How Do I Reach Out To More People On Facebook?

Video Transcripts

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Hello everybody. if you’ve ever wondered,  how do I actually get more people to connect with on Facebook? This is the video for you today. I actually got this as a question, and I was going to answer the person. Then I was like, you know what?

[00:00:15]More people would want to hear this. So I decided that I was going to do this live, if you’re meeting me for the very first time, my name is Olu Sobanjo . If you’re watching this on YouTube, great job. I’m glad to meet you and glad to connect with you today. And for those that have just met, you know, I just concluded a challenge in my group there.

[00:00:35] Great job, everyone. It’s really amazing to meet new people. New. Influencers new difference makers, new entrepreneurs,  different people that are causing some change in different parts of the world. Great job, everyone. I’m glad to connect with you. And for those of you that hang out with me every week, you would already know that every week on Tuesdays at noon, mid midday, Eastern time, I’m always live to share different tips and different tricks that can help you.

[00:01:08] To  take your expertise to the next level to start selling your expertise  and getting paid for your knowledge. Okay.   So today we’re talking about how do you actually reach more people on Facebook? The question actually came with on Facebook and Instagram and disclaimer, I don’t do Instagram. However on Facebook, the question is how do I actually connect with more people that wants what I have,  as I’m sharing on Facebook, this is a problem that a lot of people have. This is not for those that are considering, I want to start sharing, but I don’t know how to, this is for.

[00:01:48]Those people that are already sharing, they’re already sharing on Facebook and they’re saying I’m doing all these things.  How do I make sure that I’m able to actually connect with more people? Okay. Now the first thing that you have to pay attention to is this.

[00:02:07] Facebook is a platform that was designed  way back in the days,  original design for Facebook was actually a group of students that  wanted to, create something that they can use to interact in their school.

[00:02:23] I think it was in the university.  Was it Stanford or one of those universities? And so they did that. I can’t remember whether it was a yearbook or something like that. And they decided that they were going to do it online. And then after they did that, they realized that more people wanted it.

[00:02:38] I remember when Facebook first came out, I was one of those people that said.  I’m not going to enter into it. Because my space was a thing that’s fine. Yeah. I’m that old, my space was there.

[00:02:50] Facebook was coming out and there were other social media things and they were new at the time, and people were beginning to connect to that and they wanted more of connection and I’m like, yeah, we already have cell phones.

[00:03:01] Let’s connect with cell phones. Right? No, but gradually what happened was it became a thing. And to the point now that it’s almost become like  the TV network, what the TV networks were doing back in the days, Facebook is providing now and social media is providing, and that’s why they call it social media, because it’s like a media, but now.

[00:03:25] In a way that is connecting people together. Why did I go into the details of that? I wanted you to go back to where it all started from I want you to know that Facebook is actually now a company. It’s not just a group of people. Facebook is a company that is looking for how, you know, they have bottom lines.

[00:03:46] Okay. I always work with people that want to build their businesses and turn it, you know, increase bottom line. Right. This is the same thing with Facebook. Facebook is a company and  even though it’s a social media that we all have free accounts on,  they still have to measure their own KPIs, you know, key performance index and all those big, big things that they measure.

[00:04:12] And how does that affect you and how does that affect your content and all of the things that you are doing online. Now, if you don’t remember that Facebook is  not just the platform is a company that is trying to grow. You will forget the fact that these people, they have to think of themselves first.

[00:04:33] And so when you want to go out there, when  go out there and you want to be able to connect with people, you have to think like the business owner, okay. The business owner that owns Facebook is thinking, how can I promote my thing ? Can Facebook continues to thrive.

[00:04:50] Compared to all the other platforms that are out there. Okay. That’s why when Instagram came out, it wasn’t Facebook that designed Instagram in the first place, Instagram came out, they bought Instagram so that they can continue to make it big. Now,  the good thing for us is. This companies are so big and they’ve given us this platforms that we can use to reach out to people that they have access to.

[00:05:16] So each one of us, we create our own individual platforms on Facebook. And I want to reach out to, you want to reach out to people that have platforms on Facebook? You have to find a way to see how can I design my content in a way that would allow Facebook  a company to build his own net worth and all of that.

[00:05:38] How can I help Facebook? Okay. You have to always be thinking like that. How can I help Facebook? Because if you don’t think like, how can I help Facebook? What would happen is you would just be doing what you think you want to do. Okay.

[00:05:52] There’s always a rule to the game.  People are hired in Facebook to make sure that Facebook do well. Now you have to position yourself as someone that wants Facebook to do well, because.

[00:06:03] Think of it. If Facebook doesn’t do well, you lose all your audience. Right? So now how do you not attract some more people  remember Facebook is trying to keep more people and they are trying to build their audience. They are trying to build their platform as the place to go to. Okay. Yeah.

[00:06:21]And if you are a person that creates content you do videos, you create posts, you do different things. Okay. What you would need to do is think like someone that is helping Facebook and now. You’re now come back to yourself.

[00:06:37] What is it that you’re trying to share with people? So today the post that I’m, the topic that I’m talking about today is actually a  question that I got this morning. Okay. Usually I go live every week on my Facebook page here, and I share something that would help my audience to build their business better.

[00:06:57] Okay. Something that would get you to have more impact and more profits.  If I go with the mindset of what I want to share, what would happen is it will get to a point. I will share what I think people want to hear but that may not be what they want to hear.

[00:07:13] This is the reason why I decided to take a question that I got from somebody that was asking me what do I do about this? How do I reach more people on Facebook? And so I decided to share that so that other people can get benefit from it.

[00:07:28]A lot of people go into starting to share on Facebook. And what we’ll do is  just take a random topic. Okay. You just take a random topic and use that to share. Now it’s a good thing. However, You have to remember, there’s always a rule to the game.

[00:07:44]And the very first rule that you need to master as soon as you’ve decided that you want to share your expertise on Facebook, whether you want to build followers or you want to,  make sales or whatever it is that you’re trying to do, you have to start with the person in mind that you’re trying to help.

[00:08:05] Okay, I’ll say that again. Don’t just go out there and start to create content, go with the mind of who is my message for now. A lot of times when I meet people, and this was the challenge that even I had at the beginning. The problem that most entrepreneurs, most influencers, most content creators would have is you go with the mind of, I can help the whole world and that’s the truth.

[00:08:33] Okay. However, it’s not really true. Okay. So the person that is going out there and you’re sharing a message online and you’re sharing to the whole world, what would happen is. Facebook would look at your information. Facebook will look at what you’re sharing. Remember what they’re trying to do is they are trying to keep more people on Facebook.

[00:08:56] They are trying to make Facebook, the place to go to. Remember back in the days where it was the cable network that people hung out with. Now, people hang out on Facebook and on social media, depending on which one you stay with.

[00:09:11] Okay. So now if you go out there and you start to share randomly like that,  what would happen is they throw it out there and when they throw it out there and they don’t see that people want to what you have, after a while, he starts to go down.  So this is why it’s extremely important that you pick an audience that you’re trying to reach out to.

[00:09:34]I want you to pick out an audience that cares enough to want more of what you’re saying.

[00:09:41]And when you do that, What would happen is this people will interact more with you. Now, if you love the content that you’re hearing here, can you say love, love, love in the comment  I just want to hear from you just put something in the comments, whether it thumbs up or something just put something there

[00:10:00]If this is helping you put it in the comments, because you see if you don’t interact with people and get questions that they are asking you, and you just create your own random thoughts. What will happen is it’s just going to be in the back-burner Facebook would think because people are not interacting

[00:10:19] you don’t put your energy into just creating content just randomly. Starts with the people that already ask you questions and then answer their questions. If you just go ahead and just create random remember, it’s going to go in the back burner and Facebook is not going to give it to anyone interactions.

[00:10:40]And you can learn from what I’m doing. I’m asking you to interact with what’s what’s going on. Right. Please. Don’t forget to share absolutely. Remember to share all of you that are watching.

[00:10:51] Please share if you think if it’s helping you, it may help another person. So now these are the same strategies that you’re going to be using in your own thing as well, because remember, we’re trying to help Facebook and as we’re helping Facebook, Facebook helps us.

[00:11:09] Now the algorithms have changed over the years and different things have come up. Okay. So I want you to always start from the point of I can’t just focus on just doing what I want to do.

[00:11:24]And you know why we do that? The reason why we do that is when you see the big shots out there. Okay. When you see the big shots out there, they, they just do anything, any small thing they do.

[00:11:38]If they’re the big shots out there now, the big shots, big brand names out there, they just take one small thing and they just,  go ahead and do something and when they do that, what happens is people begin to people begin to follow that example. For example, even right now, you would go ahead and you say, I want to just share something that Oprah did or something that T D Jake’s did. Okay. Now what TD Jakes  did TD Jakes can do that because it’s TD Jakes. You know, you can’t do that. You have to look at what is it that people know me for. And then I go with that.

[00:12:16]For example I have somebody different people doing you know, comments in the, in the post. Even sometimes the negative comments, the negative comments, they even help you. Okay, because they still give you interactions. Okay. So it’s extremely important. You get interactions in all that you’re doing get interactions in all that you’re doing.

[00:12:37] Who are the people that ask you questions? You now have to consistently stay there and keep answering questions until something great comes out.

[00:12:49] Okay. So this is, this is one major way that I’d like to share with you today. First of all a lot of people share online. In short, I am one of those people that tell people, do videos, do videos, do videos, do videos. And the more you think about it, the more videos we do, the more, the more difficult it is for Facebook to know how to distribute those videos.

[00:13:14] Okay. And so the ones that go too wide, Facebook doesn’t really know what to do with you. Okay with your content, you would try to share it. Remember Facebook is trying  to increase their own market share. And so if you produce something that would increase their market share, that will keep more people with them, they’ll be very happy with you. They will help you promote it. They will help you share it. Okay.

[00:13:44] Now there are other things that you can do, things like you can share your posts in different places. Now don’t go sharing your posts in groups  they would send you out of their groups. If there’s a rule in that group , that you can share. Then you can share into your different groups that you own. Okay. But if it’s not your group, you don’t want to do that because even Facebook would block you  from doing that because there are rules to the game.

[00:14:11]We’re going to be having the video masterclass on Saturday.  For those of you that are not registered yet. One major thing that we’re going to be doing during the video masterclasses, is this, . I just explained to you now that people that need to what your have, if you can fine tune your message to the point where you’re doing your video for them. What happens is facebook will begins to work for you.

[00:14:38] Okay. Social media begins to work for you because if you don’t do that way, you will have to pay to get them to hear you. As a matter of fact, I have big groups and even in my group there are different strategies. If you don’t use those strategies, Not all the people that are in your group have find them.

[00:14:56] Why? Because Facebook would like you to, to contribute to making Facebook work. Right. You know, you contribute to your payments or money to, to advertise to people in your group, even though they are in your group or even your fans, the fan base that you have in your Facebook page, you still need to market to get to them, but there are ways around it,  I’ve shared some of it today, interaction, get them to share, get them to like, get them to come and get them to interact with you.

[00:15:23] Now, this masterclass that’s happening on Saturday is a smaller group that I can take you through the system that I use. And we take a look at your message and the kind of videos that you should be doing. How do you get topics that you should be talking about?

[00:15:42] How do you find the people that are interested in what you have? How do you do all of these things? There’s a process that I take my clients through. Now, the video masterclass is like the entry level way of actually getting me to work with you. Okay. Now, like I said to work with me one-on-one, or even in my advanced programs you pay from from $1,500 to $5,000.

[00:16:08] I have programs in different ranges like that. Okay. But this time around, because I am just building up my Academy, I am creating this video masterclass path that actually allows you too. I work with you on Saturday. We work to develop what you have and it’s, it’s smaller group. It’s very small group and  I would have the time to look at your information one by one, and then we go through and create a path specifically for you, because we’re all different.

[00:16:39]Now, when you get that, you also get me for a whole month in the Academy. Okay. So this is like the best way to enter into  getting my hands on your business, on your. Videos. Okay. Or on your services. This is not for everyone.

[00:16:58]This is for anyone that is trying to monetize your message.  You want to have a process to get money coming in so that you can do more of the good that you love to do like this online, you’re sharing with people for free. Nobody pays you for it.

[00:17:15] But you still go ahead and do it, but there must be a way to get paid for what you’re doing. Right? This is where I come in.  I want you to have a path that generates money for you. Okay. And it’s also for you, if you’re ready to take your business to the next level.

[00:17:32] So you have physical products or services that you sell and you want clear and faster track to get you to start getting paid fast. One of my clients said to me I didn’t believe that I could get paid for service, because I thought it was just for the very smart people that can get paid for their expertise. And, but the truth of the matter is we’re all experts at different things. So if you can find out what your own expertise is, which is what we’re going to do together, You know, and, and you develop a system that turns your expertise, for example, I’m sharing this with you now, free of charge I’m spending this 30 minutes or thereabouts with you, free of charge ? And I do that because I have my clients pay me. Right, how do you now have that path  that creates some funds for you?

[00:18:29] So you can do all the things that you love.  For me, my husband and I pastor a church and the moment we sense that God wants us to go to another place; like right now I’m doing, I’m doing this in Cornwall, Ontario a year ago, I was not in Cornwall, Ontario.

[00:18:44] I was in Nigeria somewhere doing ministry. Now, as soon as we believe that God wants us to go somewhere else. You know, Japan? you know, today in my church, we’re praying for Japan,    could it be Japan that we’re going next? Why not? Let’s go. I’m not tied to a job. I can go anywhere and I continue to hang out with my friends online like this, and I’m gone and do business with do ministry and I hang out with my children. After the video master class for one week I’m going to be off. I’m just going to take time off. Why? Because I can okay. So I want you to have a path. Okay, that would give you that kind of system in place in your message and your business.

[00:19:27]A lot of the people that I work with, you really want to help people and you really want to serve the community. You are serving the community already, but then for you to be able to do more of it, money has to come in from somewhere. Right. You know, because if I sit down with you here and I’m not sure where money is going to come from, I’m not going to do it again.

[00:19:46] Right. You know, but we want the goods that you have to continue to be spreading out. Like that. So please, if you’ve not registered for the video masterclass and you want to monetize your expertise, or you want to sell more of your product with videos, the website to go to is  that’s video masterclass, VM, .

[00:20:13] I’m going to put a link to that. You know, . And you just go in there and you register, it’s only $47, $47. I extended the discount for everyone because, you know, I want everyone to be able to come in. And I have like I was telling you earlier on. Facebook has a reason why they would promote you.

[00:20:37] I have a reason why I reduced the price. Like I just told you to work with me $5,000, but I just told you the reason why I’m putting this as very low right now, the real truth is this Academy must be built. I really want this to be something low level place where people can come in there.

[00:20:59] And work, but it’s going to be work on your own. I give you all the resources. You go, you go for it. You can ask me questions, but, but you don’t get me one-on-one however, Because it’s just beginning, you get me kind of one on one okay. Because it’s not going to be a lot of people at the beginning. That’s why the price is so small.

[00:21:20] Okay. So take advantage of it. It’s gonna, it might stay the same price for a long time, but it might not have the same connection with me for a long time. Okay. Now what would happen is it becomes a place at school, just like you don’t, you don’t have one-on-ones with your professors right.

[00:21:38] In the university  I remember when I was in the university, there were how many? eight hundred of us in one class. Okay. That’s it. You don’t get to have that interaction. Teach me. Okay. What do I do next? What do I do next? You know? So to do that, you go the next level. Okay, so please take advantage of, of that or as in video masterclass, V M.

[00:22:04] Okay. And yeah, so please don’t get tired of what you’re doing on Facebook or on any platform that you use. Try to maximize on one first before you spread yourself.

[00:22:18] Okay. I stay on Facebook. Why? Because. I’m trying to build on Facebook and I spread to some other places. Okay. So thank you, everyone that joined me live.

[00:22:29]All right. So thank you again and take care of it. And for those of you that I registered for the video master class, I can’t wait to see you on Saturday

[00:22:38] and for those that are not yet there, have a great day everyone.

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