book actually that I read last year. Uh, you know, and as I’m looking away, you know, tell me what you’re seeing as a, compared to me, looking at you and talking to you.

[00:12:22] Right. You know, if I look away, you know, it feels like I’m either not engaged. And sometimes it’s projected as lack of confidence. Okay. Lack of confidence, you know that why can’t you look, you know, it’s very similar to when I’m talking to you face to face. If I’m talking to you face to face and I look down, I’m looking down, I’m looking away, you know, um, you know, it’s, it projects, lack of confidence, even though where I grew up.

[00:12:52] Well, I grew up in Nigeria. If you’re here and you’re watching from Nigeria, you can put great, God bless Nigeria in the comments, right where I grew up. You don’t look at people in the face. That’s actually a sign of respect. Okay. In Nigeria. However, if you’re because of the fact that when you’re talking to people on Facebook, you know, on Facebook or Instagram or wherever you’re doing your videos, You have to be looking at them in the face or else, especially because you’re going to be reaching out to people that are not from your culture.

[00:13:24] Okay. And what you need to do is you want to look at them right there on the camera. It shows engagement, it shows, you know, connection. It shows. Confidence. Thank you. God bless Nigeria. Yeah. So, so you see, it’s extremely important that you learn you practice, the habit of looking straight into the camera because it provides it’s projected as confidence.

[00:13:49] Okay. So after you’ve, you know, you feel the fear you schedule the thing you’re, you know, when you’re ready to do it anyway. You want to tell yourself I’m going to look straight into the camera and as much as possible, sometimes you look away and you do other things. However you want to always come back to your audience.

[00:14:09] Because when you’re talking to them, they feel connected to you. Like, like right now, I feel like I, I imagine in my mind that I am looking into your eyes as I’m looking at the camera. Okay. And I almost feel like I can see  Sophie. I can sit you away, you know? And I have you almost like in a, in a round table conference where we’re just talking, you know, at, at coffee, at a coffee table, right.

And you may be interested in the previous post

[00:14:36] This is exactly the way to, you know, the mindset behind doing this. Okay. Now the next point that I have for you there is, is this okay? You see your smile. Smile is extremely important, extremely, extremely important. Now the easiest way to be seen, to look like a confident person, to be able to connect with the people that you’re talking to.

[00:15:11] Is your smile. Your smile. You’re not buying it. Okay. You’re not buying your smile. So you project your smile on you feel more relaxed when you smile. And, you know, as a matter of fact, I designed material that I want each person here, you know, that is watching life, everyone that is watching life as soon as possible.

[00:15:37] There’s a link to this right now that you can go right now and. Pick up one of, you know, I have 20 spots that I’ve made available for everyone that watches live okay. Or the first set of people that watch it. I have a confidence manual that I’ve created a camera confidence manual. Now this is it’s for sale.

[00:16:01] Okay. However, you know, and, uh, I picked out some that I’m going to be sharing with you today. However, you can go now and pick it. And when you get it, you would, you, you would need to go through it with as if you’re buying it. But really it’s, it’s absolutely free. Okay. So the reason why I did it that way is.

[00:16:21] So that every time I add to it, you can go back and download it and get again and get it for free. Okay. And get all the updates that I add there. Okay. So, so now the confidence manual, if you go to Olu Sobanjo dot com slash LC live stream confidence manual. You’re going to be able to pick one of those, um, as if you’re, it’s going to be free for you, if you’re one of the first 20 to get it.

[00:16:47] All right. So, so again, the thing is, when you look in the camera, when you look in the camera, you, you project, you know, confidence, but again, when you add smile to it, when you add your smile to it, you know, it’s. You make, you know, when people are looking at you, I can see a lot of people jumped off, you know, that’s fine, you know, so that you can go get it.

[00:17:12] Okay. Come back and watch this, you know? So, so the thing is if you, if you go and, um, and if you smile, what happens is you connect with people, better. People feel at ease, people feel, you know, that. You know, life is good because you’re making that, you know, you you’re making their day, just each smile, like, like I’m smiling at you right now.

[00:17:36] It feels like, you know, the more you don’t have got many times, people will say to me, I smile back at you. When I see your smile, that’s exactly what you want. That’s exactly what you want to for your audience. In a lot of times, people are having a bad day and just coming to hang out with you on Facebook live or some wherever you hang out.

[00:17:56] Is the only time that they are getting, especially now, like they are getting somebody to smile to you know, they’re, they’re getting somebody to come next with and respond to. Okay. Because I, as I’m smiling at you, I can, um, I didn’t get the link, correct. Yeah. So, so it’s Olu Sobanjo dot com slash Olu Sobanjo dot com slash LCM.

[00:18:20] I think you should actually get the link to do it in the comments. In the description to this video. So, so if you, if you just hold on, I’m almost done. If you just hold on, you would also, okay. So lemme just, uh, spell that stop there. Yeah. So, so there’s a comment to this or description to this. There’s a link to that as well.

[00:18:43] And as absolutely, I mean, immediately after this, I’m going to also put a link to it in the comments so that you can get it. But again, the first 20 people get it for free. Okay. So, so the idea is you want to smile a lot. You want to carry people as you’re smiling, people feel like they’re getting carried along with you.

[00:19:02] They feel like they’re in it with you. They feel like we, you know where we’re at this together. Okay. So. Smile and look in the camera. Okay. No, the last one that I’m going to talk about is, is it’s more like a technical and you know, it’s a little bit technical, but, but at the same time, it’s very practical.

[00:19:23] And, uh, and, and that’s, you know, the venue where you do your live stream. Okay. Where are you doing your livestream? Now? You want to find a quiet place. Where people are not where there’s not a lot of noise. Okay. Where there’s not a lot of noise and there’s not a lot of, you know, buzz going around and there’s not a lot of clutter in your background.

[00:19:48] There’s not a lot of, you know, there’s good lighting. You want to find a good location for your livestream. Okay. When you have a good location for your live stream, what you do, what, what it projects is. Simple professional, uh, calm. Okay. Now I know that some of you here are some of you that are watching this.

[00:20:10] You have little children. Now, if you have little children and you need to do your livestream, if these are children that you can negotiate with, please do. I do that with my children, you know, just a few minutes before I went live, one of my children, you know, one of my sons had something exciting that you needed to share with me.

[00:20:29] And he checked and he saw that I was not live yet. And he was like, just before you go live, I need to share something with you. I, you know, I did this, I did this, I did this exciting, you know, and I was very excited. But then immediately after that, he was like, Have a great time. And he left because he knows that I’m going live and I need some quiet you know, space.

[00:20:51] Okay. However, if it’s not possible for you, if it’s not possible for you to, you know, to get that, uh, you know, that’s connection, you know, like you have a very small, tiny baby, and you’re there. You may need to schedule in a time that the child is sleeping. You know, maybe, you know, you’re maybe sleeping or, or the, you know, where you can find somebody to watch the baby so you can do the livestream.

[00:21:19] However, sometimes accidents will happen. Your child’s can come into in shorts. There was a video on CNN. This man was being interviewed on CNN and the little child walked into the room. There’s nothing we can do about it. And we saw the, you know, Paul mom ran into grab the child and he’s like, the only thing I give you to do was to watch this job so that I could do a CNN interview.

[00:21:45] Well, life happens, you know, so, so if it happens that, you know, your child walks in people now know that you have children. And it’s a good thing. It’s called livestream for that because it’s real, it’s real life. Okay. So, so, but, but try your best to, to cut down on the noise. You know, if there’s construction going on outside, if there’s, you know, different things going on outside, you know, whatever it is, you want to reduce that negotiates with the people around you, you know, sometimes you may even need to go into the car.

[00:22:17] I have, I have been very creative. I’m not going to share it here because this is public. You know what? I can even share it. Have I’ve shared with some of you before I won’t share it. My Tommy’s afraid to share this in public, you know, because I have been really creative in the way I go. live okay Or do recordings.

[00:22:40] Okay. You know, and I have done recordings in different places that I’ve done in my car. Okay. I’ll say I’ve done it in my bathrooms. Okay. You know, and, and. You would think, Oh, it’s so pretty. You have a pretty nice background and all that. It was, you know, my, my bathroom, you know, so, so you can be creative because at that time, in my life, that was the only place I could lock up.

[00:23:05] And, you know, my children would not, you know, be shouting and all of that. Okay. So, because at that time they were really young. Okay. So, um, yeah. If you are here at, you have your business, you want to be visible online because you know, people need what you have. People are going to be blessed by what you have.

[00:23:27] People are going to, you know, see, uh, you know, a lot from you. Yeah. But yes, it’s gotta be going. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I’m seeing the, the comments. Okay. So, so now it’s, it’s, it’s extremely important that you’re relaxed and you tell yourself. You know, let’s go out there now. I have one bonus points that I’m going to share with you, for those of you that are not, you know, that don’t have, maybe you’re watching this where after the, that gives, you know, uh, it’s past when two people, you know, I’m going to share one more, one more point, one more point for camera confidence.

[00:24:05] One more point. Is this now that people, I want you to remember that. There are people out there that are looking to hear what you have to say. There’re People out there that want to learn from you. There are people out there that are really excited about getting what you have for them. Okay. So don’t be afraid of the camera.

[00:24:37] Okay, don’t be afraid of the camera again in the, if you go to Olu Sobanjo dot com slash LC, M U L live, uh, live com live stream confidence manual. You would be able to download there’s a lot more, you know, and I’m going to be updating it as I go, you know, but, but what I want you to do is I want you to relax and knowing so well that people wants to hear what you have.

[00:25:07] If you have a solution that people need, you know, there are problems that people have at your, your solution. Your, your message is solution based. If you have a transformation for people, you know, I wanted to do this today to help you move from being afraid of, you know, going live. That’s why I did this.

[00:25:27] This is exactly the same thing that you are doing when you do your live stream, you want to know and be confident that people want to hear from you. So relax, relax, relax. Okay. So just enjoy, enjoy, enjoy what you have. I see. Share. Okay. So, so just go ahead and share and share what you have with people.

[00:25:53] Okay. Is that what you mentioned when you know who ahead? And don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid. It’s just, the camera is just, you know, like last week I was telling you how tied to my Tommy was, but I still went all the same because. Already scheduled to do it, and I’m not going to back down. No people need to hear the message.

[00:26:15] I want my clients and my audience to be able to, you know, be able to present their stories with ease. Okay. So this is exactly the thing that I have for you today. Now I’d like to hear from you, I’d like to hear from you, which of this four. Uh, I shared the four out of, you know, uh, the, the topics that I have.

[00:26:38] Very good. Welcome back. You know, for those of you that are just joining today, I shared four tips that is going to help you, you know, increase your confidence on video as you’re going live. Okay. And if you have not already, you can go to Olu Sobanjo dot com slash LCM for the first 20 people. I noticed if you’ve got it, please write in the comments if you’ve downloaded it, if you already have it.

[00:27:04] Yeah. Just say yes in the comments, you know, so that I can hear from you. And, uh, but for those of you that I just go joining 20 people are going to get this material for free. So if you’ve not got it, go in there and get it. I’m going to put a comments to this, uh, you know, to the link, to the comments so that you can get it as well.

[00:27:22] And, uh, the first one that I have is. Of course after all that I’ve said in the last couple of weeks about, you know, make sure you schedule it, make sure you know what you’re talking about, which I did yet last week and, and just schedule it and make sure, you know, even though you feel the fear, but still do it anyway.

[00:27:40] So the first one is, you know, you need to look in the camera. The next one is you need to smile at your audience. The next one is your need to, you know, find a quiet place, you know, where there’s not a lot of distraction. And then I also mentioned that a lot of people are looking to, you know, connect with you.

[00:28:01] So don’t be afraid. Okay, please. Don’t be afraid. Now tell me, tell me in the comments, which of this ones are you going to. Practice this week. Okay. This week, I’m not saying, you know, because the reason why I said this week is I don’t want somebody to tell me, okay, next month, when I’m going to go live, I will do it.

[00:28:21] No. Okay. Next month. That’s another procrastination. Okay. I want you to go live. People are looking for the message that you have. Okay. So tell me in the comments, which of these ones do you already practice? Or are you going to practice this week? Okay. Till the next time I come live, because you see the thing, is this the reason that, and just to wrap it all up.

[00:28:47] Okay. The reason why you are afraid to go live. The reason why many of the times, as an entrepreneur, you will be afraid to go live is because you’re just discovering, you know, how Facebook works and how Instagram works and, and all of this, you know, uh, softwares that we use. Right. You know, but the truth of the matter is the more you do it, the more confident you’re going to look.

[00:29:14] Okay. Like last week, you know, even though I was, you know, I, I was goofing around and I was figuring it out. I still looked confident. I still didn’t look, you know, like, I didn’t know what I was doing. Why, because I know I have been doing this for three years, every single week. Right. There’s always a video somewhere that is going out.

[00:29:35] If it’s not live, is, is with my clients or with a group or, you know, so because of the fact that I’m doing that, it’s the repetition makes you, makes you become the expert in, in doing live streams. Okay. So don’t worry. You’re so I’m going to be an expert the first time you do it though, is going to be scary, but don’t worry.

[00:29:54] Like my client yesterday, she said to me, Oh, I was afraid I was scared, but to me. I’m happy because now she’s got it over with the first time she was doing livestream and then it’s it’s over. Okay. And, and, and by the time you actually look at the video, it doesn’t look like she didn’t know what she was doing.

[00:30:13] Um, and then the thing is she had it to the people. This is my first time of doing it. Okay. So that’s another point. Tell people you’re nervous if you’re nervous. Okay. So. That’s it for today. Tell me in the comments, which one you’re going to do and which one you’re going to practice this week. Don’t run on me.

[00:30:33] Don’t run away. If you run away without saying this one, I’m not going to be happy with you. Okay. So, so please, please get into the habit of doing live streams and I can’t wait to see you again. Same time, same station next week. All right, bye bye. For now.

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