The struggle is real when it comes to live videos. Entrepreneurs are trying their best but just can’t seem to make pro-quality live videos.
At the same time, they are also wasting a lot of time and effort in creating low-quality videos that are not really worth it.
And so, even with a small, medium or large budget for marketing their products or services, entrepreneurs find themselves in a dilemma when it comes to video creation.
In this article, we will help you devise ways on how to create high-quality videos and even promote your products with the least amount of effort. This is where Live Streaming comes in
Live streaming has revolutionized online marketing by providing a unique experience that adds a human touch to it. It allows you to connect with your customers in an intimate way, giving them the opportunity to chat with you in real-time.
Live streams can be used in a number of ways:
Getting feedback from customers and fans about your product or service, to give you more data-driven insights that will help you improve on future iterations.
Educating consumers about your product by providing them useful information and tips.
Showcasing the best practices of using your product, or showing your customers how to use it.
Your live videos can also be used for customer support – being able to answer questions and guide them in real-time through your stream.
Giving tutorials on different aspects of your services such as software, design, and more.
First, let’s go over the fundamentals of live streaming and how you can immediately implement it in your business once you’re done reading.
Let’s dive right into it.
What is a live video?
A live video is basically when someone broadcasts through their screen while they’re doing something on their computer. The beauty of live streams is that you can interact with the person who’s streaming the video while they’re doing it.
The real-time interaction in this kind of video gives both parties a much more personal feel to it, allowing an entirely new level of connection that was not possible before this time.
It also allows for authenticity to shine through.
Although live streaming has been considered the norm in other aspects of online engagement, many entrepreneurs have not touched upon it much when it comes to their marketing strategies.
In fact, live streaming has been initially intended for gamers to share their gameplay experiences with fellow players.
However, the success of Twitch and other live broadcasting websites like YouTube Gaming and Facebook Live have shown that there is a huge market out there for live streaming videos.
Now, before you go ahead and start your own live streaming session to interact with your customers, let me give you some insight into the advantages of live streaming.
What is live streaming?
Live streaming is the process of broadcasting real-time video and audio to viewers over the Internet. There are many different methods broadcasters, social media users, companies, organizations, sports teams or individuals can use to stream live content online.
Live streaming requires a large amount of bandwidth in order to work well. Sometimes when you’re trying to watch a live stream it’s fuzzy or sometimes you’re not able to connect at all. This happens because everyone is using their Internet connection at the same time. In order for live streaming to work well, viewers need a fast Internet connection and the broadcaster needs a strong connection as well.
Live stream video quality can vary depending on your bandwidth speeds and the quality of your camera, meaning if your camera is the low-quality type you will have low-quality video.
Live streaming can be used for a variety of reasons from sharing events to providing an interview with a guest. People who use live streaming love the ability to create a connection with viewers, even if they’re thousands of miles away.
Where is the best place to go live?
The best place to go live depends on your business. You want to find a platform that your target audience already uses so you can get in front of them for free!
Of course, it’s important to note that Facebook Live is the most popular social media platform currently so it’s the best place for entrepreneurs who are just starting out with live streaming.
If you run a blog or podcast (which is another great way to start live streaming), then maybe YouTube Live would be the best place for you. Just make sure to read through the terms of service first!
Best practices for live streaming
1. Choose the right tool:
There are many tools out there to help you with your live streaming, but not all of them will work for every situation. If you’re trying to build a connection with your audience, then maybe Facebook Live would be the best place for you. Others like YouTube Live or IG Live might prove better for you depending on what type of business or event you’re trying to live stream.
2. Make sure your camera is pro-quality:
It’s hard for people to connect with something if it looks low quality, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend thousands of dollars on a camera! While there are some great cameras at higher prices, there are many good ones that are
3. Promote your live stream in advance:
If you’re just getting started with live streaming, one of the best ways to build your audience is by promoting your stream ahead of time. Post your plan for the stream on all social media platforms and send out press releases so people know when to tune in.
4. Focus on interacting with viewers:
Don’t be afraid to interact with your followers! Use comments before and during the live stream to communicate with your followers. The more you interact with them, the more familiar they become with you and trust your brand!
5. Think about your replay strategy:
Some platforms like Facebook Live will allow you to save videos for later, which is a great way to build up an audience before launching into a live stream.
6. Relax!
If you’ve followed all of these tips, you should have a great live stream going! It’s important to remember that the most important part is not the actual video but how much fun you’re having while doing it!
7. Create a plan for engagement:
What are your goals for the live stream? Are you trying to build a connection with your audience or are you doing it as an interview? Once you know why you’re using it, then pick the platform that’s best for promoting engagement.
8. Use comments:
The worst thing about streaming is not being able to communicate with followers! So use comments before and during the stream to build engagement and interact with your followers. The more you engage, the more familiar they become and trust your brand!
9. Include a call-to-action:
When your followers are watching your live stream, you want to give them a call to action! This means that you should ask them questions or give them prompts that will get them chatting with each other. Doing this will help build connections and strengthen their following while also growing yours!
10. Post the video after it’s done:
Some platforms, like Facebook Live, will allow you to post your videos after they’ve ended. This is an important feature because it saves time for you! If you’re using tools to do the live streaming, record everything beforehand so all you have to do is edit and post later on.
11. Keep people talking:
The more viewers are talking, the more likely it is that they’ll watch the video later on. So even if you’re not planning on staying in the conversation, you should always be active and interested!
12. Stick to a schedule:
If you have a consistent time of day when you do your live streams, people will plan around them! This is why scheduling is helpful because it lets you know when your audience will be available.
13. Extend the life of your live stream:
If you have other videos that are complementary to your live stream, then try linking them during the video or reposting the video afterwards. The more people are talking about it, the better!
Your small business needs to be using live streaming in order to stay relevant! It’s a great way to build connections with your audience and share your company
Live streaming ideas to get you started
Coming up with live streaming ideas for your small business is the most difficult part! Once you have a plan, try implementing it into your daily life at work. If you’re using Facebook Live, set up notifications to let you know when someone is watching your video. This will give you more of a purpose for doing it and keep you refreshed on how to engage with your followers!
Here are some live streaming ideas for you:
Retail live stream ideas:
- Opening a new store
- New product launch
- A behind the scenes look at your business
Education live stream ideas:
- A teacher’s perspective of day to day life in the classroom
- Back to school special
- Showing some fun activities from a field trip
Health and wellness live stream ideas:
- Daily motivation
- Explanation of a specific procedure
- A special announcement about an event or program
Restaurant live stream ideas:
- A tour of your menu
- Preparation for a special event or holiday
- Newly added drink to the menu
- Event live stream ideas:
- Q & A with your audience before an event
- Wrap up from an event you hosted
- Communicating important information about upcoming events
Nonprofit live stream ideas:
- Sharing stories from nonprofits you’ve visited
- A meet and greet with an ambassador or celebrity
- Live interview with a keynote speaker at your next event
- Business live stream ideas:
- Explaining the history of your company
- Marketing announcements for new products
- A Q&A with staff members about their roles
Salon and spa live streaming ideas:
- Doing a live “demo” on how to do a new service
- A step by step process of your signature treatment
- Nightlife and bars live streaming ideas:
- Promoting special events happening at your location
- Showing what goes into the making of their drinks and appetizers
- Recap from a special event at your location
- Business podcast ideas to promote with live streaming:
- Thoughts on a recent industry study
- Tips for what’s working for other companies in your industry
- Explaining some changes happening in the company and why they matter 12. Increase time spent on site by adding annotations: More views can be attained
Business to business (b2b) live streaming ideas:
- Sharing your company’s culture
- A behind-the-scenes look at what goes into making products
Benefits of Live Streaming for Your Business
Live streaming is a great way to create more loyal customers for your business, helping you increase customer retention and even sales.
- It allows you to easily share your content in real-time. It gives your prospects a sneak peek of the behind-the-scenes activities in your company.
- It allows you to provide information that is extremely valuable to your customers and prospects which will encourage them to engage with you more.
- It’s a great way to incorporate authenticity into your business since it provides a direct connection between you and your customers.
- It gives potential consumers access to exclusive videos that will keep them interested in what you’re doing.
- It allows your customers the opportunity to voice their opinions and ask questions about your product or service, which you can use to provide valuable insights later on.
How to Create Powerful Videos for Your Business
Now that we’ve covered why live streaming is important for your business, let’s talk about how you can create powerful videos for your business.
First and foremost, you’ll need to do your live streaming with the right tools.
Live streaming can be done through several platforms, like Facebook Live, YouTube Gaming or Periscope on Twitter.
However, you’ll create a more personal feel with your live stream if you do it directly from your computer.
You can easily share your screen by downloading software like ecamm, OBS or XSplit, which are some of the most popular streaming software.
For instance, if you’re a Mac user, then you can use a powerful tool called Ecamm.
If you have a PC, then OBS maybe your best simplest option when it comes to creating powerful live videos for your business.
One of the quickest and easiest ways to create a live stream that will grow your customer base is to directly interact with them and answer their questions in real-time.
If done properly, it can also improve the chances of your live videos going viral, which can mean greater brand exposure.
I know it sounds a little intimidating at first but once you get the hang of it, live streaming will become your favourite pastime.
Live streaming With the right tools
Live video is an excellent way for entrepreneurs to engage with their customers in real-time and what better way than with the right tools?
Taking these 3 steps will help you produce video like a pro in no time:
1) Buy or rent equipment,
2) Hire a remote live producer,
3) Do your research and learn about the software,
4) Learn about lighting for your setup.
I’ll take you through each step one by one so that you’re well on your way to becoming an expert at making professional quality live video content as an entrepreneur in your niche!
1) Buy Your Equipment
First of all, you’ll need to buy or rent your equipment.
What type of equipment will depend on the setup you want and the effect you’re going for. Most entrepreneurs choose between buying or renting their equipment.
If this is your first time doing live video, then I would recommend buying some basic equipment.
However, if you’re a veteran in the live streaming game and your camera setup is more advanced, then you’ll need to hire someone to help you with the technicalities of the equipment.
If you’re looking to buy some equipment here’s what I recommend:
A phone or laptop. This will serve as your screen to do your live.
An iPhone or a decent camera, or even your DSLR camera. You can also use an external webcam for this purpose.
A tripod to hold the camera in place while you stream on your phone via the software I mentioned earlier (Ecamm/OBS etc.).
Good lighting. This will be key to creating a professional environment for your live videos.
I would also recommend a green screen, which you can buy or rent depending on how long you’ll need it for.
If these sound like more advanced equipment then I would highly recommend hiring a professional to help you in this area. The better the camera quality and lighting, the better your stream will look.
2) Hire a Remote-Live Producer
Next, you’ll need to hire a remote live producer. If you have the budget for it, then this will take your videos to the next level.
The main difference between doing things yourself and hiring out is that you have more freedom to share your message while an expert runs the whole tech aspect of your live streaming. This way you avoid having to deal with the technical issue by yourself. You focus on what you do best and allow your producer to do theirs too.
A remote live producer’s job is to locally or remotely take over your production and create flawless live content for you while you shine on camera. They’ll also monitor your comments, questions and feedback.
They’ll also play music during your live videos to keep the audience engaged with you in an appealing way.
Here are some key things to look for when hiring a remote-live producer:
We recommend researching beforehand so that you don’t waste your money on someone who doesn’t suit your needs or is not a good fit for you.
We also recommend hiring someone who understands live video marketing and the right tools to use for it.
Once you’ve found the right one, get them to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) before proceeding so that you’re both protected.
If your budget is small–which it usually is for most entrepreneurs– then we recommend hiring someone who can only take care of the technical aspects for now and doing the rest yourself in the future.
3) Do Your Research and Learn About the Software
The final step in creating pro-quality live videos involves doing your research on how to use all of these tools mentioned above and more. Also, learn about lighting setups that will be suitable for you. There are tutorials online if you don’t know where to start.
Plus, this is what we cover in my Video Mastery Accelerator program.
In Conclusion…
So there you have it, everything you need to know about becoming a live video expert as an entrepreneur.
Live streaming is becoming more popular every day and if you want to stay relevant, then you need to be a part of it. That way your audience stays engaged with what you have to offer them.
Remember, it’s all about building trust and loyalty with your followers so that they’ll listen to everything you have to say when they see or hear something from you. And live videos are the best way for entrepreneurs like yourself to do this!
With these three easy steps outlined in this article, there’s no reason not to get started today!
I’ll love to hear from you, What is/was your biggest challenge in videos!
Why stream video in real-time?
Streaming video in real-time will allow users to watch what is happening live and react accordingly. This can be used for a multitude of purposes such as sports analysis, entertainment, news reporting, and marketing. These are just a few of the many ways streaming video in real-time can be used.
Ensure your live stream goes right
1. Set up your camera for a live stream
2. Follow instructions on your webcam software to ensure it is facing the right direction
3. Test that each of your cameras is showing up on the live stream
4. Share your broadcast to a desired viewer’s individuals streams
5. Connect the viewers with the chat room
6. Begin streaming!
Tired Of Information Overload & Ready To Get Hand Holding To Build Your Business?
Episode Transcripts:
Live streaming can connect you with your customers in a way that has never been done before? And guess what, today I want to talk about how live streaming can change the game for your business or for your career, your expertise, whatever it is that you know or you do and want to share with the world.
[00:00:18]If you’re watching this from YouTube, Please, don’t forget to subscribe and like this, if this is beneficial to you in one way or the other.
[00:00:27]Benefit #1: Connecting With Clients
So I know that a lot of people out there especially, right now are wondering what are some of the things that I can do to actually connect with real life customers, whether it’s new customers or potential customers.
[00:00:40] As a matter of fact, I was in a client meeting yesterday and we were trying to strategize on how my clients would connect more with existing customers and new customers. So this is going to really, really help you.
[00:00:55]Live streaming has become the game changer actually for a lot of people and a lot of businesses. And I’m sure that you’ve seen a lot of people go live and the very cool thing about it is.
[00:01:10]A lot of people are looking for stuff that you have stuff that you sell.
[00:01:16] I’m right here in Cornwall, Ontario. And I’m connecting right there with Lagos live.
[00:01:21]If you want to have your businesses all over the world and you want to be able to connect with people all around the world, live streaming has become the main thing.
[00:01:32] Now social media is where we all hang out. Back in the days we used to watch TV. I don’t even remember the last time I turned on the TV, maybe when it’s a major thing happening, when you want to know what’s going on with the elections and all that, but most of the times we’re on the phone and on the devices and that’s where your clients are hanging out. Potential and existing clients.
[00:01:53]So what you want to do is you want to see, how can I get in front of my clients and be able to bring my services to them, be able to bring what I do, what I know to them. Livestream. Live streaming is just the thing.
[00:02:08] Gloria was saying, I, although I sent you a message and haven’t gotten a response from you. I would really love to connect with you. I actually make efforts to check all the messages. So I’m really sorry if I have ignored your message.
[00:02:21] I don’t even know where it could be, but please send me a message. I’ll be very glad to connect with you. And that’s exactly what this is all about. I want you to be able to connect with your potential clients with people that need what you have.
[00:02:35] Live streaming is just it. Cos right now Gloria is in Lagos and I’m connecting with her from Canada here and we’re able to connect, you can comment and I can even respond and please feel free to DM me and I’ll be very glad to get back to you. Sometimes Facebook hide some of these comments and I don’t know where else to check.
[00:02:53]Benefit #2: Client Engagement
Engagements! Engagement is number one thing. I would not have known that Gloria sent me a message.
[00:03:01] I would not have known if not that Gloria and I are together in the same room at the same time, it feels like we’re in the same room at the same time. This is exactly what’s going to happen with your clients as well. You would be able to engage almost like a one-on-one. I have people that are watching live and I know other people are gonna watch this in the replay, but because of the fact that Gloria is right there and I’m here, she can tell me and I’m able to engage with her right there.
[00:03:29]Back in the days of blogs, most of this companies are represented by just a page on their websites and a picture and all that.
[00:03:37]But right now you can put a person behind a company and you can actually engage with your customers. You can engage with your clients. Not just send them a message, but you can actually respond.
[00:03:49]You want to be able to connect with your clients in, a way that is just, almost instantly.
[00:03:54]You increase customer engagement and connection.
[00:03:57] If you do videos say “videos” in the comments. If you do live videos, say “live” in the comments. I want to know who is doing live streams and who is not.
Benefit #3: Showcase Your Brand Beautifully
Another thing that livestream would do for you is it helps you to bring your brand out there.
[00:04:12]You can create a brand for yourself, for your business and for your expertise. So for example, immediately after this live stream, I have a client engagements that I’m going to be doing a rehearsal because live streaming is another service that I provide for my clients.
[00:04:28]We’re going to be doing the tech rehearsal for an event. So you have a product that you want to launch. You have an event in your business that you’re trying to carry out. Live streaming is a big game changer that can help you elevate your brand and present you to your clients, whether potential or existing clients, presents you to them as a real person and at the same time it presents your brand to your clients.
[00:04:52]Your brand colors, your logo, you have everything, all of this things you can bring into your livestream. For example, many times I’ll be doing a presentation and a lot of people that follow, what I do know that one of my main brand color is purple. So for example you can see that the name tag right there has my brand color. It has my name. It has all of these things, and you’re able to showcase your brand.
[00:05:16] Some of the times when I’m doing my presentations I would be teaching, I’ll be doing a presentation and other times I would want to just share my screen. And those times I could just do a presentation and show stuff like that and share some of the things that I’m going to be training.

[00:05:32]And you can bring all of these into your presentations. So these are things that you can do with your streaming, with your brand live streaming. You can bring your brand and people can connect a face to the brand.
[00:05:45] And then another thing is one that I started with, the idea of being able to engage with clients from all around the world. If you have a local business. A lot of people are pivoting right now.
Happy Birthday Mom
Shout out to my mom. My mom in law, whose birthday is today. Happy birthday, mom. If you’re watching this, we love you. We love you. Love you. Love you, love you. And today we actually connected with some businesses near her. And what we did, all of my siblings from different parts of the world did send her different things.
[00:06:16]If you want to say happy birthday to my mom, please write it in the comments as well. I’ll be very glad, I’m sure she would be glad to see that as well.
[00:06:23]I see happy birthday, mommy. Thank you. All of those companies just delivered goodies to her house.
[00:06:28]Those are great things, right? Now. If you have a business and you want to be able to extend the reach of your business, you want to be able to extend the reach of your services. You want to be able to serve people in Australia, New Zealand, in England, and in different parts of the world, you have to put live streaming into what you do now.
[00:06:48]My Video Production Service
One of the services that I provide is live streaming production. One of my clients is doing an event, and we’re going to be working together. All of the tech rehearsal and everything that needs to be done.
[00:06:58] We do that before the events and these are things that I provide for my clients.
[00:07:03]Now it’s also not so difficult to do, and that’s one other advantage. With all the devices that we have, you can just go live and you start to do your live streaming and you can connect with people from another continent.
[00:07:18]You cannot put live streaming on the side especially if you’re trying to build a business that is going to work. You want to do it. You want to really find a way to start to do live streaming.
[00:07:29]I need live streaming for my next event, please. I would definitely love to help you with that. Talk to me, I’ll, I’ll be very glad to help you.
[00:07:37]I saw the event that you did the last time you were. Showing a few clips, imagine having events like my client’s event on Thursday, it’s happening in a group and it’s happening on Facebook actually.
[00:07:49]And I’m going to be handling the connection from here. There’s a lot that can be done. On the backend and by the time it’s presented, it’s presented very beautifully.
[00:07:58]On the other hand it doesn’t have to be also fancy, if you’re just starting out. You can actually take your phone and you can actually record yourself live and you’re able to connect with your clients.
[00:08:10]Please don’t ignore live streaming. Live streaming is going to take your business events, church events, whatever it is to the next level.
[00:08:19]Now I’m sure people are wondering how can I do live streaming?
[00:08:23]Benefit #4: Multi Streaming
For live streaming there are ways that you can stream right from Facebook here you can stream at the same time to YouTube.
[00:08:31] I have softwares that I use for that. You can actually be in multiple places at the same time. So whether your clients are on Instagram or on Facebook or on YouTube, even LinkedIn now has livestream. You have everybody watching from different parts of the world and they can connect with you.
[00:08:51]Benefit #5: New Partner Connection
One other major advantage that a lot of people don’t realize, and I’m going to take time to explain this one. When you have a small business you want to take that business to the next level, some of the times you would be looking for partners. I have some partners that I work with already. Some companies that I work with already and in the next couple of weeks you’re going to be seeing me bringing up all sorts of business brands and partners, companies that I already partner with.
[00:09:20] What live streaming can do for your business. Also all for you is you can get sponsors for your events. My sister Erica was just talking about her events. You can get sponsors for your events. You can do, you can live stream and connect with new and potential business partners and I’m talking companies.
[00:09:43]I have a friend that actually did a presentation like this on her phone, nothing fancy and she got a call from Google to come do a presentation. In short, this lady is the lady that introduced me to livestream. She was like you know what? You have to start doing live streaming.
[00:09:59]Shout out to Jen Kovak. They called her to come do a presentation from Google and Google flew her in. There was another day. She said, you know, she got another call from was it voice of America or, or BBC one of those British stations, why did I say voice of America when I’m thinking British.
[00:10:18]Pardon me. They called her and said can you be in the studio in one hour or something? And she was like one hour. And that was it. That’s how she got the connection to go speak in the radio station. I don’t know whether it was radio or TV. This is the kind of thing that you can do with live streaming.
[00:10:35]There are companies that are looking for people like you. There are companies that are looking for people that sell products that you sell. There are companies that are looking to partner with you and use you as maybe their brand ambassador or something like that and you will be able to connect with them and showcase their products for them.
[00:10:53]Like I said, In the couple of weeks, you are going to be seeing me promote different companies that I already partner with. Most of the people that I would bring to you would be people that I already, use their products and I already buy their products, so you will see some of these things that you can actually do for yourself as well.
[00:11:12] Are you convinced or not. Because I want you to know that if you can just start to do live streaming? You would definitely be able to elevate your business to the next level.
[00:11:23] Benefit #6: Reduced Marketing Cost
One of the thing is cost of marketing. If you have a business you already know that cost of marketing is something else. I was in a client meeting yesterday, and my clients was talking about how facebook marketing and the budgets that they need to have small business just starting out small business, Facebook marketing, $300 per week. Okay. $300 and you’re just starting.
[00:11:51]Imagine being able to slash that in half, imagine being able to slash the $1,200, that’s $1,200 that you would have spent on facebook marketing. Imagine if you can do live streaming to promote your products as against spending all of the money. You still need to spend on marketing for sure, but if there’s a way to minimize that and actually do more like connecting with your client at the same time while saving money, why not?
[00:12:23]Tips For Starting
I have to say that at the beginning of doing live streaming, there’s a little bit of getting used to. There’s a learning curve. First of all a lot of times, we’re shy and we’re camera shy and all those kins of things.
[00:12:36] And I don’t want to put my face on camera, after a while you get over that, because practice makes it easy for you to get a hang of that. And then there’s also the tech set up. There are some things that you need to do. Like you need to have a good mic. Even if you’re starting out, if you have a very good phone, you can use just that phone and you’ll be okay.
[00:12:56] As long as the noise in the background is not too much. Even if it is just one of those phone, ear pieces that comes with the phone. That is a better mic than just the normal phone, because a lot of people will be listening in their ears.
[00:13:11] So you want to have good quality sound for them.
[00:13:14] Now, if you’re watching this or you’re listening to this I want you to rate my sound. I’d like to hear what the sound is like for you.
[00:13:22]Right now I use this mic here is called a blue Yeti mic. I’m going to do another training on all of the setup that I have for live streaming. If you want to see my setup for live streaming, if you want to know more about what I do for live streaming, please put it in the comments.
[00:13:40]Q & A
Gloria says with live streaming, how do one convince and get more clients without a fancy track record to showcase. Very good. Now? The first thing is convincing is a big word.
[00:13:52]You want to solve the problem that the client has. First of all, instead of thinking about it as convincing, what I would suggest that you do is you find out the problem that the client is trying to solve. For example, my mom’s birthday is today.
[00:14:09] And what we wanted was we needed somebody that would bring something really nice to her, and so it doesn’t matter, as long as you now present yourself as the person that is able to provide that solution, all we have to do is just be able to connect with you like this. Flyers are great.
[00:14:28] But flyers are just that 2D, but when the people are able to connect with you like this, then they feel like they know you. They feel like I think I know this person. It even almost sometimes supersedes referrals.
[00:14:42]Because when somebody feels they’ve been seeing you, they’ve been watching you. You know how when you go out on the streets and you meet the actors, Do you not feel like you know the actors, do you not feel like I’ve connected with the person because I was watching their movie.
[00:14:56]This is the same kind of thing. So you now bring the benefits of your product to them. My product is able to do XYZ for you. My product is able to take away this pain of wondering what you’re going to give your loved one that is having their birthday in Nigeria. So for example, if you have a business that you do in Lagos you can livestream and market to people across the world to buy it for their family members in Nigeria or in America or wherever it is that your business is at.
[00:15:30] So if you have a small business, all you just have to do is just showcase your businesses, the fact that you don’t have fancy track records doesn’t mean that you cannot help them.
[00:15:41]These are kind of the things that I do with my coaching clients in the Academy and all that. But, but I want you to see that the fact that you don’t have fancy track record we have to, first of all, remove that mindset. In short, I was in a client meeting yesterday and we’re talking exactly the same thing, even though I don’t have a fancy website and I don’t have fancy testimonials on my websites and all of that. If that’s you it’s okay. As long as you have the confidence that your product or your service can solve the problem that this person has.
[00:16:14] You don’t need to have any problem bringing that out and all you just have to do is just bring yourself out on a video like this, and the person begins to see you as the go-to person for them.
[00:16:27]Live streaming makes it easy.
[00:16:28]Now you will fumble and make a few mistakes at the beginning and that’s fine.
[00:16:33] That’s human. And that even helps people to feel they know you better because it’s real. It’s not like the organized videos and the really designed videos, they have their own place. However, the livestream has a place of showing; this is who I am. This is what I can do, and I can do so much more.
[00:16:52]Gloria says, thank you so much. You’re very welcome.
[00:16:55]So I’m, I’m really glad to have you all join me today. Again if you want to know more about how to set your system up for live streaming.
[00:17:06] Please put in the comments and I will do another training that is going to talk about the gears and the tools and the softwares that I use to make it even more fancy. But really for basic, you really don’t need to do too much, you just go out with your basic Facebook account, you can do so much more, but if you want to know more about this.
[00:17:27] Marker
Please put it in the comments.
[00:17:30] All right