Ep. 51 – Freedom From The Impatient Dreamer Syndrome

hurry photoEverywhere I go, I see so many of God’s generals that are walking around as ordinary people, no Impact, no influence just struggling to match up with their neighbors, forgetting that they have the Greatest God on their inside.

This is the last in the breaking limits series. We have covered a few grounds in the past 3 episodes, the first week we talked about the Approval craving syndrome, then the Lazy Thinker Syndrome, then the Multiple Interest Syndrome and there is an accompanying tool that I made to help walk you through the steps of breaking limiting beliefs in your life. You can get that at olusobanjo.com/breakinglimits.

Today’s topic is about people who see a vision of what God’s planned is, but they are unable to start or move forward in what God is leading them to do. My desire is that at the end of this episode you will make up your mind to go all the way with God to follow him as you also follow whatever vision He has placed in your heart to do.

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So What Are The Symptoms To Look Out For?

  1. You think the vision is too big and so you want to give your best…but then you never start.
  2. Or you think the vision is too small (at least compared to that of others), And so you never start. Or you even start and you lose steam along the way.
  3. The last symptom is that what you see as the end goal is so big that you cant imagine you will have to start small.

So what’s the solution to this syndrome?

Consistent dependence on God!

Not following Jesus consistently is the biggest problem I have had. A study by Barna Research shows that only 19% of Christians have a biblical worldview. You see as a people pleaser, it’s easy for me to start off ok, but then gradually derail from following God. These shifts are so little that even I don’t notice, let alone people around me. However, all I notice is that I end up somewhere else and then I wonder how did I get here. I don’t know if you have been in a position before.

The big dream that God showed you is huge, yes, but it is many small steps that will lead you there. Don’t despise the little steps you need to take by focusing on the big dream.

Sometimes there are such complications that come with running ahead of God. There is a difference between Ishmael and Isaac. One was a result of human efforts on trying to fulfill God’s promise while the other was God’s  own fulfillment of His promise. It’s better to wait for God than to use your own efforts to make it happen.

I believe everyone was created with the intention to solve a problem and if done with the daily aim of glorifying God we gain influence and make Impact still.

“Seldom does God call and manifest the vision at the same time. There is preparation. There is testing. There is relationship building that must take place between you and God. Only once this is complete will you see the vision materialize. If God has called you to some endeavor and you are frustrated that it has not manifested yet, know that times of preparation and simmering are required before the vision can be achieved.” -Os Hillman

So I have a question for you; is there something that you sense God is leading you to do?

Are you willing to walk with him daily for the next season of your life to bring it to life? Are you willing to go through the preparation, the testing and the relationship building stage with him?

Are you set to daily crucify your natural desires and cravings for approval?

Please leave me a comment below;

What other solutions do you suggest for Impatient dreamers?

One Reply to “Ep. 51 – Freedom From The Impatient Dreamer Syndrome”

  1. Jesekamartin@gmail.com says:

    Thank you for this beautiful information, truly a blessing to listening🙏

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