Permission Granted! Embracing God’s Purpose Like Jesus #LJ060

Permission Granted embracing God's purpose like JesusPermission granted embracing God's purpose like Jesus


I recorded this episode in the car in the freezing weather and in the middle of the night. Why? My family and I are in transition at the moment more on the podcast… Sometimes we use comfort and stability to determine whether something is what God wants us to do or not.  And most of the times we are wrong.

Over the years I have seen God take me (and my family) through some strenuous experiences. And I have come to learn that whether rain or shine, extreme heat or extreme cold, God is there to always guide us into his plans for our lives.

This past week, God helped me clarify my vision better by giving me a punch phrase that goes like this:

“Permission Granted! embracing God’s purpose like Jesus”.

I created the 2 graphic designs above to represent the phrase. I want your input on which one you think is best in your own opinion. The first one or the second? I will really appreciate your input. Tell me in your comments below.

Permission Granted! I have discovered that many believers are stock, many find it really hard to embrace God’s purpose because they are waiting for human approval in one way or another. Personally, I know very many believers who are sure of God’s purpose in some areas of their lives but can’t move on. They won’t take steps, not necessarily because they don’t know what next to do, but because unconsciously they don’t think they have the permission to step into their calling, at least not just yet.

Can you imagine that there are some people in some places today suffering, there are homes that are being broken, some children going into drugs, there are some actually committing suicide. Why? because you have refused to embrace God’s plans for you. And you are there waiting for someone to give you the permission. Common! In Christ, we have been granted the permission to be like him. The world is crying, earnestly waiting for your manifestation as Christ follower.

Over the years I have seen that there are so many reasons why believers find it hard to embrace God’s Permission to be what they were designed to.

  1. Wrong choices in the past
  2. Past failures
  3. Opinions of important individuals like family members
  4. People’s general opinion
  5. Discomfort and Circumstances, the list goes on…

As a result of all these issues we tend to think ‘oh for sure it’s not yet time’ I still need a clearer word. It has to be perfect. What if you are wrong?


I want to specially invite you to an annual ladies conference that I do, it’s called Vessels of Grace Conference. Our Theme this year is Complete in Him. Date- May 4&5th, first weekend in May. Our ladies in ministry session starts at 1 pm till 3:30 and if you love this topic today you are in ministry. We will be talking about how to deal with insecurities in ministry. The main conference starts at 5 pm. I have many amazing speakers lined up for this event this year and you really do not want to miss it. Kingston Ontario is only about 3 hours drive from Toronto and Montréal, just about 2 hours from Ottawa. So if you have ever struggled with the idea of feeling inadequate in life as a woman or if you are ready to embrace God’s purpose for you as a woman, I want you to invest in being there. Sisters are coming from all over to be a part of this event, from Europe, America, Canada. This may just be the boost you need to step out in faith in God’s purpose for you. So go over now to and register now.

Podcast continued…What if you are wrong about the fact that you need some extra approval. In short, following God requires faith. You need to believe that a connection to Christ is all that you need. He is the only one that can give you the permission you need and he did on the cross.

For many years I used to wait for approval from people. I used to gauge my actions based on whether people applauded or not. I used to desire strongly to gain people’s recognition. But boy was I wrong.

It was only when I realized that I already got the permission of Christ, that was when I began to step out in faith. I was no longer waiting for a qualification, I already had it. The truth is that we are actually not qualified by our own works and experiences, no. Our best is garbage to God. He said without me you can do nothing. Our righteousness is like filthy rags before him. But when Jesus saved you on the cross, he also set you free to be what you were originally created to be.

So here is the question, do you feel you have God’s permission to be what you were created to be? I want you to answer that? If yes, then what are you waiting for? If no, I went to put it to you that you may be wrong.

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” Psalms 139:23-24 NLT

I will love to hear from you. Leave me a comment below.

6 Replies to “Permission Granted! Embracing God’s Purpose Like Jesus #LJ060”

  1. I prefer the second graphic design; like the font used for permission and the exclamation mark is smaller than the other one.

  2. I agree with Uneku. Design 2 all the way; I definitely prefer the font for ‘permission’. I hope that helps.

    1. Thanks Maureen, It helps a lot!

  3. hmm tough call. i don’t like the ! in the first one, otherwise both fonts work for me

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