Facebook Live Tips To Get More Views & Engagements (2021)

Need Facebook live tips to get more views and engagements? Keep reading…

Facebook Live is the latest craze in social media. It’s a live video that you can post to your Facebook timeline and watch with friends, family, or followers on your phone. With Facebook Live, you can broadcast anything that’s happening in real time from anywhere in the world without any editing or filters.

Every day, we’re seeing more and more people using Facebook Live to share their ideas with friends and followers. How do you get the most out of your live video?

Unfortunately, it’s much harder than you might think to get views and engagement and then clients.

You’ve really only had 2 choices:

  • spend hundreds of hours trying to figure things out or
  • quit from frustrations…

Unfortunately, I know about these challenges all too well, because I’ve been using Facebook live for more than 3 years .

To overcome these problems, I actually taught myself how to do it … which is how I know that while it isn’t impossible to do, it sure isn’t easy

However, the news isn’t all grim …

After investing tons of time and money, my ambition did ultimately pay off … almost 10 years later.

Whether you want to use it for personal or business reasons, these top 5 tips will help you get started.

  1. Know your audience
  2. Don’t waste time at the beginning
  3. Do it consistently
  4. Engage with your audience
  5. Do a good pre/post livestream promotion

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Watch the video on Facebook or read the transcripts to get the bonus Q & A interactions with the live audience…

Watch video on Youtube to get the Q & A or read the transcripts…

Here’s The Video Transcript:

Hello and welcome. This is Olu. Sobanjo. Live streaming has become the newest thing in town that everybody uses for their, um, marketing. Okay. And today I know that a lot of people here I’ve been asking questions around, you know, what, how can I get streaming? How can I get engagements on my live streams?

[00:03:36] Okay. You know, a lot of people want to do this, but it’s really hard to know. How to actually make it work. And this is why I decided to do this because I’ve been using Facebook live for three years now. And, and that’s why I decided, you know, what, I better shed some of my favorite tips, uh, you know, with you all.

[00:03:58] So that you know exactly what to do with your live streaming. Now, if you’re here watching life, why don’t you do hashtag live in the comments? And if you’re watching the replay, please do hashtag replay so that I can connect with you. And if you’re watching from YouTube also just turn on, you know, just like, uh, and, and let’s get into, you know, this.

[00:04:21] Okay. Now, if you can hear me just, you know, do a hashtag live or hashtag, you know, I can hear you loud and clear something like that would be really good. Okay. Because today, as a matter of fact, I’m actually streaming to a couple of places. Okay. So, so I’m testing out, you know, some of the softwares that I have that I can use to, um, Spread to my word out there.

[00:04:51] So I’m actually live in all of my groups and I’m also live on phase, uh, on YouTube as well. So, uh, if you’re wherever you’re watching this, please say in the comments so that I can connect with you. All right. So I always do watch time. Let’s jump in. Okay. Now. The fact that I said let’s jump in is actually the very first thing that I I’d like to mention now, because today I’ve done a little bit of housekeeping a little bit before I jumped into the, um, the material that I have for you is that’s the very first, and this is like pre pole pre protein that I’m sharing with you today, because I want you to know this, that.

[00:05:39] Even though it’s livestream. You still want to jump into the message or the material that you have for your people early enough. Okay. Because if you don’t jump in early enough, you’re going to lose out on the early waters. Okay. So you want to, you don’t want to wait. You and I see a lot of people would go live and they’ll be like, hello, everybody waiting and waiting for somebody to join them live.

[00:06:05] Are you going to join me? You know, I want you to bring it back to the mindset of doing a prerecorded videos. I mean, the, the prerecorded videos, if you’re doing the prerecorded videos, you will likely not, you know, wait for somebody to come and watch you just. Go and start doing the recording. Okay. So the same mindset needs to come into this that, you know, when you’re doing it, you’re doing it with the mind of people are going to, a lot of people are going to catch the replay.

[00:06:35] And so because of the fact that a lot of people are going to catch the replay, you want to jump straight into whatever it is that you have for them. Okay. So, so now this is one major thing, one major thing, because you know, apart from the five day, you’re going to have people watching you live, okay.

[00:06:53] Watching and hanging out with your life. So lots of more are going to join the replay. And that’s what I have discovered. Okay. So, so I want you to rest assured that it doesn’t matter whether it’s live or the replay people are getting what you’re trying to message that you’re trying to pass across. Okay.

[00:07:15] Now it’s a fun when you have, you know, people that are interacting with you live because you can ask. Questions and you can ask them, you know, what’s, what are you seeing? What do you get? Do you get it? You know, and you can interact with them. You know, so this is extremely important. And a lot of times, you know, they, they, they, the one idea actually that a lot of people leave out because when I was doing the preparation for this, um, life today, I did a little bit of research, you know, and, and when I’m talking about doing con uh, consistent content creation, There’s research that is involved.

[00:07:55] Okay. So I looked around and I look to see what people are saying, and there are many videos out there, but I decided to do this just so you get exact what you needed to pay attention to. And I discovered that there’s one major, major, major idea and teeth. That nobody talks about, you know, nobody wants to talk about that because it’s the main thing.

[00:08:19] Okay. And if you’re meeting me for the first time, I’m the video strategist and the business coach. So I wanted to use videos to make businesses, you know, to make your business work. Okay. And, and so a lot of times people live out on the juice of the information and the juice is. First before you start to do your live stream, have an idea of who you are doing the live stream for.

[00:08:47] Okay. Now, when we started doing business coaching, you know, and I do with my clients, my clients, you know, most of the times get tired of hearing ideal clients, ideal clients. Okay. Because if you don’t know who the person is that you’re making the videos for, what would happen is you start to your, your message will not be clear and you would continue to.

[00:09:07] You know, just  and go around and round because it’s not for the people that you’re making it for. So as long as you know, you have a clear idea of who you’re doing, your videos for. It eliminates a lot of the stress that you would have hot. Okay. It eliminates a lot of the stress that you would have had, you know, because now you know who you’re doing the videos for.

[00:09:34] And then, you know, remember when I said I did the research, when you’re doing your research, you do the research for the people that are. Your ideal audience, ideal clients, mostly your ideal clients are extremely important and it doesn’t matter where you’re doing your videos. Okay. Whether it’s, you’re doing it on your personal profile.

[00:09:57] Uh, there are different strategies around that. Whether you’re doing it on your personal profile or you’re doing it on your business page, or you’re doing it in your, uh, in your group. Okay. It doesn’t matter where you’re doing it, knowing who you’re doing it for is extremely important. And then that also would determine.

[00:10:17] What you’re going to do now, I’d like to get comments now because of the fact that, uh, uh, okay. Okay. Okay. So, so I’m, I’m thinking I’m going to need to get my comments from somewhere else today. So if you’re, if you’re getting, if you’re getting this and you have a comment, can you. Okay. Okay. Okay. Now I can see the people that I live with me.

[00:10:41] I’d be nice to have you nice to have you, and I can see very, I can see, uh, other people that are watching. Thank you now. So it’s extremely important that you know who you are, who you’re doing your live streaming for. No, who it is. Okay. For example, if you, I’m trying to remember, I’m not sure if Mary was the pharmacist.

[00:11:04] Okay. If you are just live, give me a comment in the, in the, um, In the linear comments there, I’d like to know if you are a pharmacist and you’re doing your videos to educate people about, you know, maybe their health or, you know, drug usage or things like that. You know, if you’re not Claire. Okay. If you okay.

[00:11:26] Very good. I’m glad you can see me in kitschy. Thank you. So, so you feel if you’re glad, I mean, if you’re not able to clearly know who that message is for who your message is. Serving, what would happen is you start to go around and around and around and, and, and then after a while, people are not able to, you know, get exactly what it is that you’re getting.

[00:11:49] I mean, you’re sharing with them. If today you come and you’re talking about, you know, travel and then tomorrow you’re coming, you’re talking about, you know, um, pets. Okay. After a while, people are not able to. Deliberately know who exactly what exactly is this person saying. Okay. So, so that’s why I want you to clarify.

[00:12:09] Okay. And then even when we start to talk about, you know, because I see in kitschy jump on there and I’m thinking you’re the, the advocate for boys. Okay. If I, if I’m getting it right, please remind me, or, or correct me, you know? So the question is, are you doing it for the boys or for the moms of the boys or for the dads of the boys?

[00:12:30] Okay. Now the idea is it’s kind of sounding a little, uh, Uh, you know, difficult to understand because of the fact that you start to wonder, okay, who, you know, they all need to hear me, but that’s the biggest, biggest, biggest problem that a lot of people face. That’s the, okay. Very good. That’s the biggest problem that a lot of people face when you’re trying to get people to, you know, most of the people that I work with.

[00:12:56] You want to do videos so that you can sell a product that you have so that you can sell a service that you have now for me, what I have is I have. Different things that I do with my clients. Okay. I have my consulting, I have my coaching, I have my Academy. Okay. So different things that I have I sell. Okay.

[00:13:19] And this is exactly the same thing that you’re going to do that as your, you know, and, and, and so, because of the fact that I have my consultant, I have my coaching and I have my Academy. I can’t, my message always leads to. Either of my products that I sell. My message always leads to that because most of the people that I get as clients, you know, as a matter of fact, yesterday, we had the very first, you know, um, monthly meeting in the Academy, you know, it’s a brand new Academy that I.

[00:13:55] That I just designed for people that are just starting out. They can’t afford coaching yet, or they are not, they can’t see the need for coaching yet or, or consulting. They are not at that stage. Okay. Or some of them have gone through the coaching and they need more hand holding. This is exactly, you know, what that Academy was, you know, is about.

[00:14:14] And, and so when I, when I was in the. You know, meeting yesterday, the video calls that we had yesterday, beautiful people, wonderful people, you know, but, but you see the thing is each one of those people came in as a result of the live streams that I do last week. I had, uh, you know, another clients, you know, in my consulting business where I was helping them to run their show and run, you know, the big events that they had, you know, and, uh, and, and.

[00:14:43] This exactly the same way I got my clients to sign up, to work with me. Okay. So, so you have to, you know, before you just go out there and start to do videos and videos and videos. Which is what I’m going to be talking about next. You need to, first of all, know who is my target audience, who is my target, um, um, clients that I’m doing this for.

[00:15:06] Okay. So, so if you wanna, uh, tell me in the, in the comments, do you know who your audience is? Do you know who you’re, you’re doing your videos, your live stream videos for, okay. Please put in the comments. If you know that the people put the name of the people. Okay. I help. Women or not, not women is to blanket.

[00:15:27] Okay. Moms of boys. Okay. I’m a mom of boys. Right. You know, and just write it in the comments and let’s, you know, let’s look at it together. Okay. Because it’s extremely important that you know exactly who you are doing your livestream for. Now, the next thing after knowing exactly who your target audience is, is you need to commit to us.

[00:15:53] Uh, uh, a schedule. Okay. When you’re doing your videos, you need to commit to a schedule and you have to commit to doing it consistently. Okay. Now a lot of times, you know, uh, people think that. I can just, you know, go online and I start to do videos and it doesn’t matter if I come back tomorrow and shot. I don’t feel like it because videos can be like that where you’re just like, you know what?

[00:16:21] I don’t feel like doing videos today. I’m not going to do videos today and I want you to picture it. Like, I like this. Imagine you have a store. And you choose not to go to store to your store, to open up your store. What would happen after a while? The first time somebody comes up and they try to, you know, reach out to you, they don’t find you.

[00:16:41] They don’t find you the next time they find you. And then the next time they don’t find you, they don’t find you after a while they say this guy is not serious or this lady is not serious. Okay. So this is exactly, again, all the videos that I do, I do them. Too, you know, and that I want my clients to do would be educational, inspirational, uh, you know, different things that you’re going to be sharing in your message.

[00:17:07] You want to share it with the aim of some of the people that are working, that are watching your, your life would be interested to work with you one-on-one or to work with you. And whatever it is that you sell, even if it’s a product that you sell, if you’re sharing on live stream like that, you’re able to consistently gather, you know, a group of people that need your expertise, okay.

[00:17:35] That need your expertise. And all you have to do is just show them how to get more. From you. Okay. So, so, but if you don’t have this consistently, uh, if you don’t set it up to, to happen consistently, what would happen is you’re not going to get the traction that you want for your livestream. Again, remember in order for you to make it, you have to do it consistently.

[00:18:00] Okay. I think there’s a con uh, comment there and I’m sorry, I’m looking down because I’m. That’s why my comment is I just realized from what you’re saying, that my target audience is specifically mothers with son. I was targeting daddies and mommies that thanks for that. Aha moment. Fantastic. Fantastic. As a matter of fact, this is exactly the same, um, um, uh, ha moment that one of my clients got in the Academy yesterday, you know, where we were seeing, you know, no, no, no, no, you don’t, you know, you don’t just reach out to everybody.

[00:18:32] If you reach out to everybody, what would happen is the people that don’t need to hear you will be hearing you. And the one that would need to make the decision is not the one that is listening to you. You know? So, so, and then even the times that you’re speaking to the one that makes the decision that you’re talking as if you’re talking to the one that just needs to have the information, you know, so, so all of this are modeled up and if you’re not clear on who you’re serving.

[00:18:58] It’s just going to go like that. So I’m really glad and kitschy that you got that from. Um, the message. All right. So, so now the, the idea is I’ve already shared, you know, for those of you that are just joining us, you know what I’m talking about, I’m sharing some of the tips that I have, you know, Learned over the last three years, more than three years now that I’ve been doing Facebook live, you know, and as a matter of fact today, I posted, I think, and I believe that I posted this to my YouTube channel.

[00:19:31] Okay. Because I have a tool here that I’m using to, to post, you know, and to do the two at the same time. But he’s a very first time that I am. I’m doing it officially. So. I’m just hoping and trusting that it’s also in YouTube, but if, if not, that’s fine as well. I can always go at it there. Yeah. So, but, but also, uh, you know, I was talking and I said, you know, the very first thing that you need to do is when you do your video livestream videos, you don’t start, you know, by perambulating and waiting and wondering I’m live, anybody joined me, you know?

[00:20:05] And then the next one is you want to. To, you know, be sure who your ideal client is, who are you talking to? Who is your video for? Okay. So that way you’re doing the research. You do your research with that in mind. And this, this one actually is the biggest of the biggest, because then that’s, I’m in your shot.

[00:20:24] This is what I share with my clients. Okay. So you’re getting the, the more, you’re getting more from me today. Cause you know, this is exactly what, this is the big strategy behind doing video, uh, live videos. Okay. And then I talked about being consistent. I also talked about, you know, the fact that when you’re doing your live stream, don’t wait and hope, you know, just waste time at the beginning, go straight to the point, do it like, uh, A prerecorded video, but then interact with people as they join you as well.

[00:20:58] Okay. So I have number four of them already shed and, uh, and the last one, and if I feel like it, I may just add another one, you know, but, but I’d like to hear from you. Okay. So leave me a comment. Leave me a comment. If I hear comments in the, in the, in the chats, I’m going to add maybe two other. Points.

[00:21:21] Okay. If I hear comments and if you’re watching this, you want to wait till the end to see let’s hope that the people that are watching the life would give you the opportunity to ask more or, I mean, to get more from me. Okay. Now this other tip also. Is is like a grandfather to, okay. This one, you know, I give you the foundational to, okay.

[00:21:45] There’s also now the grandfather, uh, tip that is, that would determine a lot or K or a lot of the kind of success that you’re going to get with your livestream. Okay. And, uh, and, and that is okay. I still didn’t get any comments in the, in the, I didn’t get anything in the comments, so I’m still waiting. But the last one right now, if I don’t get any comments, if I don’t hear from you, I’m going to keep the rest of my comments of my tips.

[00:22:19] Yeah. So, so anyway, the idea is that grandfather tip that I want you to pay close attention to is if you really want to sell your product. Whether it’s a service-based, uh, service or whether it’s, um, uh, whether it’s, you know, just, uh, I mean, whether it’s a product, you know, physical products that you sell, or whether it’s, you know, a freelance service or agency or any kind of thing like that, what you need to do is you need to plan it in advance.

[00:22:53] And there’s something we call the pre pre promotion and the post promotion. Pre promotion and the post promotion. Now, what do I mean by that pre promotion is before you go live, you want to tell people that you’re going live. Okay. You want to tell people that you’re going live now, this doesn’t mean that you’re going to have.

[00:23:18] A lot of people show up depending on your audience. Okay. And depending on the time of day that you’re doing your livestream. Okay. And depending on where people are in the world, so that I listening to you, you know, but it helps to increase the views that you’re going to get. Okay. By telling people that.

[00:23:40] Okay, very good. I can see some, uh, lives. Okay. Some, some, um, questions or comments I’m going to get to that, you know? So the, the, the idea is when you tell people that you’re going to go live, they will make, you know, they would make time available or they will plan to join you. Okay. They will plan to join.

[00:24:02] You live. Some of you are here because you got the post, I mean, pre promotion. Okay. That this is what I’m going to be talking about. And as a matter of fact, I go live every single Tuesday. I do this because I want to help you. Okay. If I never go live, I continue to have my clients, you know, and I have everything that I have set up, you know, and I do ads.

[00:24:27] I do all these things, you know, if I never go live in shot, some of my friends don’t go live. They just say, you know, what’s item. But I like the connection that I have with the people, because I get to connect to the, I get to hear what are some of the questions that you have souls out, whether it’s when I’m doing another live stream or whether it’s, you know, for my paid programs.

[00:24:48] I can fine tune and help my people. Okay. I’ve been, I was saying to the people in my Academy yesterday that I’ve been a part of different programs that I paid so much money and I didn’t get as much and the kind of results that I’m helping them get in the Academy. My basic basic basic program right now is the kind that I paid 2000, 3000 a month to get.

[00:25:13] Okay. You know, so, so it’s, it’s it’s, this is the reason why I do this, because I know that, you know, different people are at different levels and different, different people would, you know, be ready to take different actions. Okay. So when you promote pre promote, people would be able to join you emails, you know, you can send it to people in emails, you can create an event around your, uh, your, your posts.

[00:25:40] Uh, you know, I have a program that I use. For Mac users that you can use to pre pre schedule your livestream. This is even if you don’t have this, I use Ecamm. And if you want to get a trial version of econ, just go to Olu Sobanjo dot com slash . Okay. And, and you would be able to get, you know, I think it’s a 14 days trial okay.

[00:26:03] Of that. And, but even with. Um, normal with Facebook. If you go to the Facebook producer, you would be able to schedule your posts and tell people I’m going to be going live at this particular time. And this is what I’m going to be talking about. Okay. So people that are interested will come. If they can join you, they go watch the replay.

[00:26:24] Now the post-production the posts. Promotion. Okay. Is now after you’ve gone, you know, you’ve done the live stream. You also want to go out there and share it, share it with other people, you know, share. There are many strategies that you can use, and these are things that, you know, high level, when, you know, if you’re ready for this.

[00:26:46] You can join my Academy or you can even go into my coaching or my consultant, whichever one you decide to take, I have them available for you. Okay. So, so now let’s, let’s go to the questions. Do you have a template or a structure for your livestream video? Absolutely. Absolutely. I do have a livestream structure.

[00:27:07] I have a structure. And if you listened to everyone on my videos, you will see the structure. Is there, you know, you connect to the people you share with them, what you have, you, you, you bring it back. You know, there’s, there’s a concept that says, tell people what you’re going to tell them, tell them and tell them what you told them.

[00:27:24] Okay. So this is exactly the structure that I use for my live streams. Okay. Now for you, um, He talk back. Do you, do you do live stream? Do you do live streaming? I would be glad to, uh, to hear more about that, then what’s the ideal length of an engaging live stream. Trust me. Let me tell you this. Uh, it depends on your audience.

[00:27:47] Okay. It depends on your audience. If your audience is engaging, I have seen live streams that I’ve gone personal live stream like this. Okay. That ended up pop holes that you have for that livestream. I’ve seen live stream that I’ve gone for hours. Four hours. Okay. So how, so you, you do livestreams very good.

[00:28:07] Now, depending on the purpose of your live stream, which you can comment in the, uh, you can put in the comments so I can know, you know, what would, what would be ideal is to try different things. Okay. Try different things. What I have discovered is if I go, you know, there was a time that I used to do my live streams really short.

[00:28:26] Okay. Really short, uh, 10 minutes or 15 minutes. I discovered that by the time there’s no way I can interact with the people. Cause you know, I, by the time that I’m finishing my message is when dad, you know, writing something and it takes time, you know, for people to go back and there’s a delay, you know, what’s, what’s that word called?

[00:28:48] Um, I forgot the name. You know, there’s a delay between, you know, when I talk and the time you get it, and then the time I get your response back, I discovered that 15 minutes was too short. So I increased it to three 30 minutes. Okay. Now let me keep an eye on the time. Um, you know, so, so that’s why I try to, uh, go live for about 30 minutes.

[00:29:09] Okay. Now again, it depends your on your audience. Like I said, I’ve seen four hour live streams before, you know, and, and for this, for our livestream, this is for, this was for, um, uh, uh, some people that sell products. Okay. And you want to stay there with people, people are going and coming. It’s not like you’re sharing a message, but if you’re shaping a message.

[00:29:33] I think 30 minutes is, is ideal. Okay. Because, because of the fact that you, you want to be mindful of the people that are going to be watching the replay, because they don’t have that interaction with you when you’re watching the replay is too long. This is one of the reasons why I don’t do mine so long.

[00:29:51] Now, if you want a longer one, we do that in my Academy. We do that. I do one-on-one with my clients and all of that, but for live streaming, Just like that. Okay. So, so 30 minutes, I have a group of social media, uh, social media managers of church ministers, and I try to do life every week. That’s beautiful.

[00:30:12] That’s very beautiful. That’s very clear who you’re talking to. And, uh, and, and that’s it, you know, so, so I want you to, you know, when you’re doing your live stream, when you’re doing your live streams, always remember. What is it that I have at the back of that livestream, for example, for you, if you’re here and you’re looking for, how can I turn my live stream to money in the bank?

[00:30:36] I’m going to put a link to my Academy. Now, the reason why I I’m going to put this and I. Like I said, I just started the Academy to work with me. One-on-one stops at $5,000. Okay. And I have my, I mean, my clients that are doing that right now. Okay. But. Well all at different levels. Okay. So if you want my hand-holding now handholding, you need to know what you’re doing.

[00:31:05] Okay. Because if you want my coaching, if you want, hand-holding really, really teaching you everything. It’s it’s my coaching program. That will be ideal for you, but for if you have all the knowledge and what you need, maybe not all, you’re just looking for strategies. Okay. That will turn things into even a higher level, you know, results for you.

[00:31:27] But you’re ready to do the work. I’m not going to do any of the work I’m going to guide you and I’m going to hold you responsible. Now that is in my Academy and materials are there for you. Every single thing that I have done, every single thing that I know would work for you, depending on what your business is about.

[00:31:45] You’ll find it in there. And then once a month we’ll hang out and we, you know, we map out what your strategy should be for the month. Okay. So if you want that that’s available, I’m going to put a link to this. Uh, but if you want to go and I remember I’m going to close with this story. I remember, you know, there was a time that I did, uh, the very first time that I got my $5,000 clients.

[00:32:12] That’s the way I, this is exactly the way. Yeah, I did my livestream and I was just like, if you’re interested in working with me here is the way to do that. Okay. Just as I’m saying, I’m going to put a link to, you know, getting access to my, um, Academy the same way I put a link. To my livestream. And, and, and at this time, you know, what I’d been made, uh, selling my coaching services for was 2,500, you know?

[00:32:40] And, and, and that was exactly somebody, just one person booked a call. And that was it. Okay. Now it’s, it’s extremely important that you, you, you, uh, realize that you see when you’re going out there and you’re sharing your wisdom, you’re sharing your expertise. People are looking for what you have. People are looking to work with you, father.

[00:33:02] Okay. People are looking, you know, a lot of people, a lot of the people that will come to my Academy are people that are tired of getting all the ideas. Okay. You have. So many ideas, but then you’re not getting the results that you’re looking for and you go this way one day and then you go this other way another day and you’re like, you know, what’s, I’m tired, you know, and you know, you’re not sure what to do, what exactly, which of this started to shoot.

[00:33:29] I use, okay. This is what I do in my Academy. And I’ll be very glad to welcome you in. Okay. So. I was looking down to see if there’s any other comments. Now, if you’re watching the replay of this, it’s already past the time, but if you’re watching the replay and you have questions, and if you still have questions, please put it in the comment.

[00:33:49] I’ll be very glad to guide you. And, but again, I’m going to put a link to my Academy and you can join the Academy to join me, um, to, to move your business. So the next level. All right. And you’re going to meet some really amazing people because different people are at different levels. Um, you know, and I’m super, super grateful for everyone that I get to work with.

[00:34:13] All right. So. That’s it for me to, uh, for today. Again, if you, if you caught this live or you’re watching the replay, please, in on Facebook, don’t forget to follow and adjust your notification so that you can always, you know, see every post that I do. Uh, and then if you’re watching on the, on YouTube as well, you, what you need to do is you need to like, and please, if this has been very beneficial to you in any way, Please share.

[00:34:41] Okay. Please share with other people that you know, would actually need this. Right. So thank you and, uh, have a beautiful, beautiful day. And this is going to be a little bit messy because again, like I said, I’m using a new stream for my thing today, so we’re going to close it here and I’ll see you. Same time next week.

[00:35:03] Bye-bye thank you. Actually, let me say hello to everybody. Thanks. I’ll be all done. Thanks to marrying kitschy and Roy really nice showings. Great. Great to see you again. Um, and kitschy, uh,  talk back and, uh, love ness. Thank you, God bless you all. And if I miss your name because you’re on another platform that you’re watching this I’m very sorry.

[00:35:29] I’ll see you again next week. Bye bye.

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