Do you believe you can succeed, Entrepreneur? Many of the geniuses I interact with within my community daily forget that they are great. Meanwhile, you can’t succeed until you believe that you can. In this video, I shared 3 tips to help you believe you can succeed as an entrepreneur and to always keep your mindset in a position of abundance and success. This is the missing ingredient for many. The video below was recorded live on Facebook where I share tips (every Tuesday) that will help you maximize your Social media activities to amplify your impact and income.

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Episode Transcript:
So, question: are you struggling with not being able to achieve your goals? Are you struggling with not being able to do the things that you really want to do? If you’re at that place and you’re here, I’m super excited to have you welcome again to Q & A Tuesday. My name is Olu and this is where I tell you everything that has helped me, that has helped my clients to get to the point where you’re able to sell your expertise with ease.
[00:00:37]A lot of times the people that I meet are such unique People, unique geniuses. I call them actually because I believe that if you’re here and you’re watching me live, or if you’re here and you’re watching the replay you’re far ahead of a lot of people in your niche.
[00:00:59] If you’re watching this from YouTube, Hey, Hey, you know, I’m glad to have you here as well. Don’t forget to turn on the notification and subscribe as well.
[00:01:07] Now for the people that I meet, a lot of them are so smart.
[00:01:13]So a lot of the people that I meet are just very smart, but they don’t realize it. And so you begin to look at yourself differently compared to what you’re supposed to look at. And then as a result, people lose out on the possibilities and the successes.
[00:01:31] Okay. So you’re trying to achieve something. You have a business, or you want to start a business. And you’re wondering, why is this thing not working ? I’ve been there before and I’ve been there many times.
[00:01:44]So. Have you ever been in a position where you’re trying to build a business and that business is proving difficult, really, really difficult?
[00:01:55]You want to advance in this area. You’re not able to, it looks like the roads just keep blocking for you. Now pay attention to what I have to share today, because a lot of times we assume that it’s because things are difficult, but the real truth is that things are actually not difficult. It’s because of the fact that there are some missing ingredients that you’ve not added to the puzzle. That’s why it’s not working.
[00:02:27]So I’ve been in many situations where I advance. I try to do something and it looks like it’s not possible is shot. I advanced and I try and it’s like, no, nothing is happening. Now I want to mention the fact that you need time that needs to be put into anything that we’re doing.
[00:02:47] You can’t expect to plant today and harvest tomorrow. However, that being said, there is an element of believe that must be present. In order for you to actually be able to get the result that you’re looking for.
[00:03:05]We have a desire. You have a desire for your business. You have a desire for your projects that you’re doing. And that desire is what pushes you to go out there and do a lot of the things that you do. And like I said, many of you here with me, are way higher and more advanced compared to many people, but because of the fact that you don’t think about it that way, you’re going to still find some limitations standing in your way. And today, what I want to eliminate is that system that allows limitation to stay in front of you that will not allow you to advance.
[00:03:45]If there’s any limitation that stands before you physically, it actually is standing before you in your mind first, before it appears physically.
[00:03:57]Before anything hinders you from achieving what you want to achieve, there’s already a limitation here that needs to be dealt with first. Okay. Now I’m going to, share some examples with you.
[00:04:13] What’s the biggest mistake that you’ve ever made in your life? The biggest failures, the biggest errors, the biggest challenges that you found yourself in?
[00:04:22] Now, did you know that this limit, this mistakes have a way of staying in your mind all day long. And as a result, this mistakes create limitations for the success that is ahead of you.
[00:04:48]Now it’s extremely important that you pay attention to this.
[00:04:51]Think about your internal dialogue. What are you thinking about ? Are you always thinking about the past or are you thinking about the future? Check your mind, in your own daily activities also, are you always thinking about the past, or are you thinking about the future?
[00:05:12] Now? The people that think about the past will always be tied to the past and the mistakes that happened in the past will always show up in the mindset. And that’s why the very first point that I wanted you to master and to do today is to pay attention to the internal dialogue that is going on in your mind.
[00:05:37]This dialogue is going to continue to bring limitations your way. It’s going to continue to bring you all sorts of limitations. When it’s time to advance, you will start to see that your mind is thinking about the past.
[00:05:52] For example, I didn’t do well in the university. I didn’t do well at all in the university. in Nigeria, there’s an exam that you write, When I was going to go to the university and when I wrote that exam, I did very well. When I wrote my JAMB I did very well, but in my mind, I was traveling abroad to study. And when I entered into the university, I entered with a mind of I’m just the whiling away time here.
[00:06:22] I’m going to soon travel. But somehow that didn’t turn out. However, I was locked into what I wanted, that I couldn’t focus on what I was doing in the university. First-year of the university. I didn’t do well. I was a science student. And I didn’t do well at all to the point where I was rescued from the science class.
[00:06:48] And I was offered accounting. And so it was more like, you know, you don’t have a choice, so here you go. I entered into the accounting department and I still kept my hopes. Okay one day, I’m going to be able to get an admission internationally and I’m going to travel abroad and I’m going to leave all of these you know, what am I even doing here?
[00:07:12] Now? This wasn’t clear to me. I wasn’t thinking like this. This is thinking back that made me to realize all of this because while I was going through it, I didn’t think I was doing that. However, I went through accounting and in short, I would be in class and I’ll be like, what are they even talking about?
[00:07:30] This things don’t make sense. There were a couple, a couple of the courses that I liked personally. And I think I’ve shared it here before, you know, that I’m that kind of a person I don’t like to read. I feel like, () I don’t want my children to hearthis school sometimes is a waste of time.
[00:07:48]So I feel like some of the things that they are sharing with you, I don’t need this. Why are you teaching me this now? This is not to say that school is a waste of time. However, this was the way I used to feel, because sometimes I’m just bored in the class and I’m like, why are you telling me all this?
[00:08:03] I don’t need this. I know what I want to do mindsets. So I was in the university and I studied accounting and I struggled. I’m not proud to say this. I finished university , it was just like, just let her go. That was the kind of results that I go from the university.
[00:08:21] I’m not proud of this at all. And I wish I knew then what I know now, I wish I knew then that I could settle down and actually make the most of the life that I had and stop looking for the future, you know, the perfect future.
[00:08:40] Now back to the question of, are you always thinking about the past, or are you thinking about the future?
[00:08:47] I noticed that because of the fact that I didn’t have the best of the results from the university over time, I discovered that my brain it was always going back to: I wish I had a better result from the university, assuming I had this best result, I would be succeeding, I would be able to achieve all these one, two, three, four, five things.
[00:09:12]My mind was always going back there. I want to tell you something that if you don’t keep track on what’s going on in your mind, the failures of the past will limit what you’re able to do in the future.
[00:09:27] I don’t know what the mistake that you made in the past is , but I want you to know that the past is the past and there is so much that is ahead of you. For example, you have a dream to have a business. You have a dream to have a life that is beautiful and are already on track for that. Now, if you’re you’re watching this, I know without a doubt that you’ve invested so much to be where you are today. That means that you are ahead of so many others that have dreams and they are not doing anything about it.
[00:10:06] Many of the people that I work with, many of the people that I talk to are doing some phenomenal things, but they just don’t see it as phenominal because they are still not able to achieve that one thing. They are not able to see themselves as successful. And in other for you to be able to hit success, you need to, first of all, see yourself internally as a success.
[00:10:33] And this is why I want to implore you and, if I can just hold you by the hand and I want to call you by names and say, I believe that there’s so much that you have for this world. I believe that you’re a genius.
[00:10:49] I didn’t believe that, until I began to tell myself that look, you are a genius.
[00:10:57] You are a genius. Now genius is not, we have different kind of geniuses. Some people are really, really super, super genius, you know? And when I hang out with people that are super genius, I bow. Okay. You know, because you know, there are so many, there are some people that are just so, great at the way they speak the way they, calculate mathematics, the way they do engineering, the way they do some of these really serious things. Okay. They are geniuses.
[00:11:25] However, I tell you what you are a genius. You just don’t know it yet. You don’t know which part of you is that genius, what part of you is. Now doesn’t mean that you’re the best in the world. You don’t need to be to be a genius.
[00:11:41]My own definition of being a genius is you’re able to do something so well more than a lot of people. Now, the problem that we have is a lot of times we don’t identify what that thing is. And so many of the times, because of the failures of the past, we start to look at other people, we start to compare ourselves with other people, and then you start to, shrink in your own instead of developing your own you join with the crowd You know, because everybody says, this is the best way to go. So you join with the crowd and you begin to go in that direction. But I want to encourage, I want to implore you that please pay attention to your internal dialogue. What’s going on in your mind, pay close attention to it. Okay. And when you begin to pay close attention to it, you start to notice that the, the mistake that you made 20 years ago is still plaguing you today.
[00:12:39] The mistake that you made 20 years, five years ago. 10 years ago is still affecting what you do today. And we have to make sure that we remove that because you see if you’re going to be able to to succeed in your project of having your business, go around the world. And that’s another thing go around the world.
[00:13:00] A lot of people don’t believe it. A lot of people would, see a limitation. Maybe you’re even one of them that you, you want to do something and you look at it that, Oh, it’s not possible. It’s not possible because I’m in, you know, a third world country or, or because I don’t have this type of computer or because I don’t, you know, excuses, excuses, But it’s not your fault because you know, the mind works. It’s like an auto program. Okay. The way the mind works, but that’s why you have to pay attention to your internal dialogue, where you pay attention to it. You’re able to, you know, begin to see the difference.
[00:13:42]The next point is you need to kill the negative thoughts and keep the positive.
[00:13:48]When I began to pay attention to my thoughts what I discovered was that. I didn’t realize that my failure in the university was still limiting my activities today. I didn’t do well in the university and so many other mistakes that I’ve made in life. Right. You know, I didn’t realize that they were already limiting me sometimes.
[00:14:13]A lot of times, the way shows up for me is tech. Okay. In my business or in something else that I’m doing. There’s something online that I need to do or there’s something in the technology, there’s it programmed that I need to use to do my business. Okay. And I’ll look at it and I’ll be like, Oh no, this thing is too. Okay. I can’t do it. Who says? The negative mindset that is still holding onto the hold things that happened in the past.
[00:14:42]If there are some things that happened in the past that you’re still holding onto, please let me tell you this. It’s going to keep you small. And I don’t want it to be because you were made huge, you were made great.
[00:14:57] You were created. Great. So it’s important that you begin to identify the negatives that are there, and then identify the positive and make up your mind that I’m going to kill the negative and keep the positive. Keep the positive thoughts all the time.
[00:15:16]In my Academy, many times I would say, go and do this.
[00:15:19] And then I get re response, from people that would say, it’s not possible, it’s not working. Trust me, pay attention to that. There’s a reason why it’s not working. There’s a reason there’s a negative mindset. There’s something in the mind that is allowing that is not allowing you to process the things that is before you you’re shutting it down because of the experience that you’ve had in the past.
[00:15:45]A lot of times I will call my husband and I will say, Oh, come and help me do this. This thing is not working. This is not working. And then he would just go there and he would press the apart. And he was good. and it’s working. Why did he work? How come it worked for him?
[00:15:59] And he didn’t work for me because of the internal dialogue. And I made up my mind, trust me,Olu you better wake up. You better wake up because the person that God made is different from the person that I’m seeing right now. And I want to say to you as well, I’m looking down because that’s where my comments are.
[00:16:16]I want to say to you, you’re a genius. I want you to please actually type it in the comments. If you believe it. Even if you don’t believe it, type it in the comments, say I am a genius type it in the comments. The only difference between the geniuses that we see that have made it, and I’ve made it big is because they didn’t keep quiet about theirs
[00:16:39] they didn’t keep quiet. They didn’t stop. They didn’t, hide away. And see, I listened to a video of this past week. This video, this man was physically challenged and somebody said to him, you should be a beggar. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine somebody telling another to be a beggar?
[00:17:01]It’s just unheard of, I was almost going to say it’s stupid. Let me not, let me not get too angry here,
[00:17:08] If you’re not,operating as a genius yet is not because of the fact that you’re not a genius is because you’ve not seen your micro, micro niche.
[00:17:17]You ‘ve seen that video to it annoying. It’s really bad, but you see the thing is no matter what, whether it is people that called us stupid or it’s people that are labeled you as an idiot, it doesn’t matter. What matters is what you do with the information because when somebody says something negative to you, it stays in your brain.
[00:17:41] And you begin to remember that, and that can keep you limited for life. Okay. But this man in the video was saying, look at me now, look at me now the same university that the professor told him that he should be a beggar. He came back there and was speaking. Okay.
[00:17:57]All those negative things that people have said to you in the past, they will keep you limited. If you don’t identify them and kill them. And keep only the positive andbegin to say good things about yourself. Begin to say to yourself that I’m a genius. I want you to look at yourself in the mirror every day and say, you know what?
[00:18:15] This is God’s creation. And this is a success waiting to happen. Look at me, dress up and shine. This is the way to do it. You look at yourself and you say, you know what? This is success waiting to happen in short, already happening. And you bring your swag into it.
[00:18:31] Why? Because you need to tell yourself, you need to kill that negative. If you don’t bring life, death will kill life. Okay. If you know that you can be starved of life, when there are no good words that have been spoken into your life, but you can’t wait. Okay. I believe in each one of you that is watching this, I believe in you, I believe that God has created you beautiful.
If you’re interested in how to believe you can succeed as an entrepreneur, you may also like what we covered last week below
[00:18:58]There’s nobody that I have personally worked with. Okay. There’s nobody in shot. There’s nobody that I have met that I don’t get fascinated by the way they think, by the way, they, they do their things, by the way, big personalities. Everybody is unique.
[00:19:14] So you must know that and identify the fact that I am a success. I am a genius. Okay.
[00:19:21] Now the last point that is now the one that is going to empower you to do all the things. Okay. Because see, the habit of thinking negative is one thing that a lot of people have, and they don’t know.
[00:19:35] A lot of excuses would show up. For example, I don’t have enough time to do something. Okay. You we were just talking about geniuses. Sometimes I ask myself people that are shining and are doing some really fantastic things in this world that we see. Look around, you’ll see some fantastic people. You know one thing that they have in their system? No room for excuse, nor room for excuse. Now, this is one thing that I am working on myself, and I want you to join me on that journey. And I want you to say every single time you think I don’t have time, you’ve already taken it into consideration that this is the journey that I want to go on. Okay. You’ve already started your business. You’ve already started your journey. You’ve already started the process of going there. Any excuse that comes up, that you begin to say, I don’t have time.
[00:20:29] Okay. You know what? I don’t have time for any, I don’t feel like there’s that. Trust me. There are only 24 hours in a day for every single person. Now, some people in their own one hour they make $1 in an hour. They have one head, they have two eyes, some maybe not even two eyes. Okay.
[00:20:52]Some other people in one hour they make $50,000 in one hour. $50,000. I was just reading a story this morning. Okay. And this man said he was struggling to make $10 an hour, he began to work on himself, develop himself. Now, you know what? $50,000 an hour. Now think about it this man does he have two heads? No! That’s the question I asked myself this morning, this man doesn’t have two heads. Now, it’s not just about the money, but we need the money right? There are so many of those things that you believe you want to live your life to do that needs money. And so if excuses will keep you locked up, you better turn those excuses into actions.
[00:21:45]As soon as an excuse comes up: I’m not feeling too well today. Trust me. It is an excuse. I have tested it in a lot of times. I will wake up in the morning and I feel like, no, I don’t feel like it today. As soon as you tell yourself, you don’t feel like it, your body begins to work towards that.
[00:22:05] And you would actually not feel like it, but as soon as you tell yourself no, no, I feel like it, I feel like it’s a good day, you just realize that from nowhere strength comes. There are times that you actually have health challenges that are real.
[00:22:20] Okay. And I’m not talking about those ones. But I’m talking about the mind, the mind sometimes wakes up. You’re like, you know what? Today’s not that day, please. It’s an excuse. That’s the day you do the opposite and you turn that excuse into action. What can I do?
[00:22:37]You’re trying to do technology like me, but as soon as you are trying to do it, you’re like it’s too challenging. That is another excuse joining up. You know what that excuse is saying? You’re not smart enough for this. You suddenly forget that God that made you said you were a genius.
[00:22:51]And then if you agree, you will not be able to do it. But what you tell yourself is what can I do to counter this? This excuse that is showing up.
[00:23:02] Many of those excuses, as we begin to pay attention to them, you will see that they are attached to that failure that you had in the past.
[00:23:09] And we want to let go of that. Okay.
[00:23:11]I have a very exciting announcements for you, but the one that I’m going to share with you today is I want to rebrand this Tuesday video series, and I’m going to turn this into a show trust me. It’s going to really be awesome.
[00:23:27]I’m going to have to bring some of you on and interview you and interview some really special people. So you can look out for that. And can I tell you the name of the show? Let me get some buzz in the comments, if anybody is interested in knowing the name of the show, please type yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes. So give me a thumbs up or something, you know,
[00:23:46] I want to know whether you’re excited to know about the show. Okay. I am very excited. Yes. Yes. Yes. fire fire, very good okay. Drum rolls, Drum rolls. So the name of the show is the story seller show. I can imagine you’re like, yes we saw it coming. The story seller show. Now this is going to be the place where I’m going to be talking a lot about how you can turn your story into so many fantastic things, impact, income support, influence and just making the world a better place. Okay.
[00:24:25]Yay! I see some dance emojis very good! It’s going to be fun. It’s going to be fun. Yes, yes, yes. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Very good.
[00:24:34] So again, I want you to believe that you can succeed.
[00:24:38]As you’re working hard to make sure that whatever it is that you’re doing, your impact and your income that it doesn’t stay limited. I want you to begin to challenge what you see about yourself. The limitation could be based on the past, but whatever it is, please believe that you can succeed.
[00:24:56] Story Sellersshow, I’m working in the background and it’s going to come out in a bang and we’re going to do this. And and there’s another exciting news that one, you will dance. You will really, really dance. There’s so much that has seen coming ahead.
[00:25:13] Okay. So prepare for your dancing shoes. I’m going to hang out in the, in the comments. I’d really love to hear from you. Send me dm, send me whatever it is that you want to send me.
[00:25:24] I’ll be very glad to help you because I want you to believe it. I wanted to change those excuses into actions. Okay. I want you to begin to advance in what you’re doing because the world needs you.
[00:25:36]In the communities and the groups, there are different prompts there. I want you to interact. When you believe that you are a genius, you don’t hide. Okay, you show yourself and you begin to solve problems. There are people in my groups, in my community.
[00:25:50]I brought everybody together in there. However, you can shine there. I want to see you shine. I want to begin to see you do some things. That’s why I’ve put some prompts. In all the community, if you’re here in the, in the group.
[00:26:03]For those of you on YouTube. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. All right. So have a great day everyone, and I’ll see you next week. Same time, same station. Bye-bye.