You Win Some You Lose Some

Today I want to encourage someone out there that is feeling down because they seem to have failed in some efforts recently. You had great intensions but the results you got isnt really what you thought of going into it.

Relax! In life You Win Some You Lose Some. Its never a perfect world

When all is said and done its not what you got from people that will tell wether you achieve your life’s purpose, you will have to face your maker.

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Interestingly, my give away offer was not accepted by people however, my paid offer that came out after is getting lots of great response. To get details about the $50 offer click here asap. Pls, note that the page will no longer be in the open as soon as I have 10 people.

Thanks for being here always. Have a great week!

Here is the link again:

100th Episode Giveaway

Its time to celebrate and I’ve also got something incredibly exciting to share with you!

I often get asked about my one-on-one coaching and so, in honour of my 100th episode I wanted to create something extra special. That’s why I’m giving one person the opportunity to get laser coaching from me, for 5 days. I will create with you a plan towards your first $5k income as a coach, from idea to launch.

If you are the winner, you get to work one on one with me on your idea/business. (You’re going to love it) 

From Day 1-5, we will meet and spend 45 mins each day together, taking a deep dive into your entire business/idea.

We’ll look at everything: your idea, your messaging, your positioning, your products, programs, offers, all of it. I will give you my insights, my feedback, and advice to help you take your coaching business/idea to the next level.

Sound good?

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How to Enter The 100th Episode Contest

  • STEP ONE: Make a short video (under 3 minutes) in which you tell me…
  • What you do (or your coaching business idea)
  • Why you would be a good candidate for a deep dive with me
  • What you hope to get out of spending 5 days with me.
  • STEP TWO: Post your video on YouTube and enter the following in the description in the video note: Olu Sobanjo’s Like Jesus Podcast Contest
  • STEP THREE: Post the link to your video in the comments on the blog below.

If you want to take it one step further, share your video on social media with the link to our contest page ( and use the hashtag #OlusCoachingGiveaway  

(Sharing your video on social media isn’t 100% necessary. I know some of you might feel like you don’t want to put yourself out there that much just yet. But I would really appreciate it if you did!)

Okay, those are the ground rules. If you want some real insight into how to make your entry as compelling and convincing as possible for my team & I, keep reading…

Who Should Enter This Contest

My offer of coaching is good for someone with a desire to package their expertise into a premium coaching program. You may have been helping friends for a while and many have told you to start a coaching or counseling business. It’s good for someone that’s just starting out. You may have created some contents on a platform and you may already be delivering content to your audience regularly or you are at the stage where you are seriously considering creating a content that can be monetized.

If you know what you want to offer, you’ve started to build out your foundation such as creating consistent content or you’ve got a blog or podcast, videos, then you too are a good candidate for this contest. You don’t need to be well established in your business for me to choose you for this special opportunity.

Now here are some pointers for creating your entry: 

  • In the video you make, I want you to not just tell me about yourself, but really show me what you’re about. Get as creative and expressive as you feel comfortable.
  • This isn’t a “technology” contest–I’m not going to pick somebody just because they used a lot of fancy video effects–but if video production is your thing, then go for it! Do whatever helps you express yourself the most.
  • My team and I will select one winner based on your initiative, your willingness to put yourself out there, your enthusiasm, and your ability to communicate clearly what you do and what you want to get out of this time together.
  • You have until Sunday April 14, to post your video.
  • All video entries must be posted in the comments of this show note (below) by Sunday, April 14, at 11:59 p.m. EST.
  • We will announce the winner on Monday, April 22, by putting it into the show notes here and, of course, contacting the winner. Aaaand I will probably be talking about it all around social media, because I’ll be way too excited to keep it inside!

Don’t Be Shy!

I know it’s a big step to put yourself out there with this whole video entry thing. But I really want to encourage you to do so! This opportunity to coach with me and put a laser focus on you and your business could be business-changing and life-changing! I promise I will make it worth your time.

I’d also like to take a minute to thank you immensely for following me on my journey of creating this podcast. It truly is one of the most favourite things I do. It has probably made the biggest impact in my ability to reach bigger audience and connect with you and grow my business overall.

Thank you so very much for letting me do what I love. I cannot wait to continue this podcast with more and more episodes about engaging God’s purpose and building your coaching business in a world-transforming way and all the cool stuff I get to talk about.

Here’s to the next 100 episodes!

And I cannot wait to see what you create in your own business…starting with your videos!

Put Yourself Out There #LJ99

“Pattern your life after mine” That’s, in Paul’s voice, a call for everyone listening to me that believes they have something inside them that the world needs. In this episode (#99) you will hear my rant on why I believe you must step out and actually put yourself out there.

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I mentioned my Permission Granted Facebook Group in this episode. The group is for Christian women entrepreneurs or those who want to start a coaching business with their knowledge, if you are interested, here is a link to join the group. You will be glad to get more complimentary coaching from me there. Join Now:

So, do you know that God has a plan for you to influence others but for some reasons, you haven’t put yourself out there? Leave me a comment below for why.

God bless you always!

Power Of Association: My Mom is Gold! #LJ098

For a week now my family and I have been battling some cold infections. It started with my 8 yr old and spread to everyone. I even had to give my home manager a break today from work so she can also get treated and rest. Its that bad. My mom got to know about it. She called me this morning to say, I’m coming over! I am just so grateful for wonderful relationships. My mom is gold!

This episode is just a random rant to encourage you to connect with people that will help you become all that God designed you to do.

I still have some symptoms from the cough and all but I felt strong enough to record something and so I did. Listen to it.

Subscribe and Listen to Like Jesus Podcast on iTunes or Google Play or to Listen now use the green triangle below: 

Have a great week!

Leave me a comment below:

Power Of Association: Gold Surrounds You #Lk097

As I meet people around the world everywhere, I often meet someone, who seems to be constantly angry about their current situation. With them the conversation always come back to that fact that there is a person in their past or present life that is the main reason why they are where they are today?

When you want to build a relationship with such persons, they suspect your actions and intentions. And such a person usually finds a relationship hard to build. The funny thing is that they usually believe that their excuses are valid, that they are right and everyone else is wrong.

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In this episode, I want to warn you that if you really want to become the best version of you, if you want to do all that you have been sent here to do, you can not afford to be this kind of a person. On the contrary, you must be a gold miner in all of your relationships.

What Do I mean by that? Here is it, every single person on earth has gold in them, but it takes miners to first recognize it as such and then be willing to all all it takes to dig out the gold.

In the last two episodes, I have convinced you that you must work with a mentor or a coach in order to achieve greatness in life. And today I want to show you another level of relationships that will truly help you achieve greater heights. And thats the relationships you have at the moment.

Yes, I mean your spouse, your children, siblings, co workers, just rendom people that God has brought into your life. If you recognize that there is gold in them they will help take you far.

Let me tell you a quick story here, in 2013, I was beginning to sense that I needed to publish my first book. Prior to that I had written very many articles and materials that never turned into anything serious. I had started a ladies conference in my church a couple of years before that and I wanted to give out my book to each lady that would attend the conference then next year. I began to work towards it but it was slow. At first I wanted to do a 365 days devotional and somehow God was able to convince me that even a small pamphlet can help women.

So one day, I was discussing my plans with a friend, her name is Andrea Fluetch, at the time she was in school and was helping me with some of my work in my business. And she offered to also send me a remind every single day to write the number of words I had planned to. I agreed to it. At first, each time she sent the message I either lied that I did something serious when I was just still planning to. Other times I would simply say thanks. But after a while I had to get serious and so I started working really hard because I knew my faithful reminder was going to send a message.

Even though I was still the one with all the responsibilities of making the book happen, I am still grateful for the major role she played in making my dream come true. Hey Andrea, if you are listening to this, thanks again. Andrea now has her own practice as an Athletic Therapist and massage pro. I definitely won’t ask her to do that for me because her time is worth way more. However, back then she was just helping her friend and pastor out.

Most people though will be looking for gold in you as soon as you have started to shine brightly, but you you must be a gold miner. Find the gold in the people around you and be grateful for the way they make your life better. Back then I found the gold in Andrea, she is very organized and can help keep you on your toes and she found gold in me, and was willing to invest her time to make my dreams come true.

Look around you, you will find many people that can help you or that you can help. People who need the gifts or skills you have. Iron sharpens iron. And trust me, both of you would be better for it.

Remember the people I talked about earlier, those who are angry about their current state, that can not be you. You see real gold miners know that gold can actually be anywhere, literally anywhere. And so they are willing to invest their time to prospect for gold.

There are problems that can be turned into solutions, mistakes that can be converted into opportunities, and unrealized potential that can be tapped and all of these are hidden inside each and every relationship you have.

Start seeing the people around you differently and you will definitely benefit from their gifts and skills. And ask God for grace to let go of the tendencies to hold on to people’s errors. There is power in your associations, take advantage of it.

Have a great week!

Leave me a comment below:

Power Of Association: Role Of Mentors #LJ096

Have you ever wondered what to look out for in a mentoring relationship? In this episode, you will learn the roles that mentors/coaches can play in your life.

A great coach will:

  • Help you determine what you are capable of
  • Help to hold on to the possibility of what you are capable of
  • Create a system of transformation towards the results you want

Great coaches are excited about helping others, they are passionate about it. As you work with them you actually gain great awareness in life. Then you begin to ask questions how do I overcome this and that?

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And if you are a believer, you actually have the mind of Christ. The all-knowing mind of Christ. Just that you aren’t aware of it yet.

Have a great week!

Leave me a comment below:

Hesitation: Aid To Mediocrity

One of the greatest determining factors for actually living a fulfilling life of purpose is the ability to make the right decisions as you go on in life. And that’s why I believe my topic today is the plague that limits people from moving up higher. I call it Hesitation, an aid to mediocrity.

Hesitation is like the brake pedals when you are driving. Its like this, imagine you have a fantastic idea, you are ready to put your feet on the accelerator, you have a sense that your idea is actually a great one, you have seen some other people succeed at it and so you know it could lead you to the place of great success. 

But somehow, you suddenly begin to feel some reluctance, your foot keeps going back to the brake pedals. Trust me, with hésitations holding you hostage you can’t get to higher levels in your life’s purpose. Hesitation again can be likened to driving forward with your eyes staring into rearview view mirror. 

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Now, let me mention here that hesitation can be a great asset that will save you lots of heartaches, it can also be the aid that keeps bringing you back to the dread position of procrastination. You miss out on time-bound opportunities if you don’t learn to manage your mind in this area of hesitation.

Where does hesitation come from?

  • Your past failures,
  • other people’s imposed fear,
  • lack of faith in your ability to get clear ideas.
  • Not eough data (or information)

The story is told of a man who had a piece of property. He knew there was a deposit of diamond on that property. He borrowed money and also got people to help him dig out his diamond, they dug and dug for months and got nothing, at last, he gave up and sold the piece of property for $100.

Though he started the adventure with excitement and a strong belief that there was victory ahead, he got to a point that his failure to get to the desired destination began to reshape his belief. He started to doubt if he was actually sure of finding diamonds there ever.

The new owner brought in Geologists to assess the situation, he paid to have access to their own experience. He got them to bring in their expensive equipments to analyze the situation. After some research, they discovered that the previous owner was just 3-5feet away from victory. They brought in more equipment, brought in more help and in a short while the new owner was in money, lots of money.  

Have you been allowing reluctance to limit you?

What must you do differently in order to become a high achiever?

There are a few things, first, is develop your ability to hear clear and great ideas correctly. Make sure you can hear clearly from God, that’s why last week’s episode is very important if you haven’t listened, Click Here to Listen.

Next would be to always do your own proper research. Get help from the wisdom and experiences of others who have succeeded at what you are trying to achieve.

For example, if you are listening to this because you want to find the encouragement to keep doing what God laid on your heart, If you want to know steps to take to do all that God called you to do, you are in the right direction. Keep it up.

And if you are one of the few, who wants to turn your own wisdom to profit, you may want to consider joining my paid program where I teach you how you can start an online coaching/consulting business with wisdom you already have.

And last but not least: would be to just to NEVER GIVE UP. Make the decisions! I have discovered that in life, in ministry or in business, always making decisions is the best way to grow. You may want to stay in the point of analyzing forever and that is never going to get you to your desired end result. You must learn to take calculated steps. The perfect moment may never come, so your hesitation may only be a delay. Trust me, you will get some right and get some wrong, but as you go, you are sure to become an expert as long as you never give up. 

Step out even when hesitation come, take bold step even in the face of fear. You will be shocked what’s in the future. Nothing happens by chance, you need to determine in your heart to push through any hesitations in order to become a high achiever. 

The more calculated steps you take, the more your boldness and confidence will increase. Don’t hesitate or just do it even though you are reluctant. 

Sometimes the calculations will make sense and you can see it clearly that it’s the right step to take. Other times the calculations won’t make sense but you just sense that this is the best thing to do. Just do it and trust that you will learn from the process. And next time you would definitely be wiser.

Greatness therefore is not for the faint hearted but those brave enough to take actions regardless of their reservations.

I want to hear from you, do you overthink your decisions or do you think calculated trial and errors are the way to go? Leave me a comment below.  

Thanks and have a fantastic week!

This Habit Has Had The Biggest Impact On Me #LJ093

If you decide to take stock of your life today: If you ask yourself: 

  • Where am I in my life now?
  • What do I want in my life?

Would you say you are living to the best of your abilities? If not, Then the next question must be “How can I make that happen?”

A lot of great people that God sent here aren’t making the difference they were born to make. I get asked a lot why and how I find time to do all that I do. And that why In this episode I will share with you one of the biggest habits I have developed. This habit has had a tremendous impact on how effective I have become in recent years. it has changed my story from being miserable to living a life of fulfillment and purpose. I’m talking about the habit of waking up early. 

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You see, for many years I used to see myself as a night owl. I would rather that everyone goes to bed and then I ca work. And I used to enjoy it, but the frustrating part was that as a busy wife and mom of 2 growing boys, no matter how late I slept, i still needed to wake up early in the morning to get the family life moving on smoothly. And that meant many time I didn’t get enough sleep. And to a large extent I was really stressed. meanwhile I didn’t think the reason of my stress was because of sleep or lack of it. 

I used to think that the stress I had was a result of the difficult people in my life at the time, I thought it was my financial condition, and generally my environment and much more. I used to be frustrated with people, that they weren’t allowing me time enough to do all the things I wanted to do on earth. 

I know a lot of great people who are frustrated each day. They are not able to do all that God designed them for, and so they think life is just too stressful. The environment is never palatable enough, people around just make them miserable. And each day they face the thought of when will it be my turn to start making the difference I was sent here to make. 

Let me ask you a Quick question, do you ever feel this way? have you been feeling like your life was meant for more and you aren’t getting the chance to make the difference you were born to make? 

If yes, I wanna suggest to you that you need to start waking up earlier and you will see the huge impact this single habit will have on you. 

Listen to some of the advantages I have noticed in my life. 

  • You can put God first
  • Supernatural ideas for operations
  • More productivity-clear mind
  • Mental fitness-no rush in the morning-in control of your day, less stress. 
  • Better sleep quality-healthy living
  • Brighter world-joyful all day

Trust me, just ask any other great people you look up to, and then will tell you that this is the number one habit that makes the difference for them. 

So here is the deal, if you want to achieve greatness like many of the people you admire in life, you will need to develop this habit as well. And how are you going to switch from being a night person to being a morning person? 

Here is it: You make up your mind that you want to make the difference you were created for and so tonight, you will set your alarm to wake up 1 hour earlier. Thats it. And just do it. 

If you do, you will need to adjust when you sleep but just do it. See there are people out there that are waiting for you. You can’t afford to remain frustrated, no you can’t. 

I created a podcast sometimes last year where I tell you what I do it the morning when I wake up. You can find that here. Though I have greatly improved on what I do when I wake up, you will still benefit a lot from it. 

I want to hear from you, do you wake up early? How has it helped you? Leave me a comment below.

Thanks and have a fantastic week!

The Making Of Your Story #LJ092

Don’t you just love to see a good movie or a nice novel? We all love a good story. However, the truth is the powerful stories are only summaries of the real story. And the real stories are usually way longer than the 2 hours we spend in front of the screen. In this episode, I emphasize on the fact that the great and not so great details of your life are a major determinant of how powerful the summary of your story would have on the people watching you or learning from your story.

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If you need help and are ready to take actions towards finding work you were designed for or you want to know more about my VIP Program; then click here.

It’s always a blessing knowing you are listening and reading this. You are definitely made for more.

Thanks and have a fantastic week!

The Kingdom Advantage

I love to do my recordings and send them out on Mondays, but this week, I couldn’t. (This is just going out today- Tuesday). Listen to know why… I also shared about the kingdom advantage that you aleady have. I am sure you will really love today’s episode and connect well with what I shared.

Subscribe and Listen to Like Jesus Podcast on iTunes or Google Play or to Listen now use the green triangle below: 

If you need help and are ready to take actions towards finding work you were designed for or you want to know more about my VIP Program; then click here.

It’s always a blessing knowing you are listening and reading this. You are definitely made for more.

Thanks and have a fantastic week!