How To Handle Impostor Syndrome For Entrepreneurs

I’m an entrepreneur and I have imposter syndrome. This post is on how you can handle the feeling of not being good enough to do what you’re doing. 

Impostor syndrome is a feeling that some people get when they are in situations where they feel like someone who doesn’t belong there or isn’t as qualified as others for the situation. The term “impostor phenomenon” was coined by psychologists Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes in 1978. It’s also known as fraud syndrome, impostor experience, impostorism, or the imposter complex.

Impostor Syndrome is also a phrase used to describe the feelings of inadequacy that someone may experience when they have been convinced, often by their own thoughts, that they are not intelligent enough, good enough or don’t deserve success. 

Quick story

I had just finished a presentation on zoom, and I was unwinding when I thought “I’m already dressed, why not go live and catch up with people in my group?”

So I reached for my phone, navigated to my group, hit the go-live button. I was talking. All of a sudden I saw my big sis was online, my first thought, How did she get into my group and I had no idea? Then I began to see many names I knew and other names I don’t. I was confused. I was so sure…

Watch the video to get the full gist:

Thumbnail story, my teenager photobombed my picture session. I love my guys lot.

One of the biggest reason why I decided to focus on imposter syndrome for entrepreneurs this week is that it takes time to build a business. And while you are at an early stage in business you may start to compare yourself with others that have gone way ahead.

I also have to mention here that I have noticed that women struggle harder with imposter syndrome than men in business.

When the vision for your business isn’t clear, imposter syndrome looms around. When you’re not sure what next to do, you tend to fight distracting limiting beliefs.

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Lou Solomon, talks about the ‘Big 4’ ways in which imposter syndrome shows up.

  1. Anxiety: All the “what ifs”
  2. Self-doubt: Who gave me the right?
  3. Perfectionism: Great or never
  4. Fear of failure: It’s not going to work

Here are a few steps to handle Imposter syndrome for entrepreneurs

When it comes to recording videos or going live,

  1. Prepare before you go live. I have talked about this a lot the past few weeks.  
  2. Set goals for yourself- this could be the number of views or likes on each live video or something else entirely 
  3. Find a topic that you know about and feel passionate about 
  4. Create an outline for your Facebook Lives, including what to talk about and the order in which you’ll discuss these topics 
  5. Be real, connect with your viewers by telling them about what they can expect from the Live and how it will benefit them
  6. Keep your content relevant to your followers and provide value for them- don’t sell too much or just promote brands without a point.
  7. Plan out how long you want your videos to last- shorter videos are easier to do and digest than longer ones so try not to go over 10 minutes
  8. Engage with others in the comments section of the Live as well as through private messages, posts, etc., so people feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves

Truth, I hide in my group to do my livestream the whole of 2020. That was what I was able to do at the time. Even though I had done videos for years, the imposter syndrome I was dealing with was that ” I didn’t want to be seen as the insensitive people that’s always talking about business in the middle of the pandemic” So the easiest solution was to run and hide in my facebook group.

I definitely missed out on many opportunities.

You may be missing out on some breakthroughs as you’re reading this if you don’t practice coming out of that mindset.

Which of the big 4s do you struggle with right now and how do you plan to handle it? Leave me a comment below.

Show Transcripts:

Hello? Hello, this is the Sobanjo. Um, today I’m going to be talking about imposter syndrome. Now, if you’ve ever wanted to, whether it’s go live on Facebook on YouTube or whatever platform it is that you want to share your message ads. And do you find that you’re having lots of hesitation? Okay, hesitations around, you know, you keep your legs on the brake, you know, when you get on the accelerator and you’re like, I have to take it easy.

[00:00:35] I have to take it easy. This is the show for you today. And again, I want to welcome you to my Q and a Tuesday, which is actually changing very soon. I’m going to be telling you more about that in just a little while and, uh, yeah. So I’m hoping that I am live. If I am alive, you can, if you can see me, why don’t you just go ahead and say hashtag life and if you’re watching the replay, go ahead and do hashtag replay.

[00:01:09] All right. So very good. I can see that I’m right there. All right. So I’d like to hear it from you. I’d like to hear from you today. Okay. So again, I want to, I want to be sure. Actually, I’m not able to see, uh, okay. Very good. I can see you too. Yeah, you can see it today. I’m very excited that I could see you today, but what’s going good with Facebook, everybody.

[00:01:39] All right. So if you’re watching from Facebook, I’m very glad that you’re here as well. And, um, yeah, today. Whew. Oh, I’m so glad. I’m so, so glad that you’re here. All right. So what’s going on with my Facebook, Facebook, please have mercy on me. Uh, yeah. So today again, like I said, I want to talk about how you can, um, get read of.

[00:02:10] Well, actually, I don’t know if I can actually me see that, because remember I said today, I’m going to be doing some confession kid. Okay. Yes. I can see Facebook very good. Now today, you know, I want to talk about how you are going to, you know, handle imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is one. The thing that a lot of people actually.

[00:02:34] Face. Okay. And I’m going to go back. You can’t see what’s going on in my screen. So don’t, don’t don’t mind me telling you what I’m doing here. Okay. Anyway, so if you’re joining me from YouTube, Facebook, please do hashtag life so that I can see you as well. Yes. So imposter syndrome, you know, if you’ve ever been in a position where you feel like I’m supposed to be doing this, but I’m so afraid to do it.

[00:03:01] I have, I’m going to be sharing my own story. Okay. Around imposter syndrome today. And now given the time that we have, I’m going to try to put as much as I can into this, you know, I just so I can, you know, make sure that, Hey, I see, I see. I see. Anyways, dad, very good. Um, I’m glad Facebook is good as well.

[00:03:24] All right. So very good. All right. So, so now I meet a lot of people that would say to me, Thank you to it. I’m really glad to see you as well. Yes. So a lot of people say to me, I say, you know, go live, go do your videos and do all this things. And they say, yada, yada, yada, I’m going to do it. But the end of coming back to me and saying, you know what, I didn’t do it.

[00:03:51] Okay. Now, Because of the fact that I talk to people to do videos a lot. I find that a lot of people actually have, you know, as soon as you say, you want to start to do videos, the serious imposter syndrome that is deep down within for sure. Okay. It’s that’s to show up. Okay. Now, um, shout out to my hubby. So I hope you can see that I’m standing up today.

[00:04:18] I’m actually on fire today. I feel like really, really on fire because I can stand up. I can dance and do a lot of, you know, I do this. Okay. So I’m really excited. I’ve been planning to stand up to do my videos. So long and, and I just never got to it. So it’d be like, you know, the tech and the setup and all that is going to be involved.

[00:04:39] I didn’t do it until he said to me, you’re going to help me set up mine. And, uh, cause he has a challenge that is going on next week, you know, actually hashtag I did Sobanjo dot com. I think that’s it, sweetie. Please put the link to, uh, to the challenge. And uh, and so I’m going to be helping him set up next week and which is what I do with my clients.

[00:05:01] I’m waiting for my check, you know? And, uh, and, and so, so, so I decided, you know what, instead of doing it for him next week, let me start this week. And, and, and here we are today, so I’m really glad I’m grateful for you. So you’re hot. All right. So now. Quick story last Saturday. Some of you may have noticed, okay.

[00:05:23] That last Saturday, if you’re, if you’re still with me, can you please do, uh, say something in the, in the comments so that I can know you’re still there. Uh, and I’m, I’m not, uh, I’m still alive. I think I am. Okay. So. Last Saturday, I was at a meeting and I was sharing, you know, I was presenting about stories.

[00:05:43] Okay. Because I love stories. Okay. And, uh, and I was talking about how you can use your own story to actually make a huge impact. Okay. Very good. Thank you. Thank you, chewing, you know, Huge impact in the world, how you can use your story to make huge impact in the world. This is what I do. This is everything that I do boils and centers around helping my clients bring that stories to the world, to make the world a better place.

[00:06:13] Okay. So I was doing that last year and then immediately after that, Brenda, I see that you’re there. What’s up. What’s up. It’s good to see you immediately after the livestream. I mean immediately after that presentation, I felt, you know, once I was already dressed off and, you know, looking good and all that, I was like, you know what, maybe I should just go live in my group in one of my groups and say hello to everybody, you know, and see what’s, everybody’s been up to for the weekend and all that.

[00:06:42] So, so I, you know, picked up my phone and I navigated to my, to the, to, you know, through my phone to Facebook and I saw. Visual like a pro group. And I clicked on that. Okay. I clicked on that group and, and I went live and I began to talk, you know, and I was waiting for some people to come join me live and see what’s going on and all of that, or leave for me to, you know, I kept waiting and waiting and I kept talking and just waiting to see who’s going to join me and all that.

[00:07:11] And then all of a sudden I saw my big sister. She said, Hey, what’s up lady in white or something? She she’s typed something in the, in the comments. And I was like, wait a second. You’re in my group. I didn’t even know you were in my group. How come you snake? You snuck into my group. And I didn’t know. You know, it was strange to me because my group is different from my profile and it’s different from my business page and all of this.

[00:07:39] Okay. And then after a while she said, you know, I think, you know, because of the lag time to get messages back and forth, you know, then I saw another person on pop online, you know, watching me. And I was like, wait a second. Who is this? You know, I said, I said, I seen different names that I have no clue who these are, you know?

[00:08:00] And I, and I was like, I don’t get it. Okay. Then I asked, you know, I said it out loud and I was like, Whoa. Am I doing this in my group, or am I doing anything in my page? And she said, my sister said, you’re doing it in your page. And I was like, Oh, I didn’t even know because it’s a Saturday. I don’t usually go live on my business page on Saturdays.

[00:08:21] I only go live in my groups once in a while, you know? So, so I was like, huh. Can you imagine I’m doing all of them, seeing all of this and I’m sharing, you know, more and putting everything out there in public. And I was like, ah, anyway, let me just have fun and just enjoy it anyway, fast forward. After the event, after the livestream enable came and you know, things happen and I have to stop the live stream and then.

[00:08:48] I went back to check and I realized that I was actually live in my Facebook on my Facebook profile, not on my Facebook page. No. The confession part of today is this. I teach people to go live and I teach you to go, um, to do, you know, videos and all of these things. And I actually love doing videos.

[00:09:12] However, what I’ve discovered, I mean, what I have one big challenge that I have had up until last week. Okay. Maybe still a little bit, you know, is that I’d rather that not bring it to my Facebook profile. Okay. I don’t want anybody on my profile to know what’s going on. I had to hide in my Facebook page where people know me as, you know, coach Olu, bring it to my Facebook profile.

[00:09:45] Well, were all of the friends that I have in the whole world are there and they’re going to be seeing what I’m doing. I don’t want them to see it. I only want the ones that I interested in business to come there. And why was I like that? I feel like, you know, sometimes I, I may be judged sometimes, you know, maybe also because of, you know, some of the past, um, thoughts.

[00:10:09] Some of the comments that I’ve got in the past. I’m like, I don’t know if I want that anymore. I don’t want, you know, people need my business. Okay. And so I drive that, just do this on my page. And as a matter of fact, FA uh, flashback a couple of months. Okay. I would say beginning of this year is when I actually was able to bring you back to my Facebook page.

[00:10:35] Okay, now I’m doing it on my Facebook page. I’m doing it on my Facebook profile. I’m doing it on my Facebook everywhere. YouTube everybody’s here, you know, but, but you see the thing is. LA you see last year when COVID hit, I said to myself, I still need to show up every week, you know, because this is what I want to do.

[00:10:54] I want to help people. I have a message that I want to share with people, but I’m not going to put it on my Facebook profile because, you know, I just don’t want to deal with that. Okay. And, and, and I said this in my group, in one of my groups, the reason why I do it in my group, because there’s so much going on and I don’t want to be.

[00:11:13] Uh, lid belt as, uh, insensitive, you know, to what’s going on in the world at the time. So I heat inside my Facebook group and I began to do it there. Now. I’m really glad that I still did that because I was still showing up, but it was inside closed doors. Okay. Now this is the reason why I’m sharing this with you is you see imposter syndrome, which is what I’m focusing on today.

[00:11:38] He shows up in different ways. You know, let me read, let me read to you what, um, an explanation of imposter syndrome. Okay. I have one here that says imposter syndrome is a feeling that someone, some people get some people. Okay. When they’re in situations where they feel like someone who doesn’t belong there, Okay.

[00:12:02] Or isn’t as qualified as others for the situation. Okay. So for example, you want to, you want to come out there as an entrepreneur, you have an idea, you, you have a solution that has helped you. Okay. And you want to use that same solution to help other people, but you are afraid that. I’m not even qualified to be the one saying that who gives you the right.

[00:12:31] Okay. Maybe because of, you know, past failures. Okay. Or maybe because of, you know, past wrong choices. Okay. That we’ve made. And the re the repercussion of that is, you know, the mind keeps going back to the fact that you’re not even smart enough, you make all sorts of dumb decisions. Okay. And, and the, the imposter syndrome now, Shows up in different ways.

[00:12:56] There’s another one that says info. Imposter syndrome is a phrase that is used to describe the feeling of inadequacy that someone may experience when they have been convinced often by their own thoughts that they are not intelligent enough. Good enough. Or don’t deserve success. No, this it’s, it’s really scary.

[00:13:24] Okay. It’s really scary.  nice, too. Nice to see you. It’s been awhile. It’s good to see you, you know, um, you know, it’s, it’s really scary to know that you, that you have such brilliance in you. You can hide it away, you know, and, and you’re afraid to press the record button because of feeling that you’re not.

[00:13:49] Either intelligence enough, good enough. Or don’t deserve. To be there now. It’s extremely important. It’s extremely, thank you. Thank you for sharing that. It’s extremely important that you are known. Okay. It’s extremely important that you know, that what you have inside of you is big, is big. This is what I have.

[00:14:12] I have, I am devoting my life to, and I made up my mind that I’m going to help others to come out there and say, you know what? What you’ll have is great. And first of all, he is going to change the lives of other people. And it’s also going to bring you income. Now, this is, this is why I have dedicated my life to do this, to doing this.

[00:14:38] Okay. Whatever the situation is, whatever, wherever you are, you actually have so much in you that you can share with the world. And people will be very. Uh, excited, not even just excited people would be changed lives would be changed because they hear your story. And that’s why I lost stories a lot. Okay.

[00:15:00] Now I have had different times in life that, you know, in, in my. You know, was online and all of this that I do that, I feel like, you know what I, you know, and I’ve had different successes and, and sometimes, you know, some things that don’t show that don’t match up with what I really would love to see. And because of that, we, we, we hide away because of that.

[00:15:23] I sometimes want to hide away. And that’s why some, you know, after after many months of going live, I feel like, you know what? I shouldn’t bother my friends on Facebook. What I’m doing. Come on. They don’t have to watch me. They don’t have to watch it. And if they have opinions about it, praise the Lord. It’s great.

[00:15:43] Let them come and share their opinion. It’s good. But, but that shouldn’t now keep me bound. I shouldn’t keep you bound though. That shouldn’t keep you bound. I shouldn’t keep you, you know, um, In, in a box where you’re not able to bring that juice that the world really needs from you out. Okay. Now last week, when, on Saturday, when that incidents are opened, if you’re just joining life, I w I was just talking about, you know, what an imposter said, you know, a sign of imposter syndrome that I had on Saturday and the way, you know, I just got out of it, you know, and I, I was saying this, you know, to my family, after that event, I said, if anyone had told me that I should go live in my press, uh, in my pro uh, pro uh, in my personal profile, I would say, you know, I’m not ready for it.

[00:16:38] You know, I’m not sure what people are going to say. I’m just afraid, you know, and, and all of these things in there, isn’t it very interesting the way it paints in that definition, there is a lot of times it’s often in our own thoughts. Is in our own thoughts. Nobody CA people are busy doing their life.

[00:16:57] People are I don’t. Why should people’s comments limits what you are able to do or what I am able to do? Okay. Now the thing is the world’s niche where you have. I would have said that I’m not ready to go live on my Facebook page, if not for the fight. And I believe I actually believe that it was actually a God moment.

[00:17:20] I actually, um, you know, if you’re just submitting me, um, I’m a pastor, you know, and, and I coach people to do their businesses, you know, and I believe that that was a goddess moment for me on Saturday. You know, it was God, because I was so sure. I clicked on my, on my, uh, group to go live. But for some reason I found it that I had gone live on my, on my profile.

[00:17:46] And sometimes that happens where, you know, you just have to, you know, just. Push yourself out of there. And that’s what Facebook live, which I’ve been talking about for the past three, four weeks now, you know, and I’m kind of wrapping it up and you know, for this week now that if there is imposter syndrome, you need to find a way to make sure you identify it.

[00:18:07] And now there’s a, there’s a lady called Luke Solomon. And she, she called, uh, she sees that imposter syndrome appears in four and beak four and this big four, um, ideas. Okay. Phenomenon. So kid that, that I’m going to mention. The first one is anxiety. The second one. I told you about my anxiety last week.

[00:18:33] Okay. The first one is anxiety. The second one is perfectionism. The third one is self doubts and then the fourth is the fear of failure. Okay. Anxiety, perfectionism. Okay. Self doubt and feel failure. If you suddenly begin to find yourself like, you know, I should do it. Oh, I should do it. Um, you know, okay, press life, you know, and this is what happens.

[00:18:57] You know, this, this is, this was stage that I was, and you’re going to find it yourself that when it’s time to, you know, take a big step or even Amies kind of step, you know, or. Press the record button. You kind of find it, you know, like, Oh, okay. I should do it. Oh, nobody’s watching. What if nobody comes? What if you know, and all the what-ifs begins to show up.

[00:19:21] That’s a sign of imposter syndrome, you know, where you begin to fret. You’re so afraid. Okay. The second one is perfectionism where you’re thinking I actually need to have the best camera and the best sound, by the way, if you can hear me loud and clear and. Sound is good for you. Can you write lungs, a louder loaned and Claire loud and clear.

[00:19:44] If you can hear me clearly, can you type something in the comments so that I can hear it loud and clear? Okay. Now you’re looking at, Oh, I should buy a camera. I should buy equipment. I should buy license. I should, you know, perfectionism, you’re thinking it needs to really be really, really great before you go out there and do it.

[00:20:03] No, that’s a, that’s some imposter syndrome right there, you know, and, and this also show up a lot in business where you compare yourself with people that, you know, you’re, you, you know, what they’re doing is very similar to what’s deep down inside you. And when the more you consume their own content, the more you look at yourself and you’re like, not even, I’m not even there much.

[00:20:26] I can’t even stand, you know, in shot. So maybe I shouldn’t do it. That’s, that’s not true. That’s not true. It’s just the perfectionism that the perfectionist in you that’s coming out. The truth of the matter is I remember when I was going to do my very first book, I was, I w I wanted to, I love Joyce smile so much, and I wanted my first book to be a 365 days.

[00:20:51] Devotional. But eventually, you know, one day I walked, walked to work and by the time I had walked for so long, I had maybe 40, 40 something days. And I was like, come on. Right. Eventually I said to myself, God said to me, or, you know, and eventually I said, you know what? Somebody actually listened to a lady that said she wrote a pamphlet and that blank flakes helped another group of people that were coming back and telling her how they were blessed by that small pamphlet.

[00:21:23] And then I was like, if somebody is kind of right there, pamphlets and article, that kind of help people. What’s my, then I created my book and I published it and you know, up till today, I’m glad that you know, that I did, you know, and, and the people that, that my story has helped. Okay. So this is exactly the thing, you know, sometimes you look at yourself and, and in one of my videos in the past, I was talking about, you know, what my coach told me the week after I don’t a major event, I did this major event and like a challenge.

[00:21:57] And during, you know, the way I work in my business is I’ll do a challenge and I’ll help people and give a lot for free, just like I’m doing right now. I share a lot for free, you know, and. Out of the people that I share with some of them become my clients, you know? So I did this event and I did, I spent so much time and money and efforts and all that.

[00:22:17] By the time I finished, no body wants her to be my client. No buddy night. Like nobody, I went back to my coach and I was like, I’m tired. You know, this doesn’t make sense. What did I do wrong? You know? And I had all sorts of complaints, you know, And she said something to me that we’ll never forget in my life.

[00:22:34] She said to me that, you know, what’s going on is you’re forgetting that there’s a process. There’s a process before things can begin to happen. You can get pregnant to then deliver it tomorrow. You, it takes time, you know? And, and I, I didn’t go that this is why I would always have a coach, you know, and I’m showing my clients here.

[00:22:52] I know also like, you know, this is why I have that. I’m your coach. And I would always continue to boot you, push you. Put you, I will continue to push you so that you do the best thing you bring of the best studies inside of you to the world. Okay. And then self doubt, you look at yourself, you say, what do I know?

[00:23:11] Who am I, what can I do? You know? And, and you see the thing is, if you. Look at yourself and you compare yourself with, you know, I feel if I, you know, like what I was doing when I was writing my book and I was comparing myself, he joined smile, joined smile, just smile, just smile. Everybody knows Joyce Meyer.

[00:23:29] I can compare myself with Joyce Meyer, but the normal thing didn’t that the, the, the funny thing that we do is we compare ourselves with people that have been on the race for so long. And so, because you’re not conf compare yourself with them, you know, shrink because you’re like, I’m not good enough, you know, like it has to really shine.

[00:23:49] It has to really be great, you know, and, but that is just self-doubt, it’s just doubting yourself. And the way to deal with that is to, is to calm down and if possible, actually, this is one process that I take my clients to. Okay. Is you actually identify what you, the successes and the great things that you’ve done, the great things that you’ve done.

[00:24:14] You ride them out the process of writing all those things out. No, sometimes it’s just, I help, you know, my children eat healthy. Okay. And so you you’re like who cares? My children eat LV, you know, it’s not a big thing, you know? Thanks chewy. I can see the, you said like loud and clear, you know, and, and, you know, you, you start to compare yourself with the big shots of this world.

[00:24:36] Right. You know? And, uh, and, and when you, the more you compare yourself, the more you see that, you know, you’re, you’re gonna always be small, you know, like that, uh, uh, what’s that word? Grasshopper mentality. You know, you start to look at yourself like a grasshopper, you know, and, but if you look at it as my children eat LT, uh, eat healthy.

[00:25:03] English is a show it to me today. Okay. My children eat, eat healthy, you know? How many parents are out there, maybe working parents, maybe, uh, you know, entrepreneurs may be, you know, really busy moms that don’t know how to package good food for their children. Trust me, that part of your story would actually be a good, uh, uh, propeller.

[00:25:31] Okay. That would launch you to, to, to the world. Okay. And, and that part of you that you thought is not great. That’s the one that people can connect with even more. So when self-doubt comes, you see, you know what I need to find out, what are some of the things that I’m good at that I have achieved that I can, you know, use and then the fear of failure.

[00:25:55] We all have fuel failure, you know, and, and it’s, it’s a matter of, you know, it just it’s, you know, learning to release yourself, just release yourself and, and just release yourself to the process. Okay. You know, and I, I think this was what happened to me on Saturday where, you know, God, to knew that I was at that position.

[00:26:15] I was at that point that he needed me to, you know, step out there. You need that meet to, you know, just launch, just go, stop hiding. You know, and, and I, it got me out of that now I shaved on my page and I know my profile and I don’t care, you know, I still care a little bit, but I still don’t get, because I did it and the wall did not collapse, you know?

[00:26:37] So, so that’s it, you know, so, so what I want you to know is even people that are really, really, really successful. You know, because sometimes you look at yourself and you say, you know, what do I really have to say? You know? And, and for example, in my, in my profile, I have friends that have done so much more okay.

[00:26:58] That I’ve achieved so much more than I have. And so sometimes I’m like, what do I have to say to them? Okay. Uh, but, but no, that’s not the point. Okay. Because. Even if it’s not them, there are other people that would see it. So as many places as possible, share your message. Now I have to quickly say also that if you’re at the stage where you feel you need to do it in, in, in, in quiet.

[00:27:25] Okay. Do we tell a little bit in quiet? You know, if you know, like doing your Facebook live, if you know, you can actually go live. In a, what they call it private mode. Okay. So instead of going live publicly, you can click on the points where you say go live privately and you do your first recording. Do it private or share it with just a few friends.

[00:27:49] And, and then gradually, you know, but don’t wait for two years. Okay. Don’t wait for your whole year before you, you know, share with your friends, you know, and I used to share with my friends, you know, but, but then when I started to get some comments, I’m like, you know what, maybe if they don’t even see it, maybe I would be how, how they better life.

[00:28:05] But that again is an impostor way of seeing life. All right. So. No, if you’re here, I, like I said, I said earlier on that, I’m going to be having, uh, I’m gonna be sharing with you, you know, what’s happening. There’s a lot that is happening. I told you that I wanted to change this into a show, you know? So we’re working on that in a lot of, you know, workings going on in the background with my team, you know, right now, shout out to my team, all the people that are watching, God bless you.

[00:28:34] You know, there’s, everyone is doing different things. And right now that, you know, we’re working towards making this. Turning this into a really full blown, you know sure. Uh, for you. So. In a couple of weeks, if you’re, I mean, a couple of days actually, you know, we’re going to be launching the story sellers show.

[00:28:51] Okay. So, uh, keep an eye on, on here. Keep an eye in the emails. If you’re not in my email, you know, find out, you know, if you, if you use the, um, Quis, uh, if you go through the quiz, you would be able to join my email list so that you can know what’s going on. Uh, there there’s, I don’t want to say. I spilled the beans today.

[00:29:11] I’m going to be telling you more about it as we go. Right? So now there’s something that I learned that you feel going to achieve greatness. Okay. If you get really inspired, you’re finished listening to me, you know, and you really get inspired. You, you, if you tell yourself I’m going to go live, okay. You know, I don’t want to put you on the spot, but.

[00:29:33] Is there anybody here that you watched live last week and you said you were going to go live. Did you go live, please put in the comments. I would really like to know, did you go live YouTube, Facebook, you know, wherever you’re watching it from, put it in there and I’m going to connect with you after the, uh, the, the, uh, the presentation.

[00:29:51] And then, uh, for, for those of you that are watching and everyone. Are you going to go live or is there something that you’re going to do this week that is going to bring you closer to achieving that thing that you have in your dream? Okay. Write it in the comments. Okay. Because 30% 36, is it 36 or 35%.

[00:30:13] Okay. Of success. Okay. So you get the chance you get 35% more chance to actually open for it to actually happen. Okay. So if you actually make up your mind that you’re going to do it, but if you actually now committed to somebody, okay, committed, speak it out loud and committed to someone. You jump to 91%.

[00:30:36] Okay. And then when he to return out, it jumps to 97% that you would actually achieve that thing that you’re trying to do. So you can say it out to somebody out loud that I’m going to go live, or I’m going to take this step in my business, you know, or writing in the comments and I’d like to connect with you and keep you accountable.

[00:30:56] Okay. And, uh, yeah, so, and, and if you’re that and you, once you’re wondering what’s the next step for me and my business, what the next step is? You know, what should I do? There’s a link to this in the description or lose Sobanjo dot com slash quiz. Okay. Click on that link and it’s good to help you decide.

[00:31:16] The next thing to do is going to help you fine tune your thoughts on what to do next or what next, what next? Step to taking your business. All right. So thank you. Thank you. Thanks. So for the Tums off YouTube, you know, I’m so excited for you to today because I’m just seeing, you know, comments from YouTube, so great back at you.

[00:31:37] Okay. And you and Facebook, what’s up. What’s up. What’s up. All right. All right. So, so we’re going to stop you here and I see you again, same time next week. And there’s also a program that I’m working on. All of that you’re going to be knowing more about as we go. Okay, so enjoy the rest of your day. And don’t forget to leave me a comment.

[00:31:58] Tell me what you’re going to do this week.

See you bye-bye.

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