Hesitation: Aid To Mediocrity

One of the greatest determining factors for actually living a fulfilling life of purpose is the ability to make the right decisions as you go on in life. And that’s why I believe my topic today is the plague that limits people from moving up higher. I call it Hesitation, an aid to mediocrity.

Hesitation is like the brake pedals when you are driving. Its like this, imagine you have a fantastic idea, you are ready to put your feet on the accelerator, you have a sense that your idea is actually a great one, you have seen some other people succeed at it and so you know it could lead you to the place of great success. 

But somehow, you suddenly begin to feel some reluctance, your foot keeps going back to the brake pedals. Trust me, with hésitations holding you hostage you can’t get to higher levels in your life’s purpose. Hesitation again can be likened to driving forward with your eyes staring into rearview view mirror. 

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Now, let me mention here that hesitation can be a great asset that will save you lots of heartaches, it can also be the aid that keeps bringing you back to the dread position of procrastination. You miss out on time-bound opportunities if you don’t learn to manage your mind in this area of hesitation.

Where does hesitation come from?

  • Your past failures,
  • other people’s imposed fear,
  • lack of faith in your ability to get clear ideas.
  • Not eough data (or information)

The story is told of a man who had a piece of property. He knew there was a deposit of diamond on that property. He borrowed money and also got people to help him dig out his diamond, they dug and dug for months and got nothing, at last, he gave up and sold the piece of property for $100.

Though he started the adventure with excitement and a strong belief that there was victory ahead, he got to a point that his failure to get to the desired destination began to reshape his belief. He started to doubt if he was actually sure of finding diamonds there ever.

The new owner brought in Geologists to assess the situation, he paid to have access to their own experience. He got them to bring in their expensive equipments to analyze the situation. After some research, they discovered that the previous owner was just 3-5feet away from victory. They brought in more equipment, brought in more help and in a short while the new owner was in money, lots of money.  

Have you been allowing reluctance to limit you?

What must you do differently in order to become a high achiever?

There are a few things, first, is develop your ability to hear clear and great ideas correctly. Make sure you can hear clearly from God, that’s why last week’s episode is very important if you haven’t listened, Click Here to Listen.

Next would be to always do your own proper research. Get help from the wisdom and experiences of others who have succeeded at what you are trying to achieve.

For example, if you are listening to this because you want to find the encouragement to keep doing what God laid on your heart, If you want to know steps to take to do all that God called you to do, you are in the right direction. Keep it up.

And if you are one of the few, who wants to turn your own wisdom to profit, you may want to consider joining my paid program where I teach you how you can start an online coaching/consulting business with wisdom you already have.

And last but not least: would be to just to NEVER GIVE UP. Make the decisions! I have discovered that in life, in ministry or in business, always making decisions is the best way to grow. You may want to stay in the point of analyzing forever and that is never going to get you to your desired end result. You must learn to take calculated steps. The perfect moment may never come, so your hesitation may only be a delay. Trust me, you will get some right and get some wrong, but as you go, you are sure to become an expert as long as you never give up. 

Step out even when hesitation come, take bold step even in the face of fear. You will be shocked what’s in the future. Nothing happens by chance, you need to determine in your heart to push through any hesitations in order to become a high achiever. 

The more calculated steps you take, the more your boldness and confidence will increase. Don’t hesitate or just do it even though you are reluctant. 

Sometimes the calculations will make sense and you can see it clearly that it’s the right step to take. Other times the calculations won’t make sense but you just sense that this is the best thing to do. Just do it and trust that you will learn from the process. And next time you would definitely be wiser.

Greatness therefore is not for the faint hearted but those brave enough to take actions regardless of their reservations.

I want to hear from you, do you overthink your decisions or do you think calculated trial and errors are the way to go? Leave me a comment below.  

Thanks and have a fantastic week!

2 Replies to “Hesitation: Aid To Mediocrity”

  1. Nkiruka Grace says:

    I do do over think about any decision I take, how bad is that and how can I hear clearly from God about the decision I want to take

    1. It’s exciting to read from you, Nkiruka Grace! The way I see this is that God promised to lead anyone who wants His leadership. You will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way…Isaiah 30:21. However, when he speaks, we still have to take steps based on our faith in His ability to lead us aright. When you over think things all the time, it may be a sign that your level of confidence in the ability to hear God is low. If that’s the case, the issue then is to build up your faith in hearing clearly and distinctly. In my last episode, I shared how I solve that problem of doubting or overthinking. There is more to it though and I will be glad to chat more with you on this.
      Thanks again.

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