
I believe Your Amazing Offers and Products Deserve to Transform more people! 

Because your MESSAGE MATTERS, YOU deserve to be trusted!

Our Services For Local Business Owners and Professionals

reputation management

Your business reputation is your number 1 asset! Build it, protect it, and leverage it!  Time to turn those customers into your fan club!


Not sure where to start or Have No time or energy to do new videos? No worries! We'll help you create videos that easily sells your offer with our Done-With-You or Done-For-You Content Creation Masterminds

Because You DESERVE More Clients...
Hello! I'm Olu Sobanjo

I believe that your message matters and I believe you should be rewarded for your efforts. 

If you're a matured female coach and consultant who's sick and tired of struggling to convert clients online and want a simple rinse and repeat process to attract clients with videos.

Super excited to share how our clients have 2x to 10x their video conversion and how you can do the same. 

Don’t wait! Look at what past students have to say...

Anu Tähemaa

TEDx Speaker

I felt like a Queen on the TEDx stage...

"The coaching is incredibly important, and TEDx is not something you can do alone. When Olu offered me a 15-minute treatment, I felt seen and cared for. It's not just about the knowledge gained, as my family couldn't fully understand my struggles in this journey. The support, knowledge, and mindset shift provided by her coaching - crucial, and when I was on stage, I felt like a queen."

Tammy Mosley

DYL Method

 I saw a surge in sales...

"prior to working with Olu, I was struggling with my video content as a detox specialist. With Olu's guidance, I clarified my message, developed a proprietary system, and learned how to create engaging video content that resulted in increased lead generation and sales. The investment in Olu's coaching quickly paid off, as I gained trust, saw a surge in sales, and went from being a hidden hero to a respected expert in my field."

Annette Unigwe

Midlife Makeover Method

I highly recommend...

"When the student is ready, the teacher appears." Olu's boot camp, was like a dream come true. It has been an intense but worthwhile experience, allowing me to acquire knowledge and practical skills for online visibility. If you're seeking personal growth and the best version of yourself, I highly recommend taking this course and connecting with someone like Olu who will inspire and support you even beyond the program. Thank you, Olu!"

Tricia Millice

Clutter to Clarity

Finally found my audience...

"Olu Sobanjo helped me find my audience finally. She is amazing at what she does!! A lot of my wins happened because of what I have learned from her about going live and speaking to the right people. 🙂 So grateful to have met her"

Karen Kitt

Soul Prosperity

 I felt that she heard me

"Working with Olu was very clarifying, very nurturing. I felt that she heard me in a way that others hadn't before. And we just really got a lot of work done where I could really begin to identify my ideal client, her pains, her desires, and what makes me different in terms of the person they choose to offer a solution. I just wanna say thank you, Olu.
Thank you for the confidence that you give me. Thank you for the authority that I felt going through the exercises"

Suzzy Sone

Suzzy Muke Tips

I was confused when it came to marketing...

"Olu’s video program helped to me craft my message in a way that got my target audience to taking action. I was confused when it came to marketing my business I wasn't sure I would ever understand the psyche behind the monetization of my videos, but this program gave some outstanding support and answers. It kept me on track and accountable. I definitely recommend Olu’s program"

Featured in:

"Thank you for delivering such a stimulating presentation on "How to Use Live Videos to Grab Attention, Build Trust & Sell More" inside of Reclaiming Your Time Facebook group with Cathy DeNooyer. We simply loved the way you showed up: relaxed, confident, and relatable as you shared your expertise with the audience. It's been coined that a picture can say 1,000 words; however, you've shown how to instantly move into star-quality using live videos."

Empress Judith Smith

Reclaiming Time & Space

You Deserve More Clients From Your Videos

Your video efforts deserve to be profitable even if your audience is small. Want to know where you stand?

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