Pst Jean Yves Ntone: Don’t Look Around, Jump! #LJ070

Jean Yves Ntone

My guest today pastors Overcomers Assembly Montreal West with his dear wife, Rose. His passion for God’s work is very exceptional. In this 40 mins interview, he shares how he stepped out to become a man being used by God to develop other believers. Listen and be encouraged to embrace or continue in God’s plans for you as well. In his words: “Don’t look back, don’t look around, Jump!”


  1. Grew up in a nice Christian home but found Jesus personally around age 13-14
  2. He studied Mechanical Engineering but finished his bachelors feeling confused
  3. God used a friend to bring him back to his initial knowledge of his purpose
  4. How he stepped out and declared to all his friends that he was going into ministry
  5. How he carried his wife along…
  6. Hos God was their Umbrella as a family and lots more…

Listen or watch the interview, you will be blessed by it.

God is still in the business of bringing many into His purpose. If you are sensing His nudging, don’t be afraid to jump. Use the help of people around you or send me an email to I will love to pray along with you.

And if you know someone with a story that can bless my audience or if you are that person. Don’t hesitate to send me an email as well. God bless you!

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Evang. Seun Jonathan: Don’t Count Your Days, Let Your Days Count #LJ069

Seun Jonathan

I promised to feature people that are doing awesome work with the Lord Jesus and guess what? I have the very first Video Interview with a dear brother and friend. Did you know that my guest today, who is also a childhood friend, is the first Nigerian Christian Movie Minister to start a thriving Youtube Channel? Well, let me not give away the juice of our chat together.

In this chat:

  • He gave the history of where it all began
  • What role his lovely wife plays in the ministry with him
  • Where the ministry is at the moment
  • His view on the Christian media atmosphere
  • The next movie in the making and more…

You will be blessed to listen and yes, to watch the video as well.  And pls., share with any minister of the gospel you know, especially anyone that is needing encouragements in their journey or even anyone starting out any project.

Again, now you can watch,  listen or read new episodes as they come every Monday. By God’s grace, I pray that each story will encourage you to embrace whatever God is leading you to do.

Seun Jonathan’s Youtube channel (where you will find so many life-enriching Christian Movies):

And you can find him on Facebook at:

Come back for more interviews like this and other resources that will help you embrace God’s purpose Like Jesus. New Episode every Monday.

Thank You!

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