100th Episode Giveaway

Its time to celebrate and I’ve also got something incredibly exciting to share with you!

I often get asked about my one-on-one coaching and so, in honour of my 100th episode I wanted to create something extra special. That’s why I’m giving one person the opportunity to get laser coaching from me, for 5 days. I will create with you a plan towards your first $5k income as a coach, from idea to launch.

If you are the winner, you get to work one on one with me on your idea/business. (You’re going to love it) 

From Day 1-5, we will meet and spend 45 mins each day together, taking a deep dive into your entire business/idea.

We’ll look at everything: your idea, your messaging, your positioning, your products, programs, offers, all of it. I will give you my insights, my feedback, and advice to help you take your coaching business/idea to the next level.

Sound good?

Subscribe and Listen to Like Jesus Podcast on iTunes or Google Play or to Listen now use the green triangle below: 

How to Enter The 100th Episode Contest

  • STEP ONE: Make a short video (under 3 minutes) in which you tell me…
  • What you do (or your coaching business idea)
  • Why you would be a good candidate for a deep dive with me
  • What you hope to get out of spending 5 days with me.
  • STEP TWO: Post your video on YouTube and enter the following in the description in the video note: https://www.olusobanjo.com Olu Sobanjo’s Like Jesus Podcast Contest
  • STEP THREE: Post the link to your video in the comments on the blog below.

If you want to take it one step further, share your video on social media with the link to our contest page (https://www.olusobanjo.com/100th-episode-giveaway/) and use the hashtag #OlusCoachingGiveaway  

(Sharing your video on social media isn’t 100% necessary. I know some of you might feel like you don’t want to put yourself out there that much just yet. But I would really appreciate it if you did!)

Okay, those are the ground rules. If you want some real insight into how to make your entry as compelling and convincing as possible for my team & I, keep reading…

Who Should Enter This Contest

My offer of coaching is good for someone with a desire to package their expertise into a premium coaching program. You may have been helping friends for a while and many have told you to start a coaching or counseling business. It’s good for someone that’s just starting out. You may have created some contents on a platform and you may already be delivering content to your audience regularly or you are at the stage where you are seriously considering creating a content that can be monetized.

If you know what you want to offer, you’ve started to build out your foundation such as creating consistent content or you’ve got a blog or podcast, videos, then you too are a good candidate for this contest. You don’t need to be well established in your business for me to choose you for this special opportunity.

Now here are some pointers for creating your entry: 

  • In the video you make, I want you to not just tell me about yourself, but really show me what you’re about. Get as creative and expressive as you feel comfortable.
  • This isn’t a “technology” contest–I’m not going to pick somebody just because they used a lot of fancy video effects–but if video production is your thing, then go for it! Do whatever helps you express yourself the most.
  • My team and I will select one winner based on your initiative, your willingness to put yourself out there, your enthusiasm, and your ability to communicate clearly what you do and what you want to get out of this time together.
  • You have until Sunday April 14, to post your video.
  • All video entries must be posted in the comments of this show note (below) by Sunday, April 14, at 11:59 p.m. EST.
  • We will announce the winner on Monday, April 22, by putting it into the show notes here and, of course, contacting the winner. Aaaand I will probably be talking about it all around social media, because I’ll be way too excited to keep it inside!

Don’t Be Shy!

I know it’s a big step to put yourself out there with this whole video entry thing. But I really want to encourage you to do so! This opportunity to coach with me and put a laser focus on you and your business could be business-changing and life-changing! I promise I will make it worth your time.

I’d also like to take a minute to thank you immensely for following me on my journey of creating this podcast. It truly is one of the most favourite things I do. It has probably made the biggest impact in my ability to reach bigger audience and connect with you and grow my business overall.

Thank you so very much for letting me do what I love. I cannot wait to continue this podcast with more and more episodes about engaging God’s purpose and building your coaching business in a world-transforming way and all the cool stuff I get to talk about.

Here’s to the next 100 episodes!

And I cannot wait to see what you create in your own business…starting with your videos!

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