6 Months is Plenty Time To Achieve 2018 Goals, Keep Working With God #LJ071

canada photoIsn’t it awesome that 2018 is halfway done? I truly hope that you are having a great ride. My sons referred to the statement: ‘time flies when you are having fun’ on one of our trips recently, listen to the podcast to learn more.

I am glad that people are listening to Like Jesus podcast in more than 30 countries worldwide. However, I am always excited to meet someone that says the podcast is helping them. Thanks, everyone all over the world.

I hope and pray that the rest of the year will really be great for you and yours.  If you are in the middle of a crisis, it may be part of the plan. God knows what He is doing. God sometimes allows challenges because it strengthens our faith in Him. Like last year for my family, we went through a major challenge of a stroke. My hubby talked about what he learned from the stroke experience on his Bivo Podcast. If you haven’t listened to use this link. I will hopefully share my own experience one of these days as well.

One last thing I want to talk about today is your 2018 goals. You have about 6 months left. If you are truly ready to move to the next level, I believe you still have plenty of time. But if you believe you can’t also you won’t.

What do you think happens when successfully people get to a roadblock? They don’t usually turn around or stay there and cry, No! They figure out a way to overcome that huddle and keep moving. So is there something you can do right now differently? Pls. do. The world needs what you have.

This week, I will be putting out an offer for those that I will be working with one on one. I won’t share this publicly because I only want people that are ready to do the work, only 10 people. So if you are interested in knowing more about my program on finding your purpose, send me a message or leave a comment below and I will send you more information about it.

God bless and thanks for listening/reading.

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Get the Effective Quite Time Guide & Video series here

Ade Sobanjo at Bivo Podcast (What he learned in the Stroke Experience)

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