Win Before You Win

Photo by Jason Hargrove

Gideon was sure he was winning the battle and that God had given his team victory. That enabled him to take bold steps in that direction; choosing the right strategies, he led his team well. What about you? Do you believe God has given you a movement to lead?

If so, then you must go forward with full dependence on the knowledge you have that you have won in Christ. 

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It’s always a blessing knowing you are listening and reading this. You are definitely made for more.

Thanks and have a fantastic week!

Gideons Series so far

Get Insider Info From God #LJ086

insider info photoIn this episode, you will see how God can give you some insider information about your path to victory. Gideon had obeyed God’s instruction on cutting down his warriors drastically and so he was able to get the insider information on the fact that God had given him victory over the enemies.

Note that the direct access that you have to God is a major advantage as a believer that is intentional about living a purposeful life.

And you must cultivate and value your access to God.


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Are you ready to take actions towards finding work you were designed for, you want a more one on one approach to living a life of purpose and/or you want to know more about my VIP Program; then click here.

It’s always a blessing knowing you are listening and reading this. You are definitely made for more.

Thanks and have a fantastic week!

Gideons Series so far:

Who’s on Your team?

team photoMany people get an idea and they start running, many of these people will soon run out of steam and give up. No matter how great you are, when God placed something on your mind, you need a team in order to be able to carry out that purpose. No tree makes a forest.

Why is it important to have a team that you work with?
1. Shows how serious you are about your idea.
2. You gain access to the wisdom and strength of those people.
3. They also serve as accountability partners.

The question then is what’s the right team? And who is on your team?

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When I started my podcast, the first person I told was my hubby. For him it was not just informing him, I needed his input. When you are married, you are one with that person, and they must be willing to take this step with you, imagine one of your legs choosing to go in a direction that the other doesn’t want to. its a disaster. So it’s important that they are in with you on this. Up till today, I still pick my hubby brain all the time. There are so many things he understands better than I do, In ministry, in business, in leadership. I am just blessed to have him in my team. oh, by the way, he also has a podcast for Bivocational pastors at check him out.

The next set was my children, though they were 11 and 7 at the time, I needed them to be in on my next moves. Because I will be cutting off some of the time that had been their away to do this work. I needed their ok on this new project.

This team is usually the people that God has already brought into your life. In Gideon’s case, it was warriors that answered his call to fight. Then again, everyone one wants to be on your team as soon as you start winning, you need God to guide you.

At times, your mind or should I say the devil may make you think that people in your life aren’t great for you. I can not overemphasize the fact that you may be wrong. The first problem is that you may be asking for input or permission from the wrong set of people and that will only lead to failure. Trust God to guide you to know who should be what to you.

How do you recognize your team members? Listen to God. This is our major advantage as believers, it helps us avoid error and gives us the grace of going further faster.

Some Helpful Tips:

1. Let God be your guide and not just your experiences, your fears…
2. You don’t need a whole lot of people-Jesus picked 12, for Gideon it was 300
3. Test them with a bit of the information first to see if they are the ones you need.

If you need help and are ready to take actions towards finding work you were designed for or you want to know more about my VIP Program; then click here.

It’s always a blessing knowing you are listening and reading this. You are definitely made for more.

Thanks and have a fantastic week!

Gideons Series so far:

It’s Time To Get Serious #LJ084

serious photoAs some point in your journey, as if the fire isn’t hot enough, some more trouble arises even in the lives of the people you have been designed to help. That my friend is the time to actually Get Serious. It’s time to really surrender to God and be sure that you have God’s full backing. In this Episode, you will see how Gideon navigated this period of his life. So much to learn here if you really want to be all that God called you to be.

Quick Update about my book:

I am doing the final read through the book this week and everyone on my mailing list will get an early reader version of my book. I am really excited for the book to be out in the world, very soon 🙂 #jointhedots

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If you need help and are ready to take actions towards finding work you were designed for or you want to know more about my VIP Program; then click here.

It’s always a blessing knowing you are listening and reading this. You are definitely made for more.

Thanks and have a fantastic week!

Random Acts of Kindness #LJ083

kindness photoWhen you are in the middle of a difficulty; God always sends hope. Joash stood up for Gideon when the mob was going to punish him for destroying the altar of Baal. God used Joash to save Gideon’s head from trouble. When you are in trouble, you can always trust that God will send you help. It may not come in the way you want it but you will be glad to know you are always in safe hands with God.

Also, you can be that hope for others as well. Give random acts of kindness as you go through your week as well. Why not make up your mind to stand up for someone in trouble this week.



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If you need help and are ready to take actions towards finding work you were designed for or you want to know more about my VIP Program; then click here.

It’s always a blessing knowing you are listening and reading this. You are definitely made for more.

Thanks and have a fantastic week!

Don’t Take It Personally! #LJ082

shy photoAs soon as you start to take concrete steps towards what God has led you to do, it’s important to know that a fight may come up, get ready for it and don’t take it personally

Gideon demolished the altar of Baal and the people of the town woke up; angry with him. This is a major part of every great impact, even the Lord Jesus was persecuted so get ready to have the same mind that He had.

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Don’t get yourself involved with unnecessary fights or arguments you don’t want to have. Don’t shrink at every issue that comes up against you either. Don’t give up, keep on moving on.

Next week we will see another step that Gideon took to continue fulfilling God’s purpose and what you must also do.

If you need help and are ready to take actions towards finding work you were designed for or you want to know more about my VIP Program; then click here.

It’s always a blessing knowing you are listening and reading this. You are definitely made for more.

Thanks and have a fantastic week!




Even If You Are Afraid #LJ081

do it photoOnce you sense that God has equipped you and that you are able to help people get a solution they wouldn’t have gotten by themselves, then don’t worry if you are afraid. Just do it.


Gideon was told by God to break down an altar and rebuild another one for Him. He was afraid but found a way to do it though he was afraid. He did it in the night when no-one would see him.







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You can volunteer at church, do it for a friend free, blog or podcast the topic to prove to yourself that its truly something you will love and you also prove to others that you are serious. And trust me, it’s only those who start that have the chance of getting paid big.

If you need help and are ready to take actions towards finding work you were designed for or you want to know more about my VIP Program; then click here.

It’s always a blessing knowing you are listening and reading this. You are definitely made for more.

Thanks and have a great week ahead!

So just do it!

Blue host


Do It For Free

volunteer photo

Whatever you sense God leading you to do as a fulfilling work must first be done for free if you would ever get to the point of finding satisfaction and fulfillment in it.

This is one episode that I didn’t have enough energy and time to record. And that’s the same theme of the message today. It is my 80th episode and I am so grateful for the privilege of making a difference in my world.

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If you need help and are ready to take actions towards finding work you were designed for or you want to know more about my VIP Program; then click here.

It’s always a blessing knowing you are listening and reading this. You are definitely made for more.

Thanks and have a great week ahead!

Afraid? Don’t Quit, Listen! #LJ079

Listen photoHave you ever doubted yourself?

As soon as you identify the problem you are to solve, usually what comes next is fear. Many people at this point develop cold feet. “Yes I know this must be God leading me to do this, but how am I sure I qualify?” Well, if you are confused or afraid, what to do is never to quit or ignore the idea but to listen, confirm with God on whether you qualify…

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Trust me, if you don’t give up but listen, you will get the strength needed to move forward. The truth is that there are many people seeing the same problem and they won’t do anything about it, but it’s only those who do something about the problem that becomes the leader. And so if you are looking to step into your purpose and do some massive fulfilling work, then you need to confirm with God.

Ask God some question and just listen for what he will say. And just move on to take actions, little ones and big ones.

I talked about Episode 40 how to deal with self-doubt

If you need help and are ready to take actions towards finding work you were designed for or you want to know more about my VIP Program; then click here.

Thanks always for listening and have a great week ahead!


What Bothers You The Most? #LJ078

worried photoWhat pains you the most about things happening around you may be the fire behind your call. Gideon was stressed that though they had heard wonderful stories about God delivering their forefathers and all, they hadn’t experienced it or seen Him in action in his own time.  That was a major concern for him and was also his response to the Angel who called him a mighty man of valor.  His complaint was also the fuel for his call.

What are you always complaining about?

If you need help and are ready to take actions towards finding work you were designed for; then click here.

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Thanks always for listening and have a great week ahead!

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